REE Sorption Study of Seived -50 +100 Mesh Fraction of Media 1 in Brine 1 at Different Concentrations of REE at 70C
This dataset shows the sorption capacities of smaller grain size (-50 +100 mesh) of media #1 in brine #1 at different starting concentrations of REE's at elevated temperature of 70C. The experimental conditions are 2g of -50 +100 mesh media #1 to 150mL of REE solution at concentrations of .2ppm each, 2ppm each, and 20ppm each. The pH of the solution is 5.5, and the temperature was at 70C.
Citation Formats
Tusaar Corp.. (2015). REE Sorption Study of Seived -50 +100 Mesh Fraction of Media 1 in Brine 1 at Different Concentrations of REE at 70C [data set]. Retrieved from
Garland, Gary, and . REE Sorption Study of Seived -50 +100 Mesh Fraction of Media 1 in Brine 1 at Different Concentrations of REE at 70C. United States: N.p., 29 Jun, 2015. Web. doi: 10.15121/1223888.
Garland, Gary, & . REE Sorption Study of Seived -50 +100 Mesh Fraction of Media 1 in Brine 1 at Different Concentrations of REE at 70C. United States.
Garland, Gary, and . 2015. "REE Sorption Study of Seived -50 +100 Mesh Fraction of Media 1 in Brine 1 at Different Concentrations of REE at 70C". United States.
@div{oedi_6818, title = {REE Sorption Study of Seived -50 +100 Mesh Fraction of Media 1 in Brine 1 at Different Concentrations of REE at 70C}, author = {Garland, Gary, and .}, abstractNote = {This dataset shows the sorption capacities of smaller grain size (-50 +100 mesh) of media #1 in brine #1 at different starting concentrations of REE's at elevated temperature of 70C. The experimental conditions are 2g of -50 +100 mesh media #1 to 150mL of REE solution at concentrations of .2ppm each, 2ppm each, and 20ppm each. The pH of the solution is 5.5, and the temperature was at 70C.}, doi = {10.15121/1223888}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2015}, month = {06}}
Data from Jun 29, 2015
Last updated Jul 11, 2017
Submitted Sep 17, 2015
Tusaar Corp.
Gary Garland
Original Source Areas
geothermal, media 1, brine 1, elevated temperature 70C, -50 100 seived, pH 5.5, Shakertable, media #1, brine #1, -50 +100 seived, 70C, sorption, shaker table, shaker test, shaker bath, sequestration, REE, rare earth elements, recovery, extraction, mineral recovery, brine, brine study, chemistry, aqueous chemistry, seiveDOE Project Details
Project Name Environmentally Friendly Economical Sequestration of Rare Earth Metals from Geothermal Waters
Project Lead Holly Thomas
Project Number EE0006751