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Brady Geothermal 1D Seismic Velocity Model
This submission contains an ASCII text file of seismic velocities derived from ambient noise cross-correlation used to create a model of seismic velocity as a 1-D function of depth in addition to a quarterly report describing the creation and use of the model. Model uses 28 Green'...
Matzel, E. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Feb 17, 2015
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Bradys Hot Springs Ambient Noise Correlation Functions (Initial Waveforms)
These files are ambient noise correlation (ANC) functions calculated for 11 days of continuous seismic data recorded by the Lawrence Berkeley network in the Brady geothermal field. These are SAC formatted seismic waveforms. The stations included are BPB04, BPB05, BPB07, BPB08, BP...
Matzel, E. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Jul 01, 2015
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Utah FORGE: Well 16A(78)-32 Core-Flooding Experiment Results
This dataset contains core-flood experimental results from the Utah FORGE project, generated through laboratory tests at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The experiments were conducted at temperatures of 100C and 200C using core samples from the 16A(78)-32 well. The primary...
Smith, M. et al Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Apr 04, 2024
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Geomechanical Modeling for Thermal Spallation Drilling
Wells for Engineered Geothermal Systems (EGS) typically occur in conditions presenting significant challenges for conventional rotary and percussive drilling technologies: granitic rocks that reduce drilling speeds and cause substantial equipment wear. Thermal spallation drilling,...
Walsh, S. et al Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Aug 24, 2011
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Thermal Drawdown Induced Flow Channeling in Fractured Geothermal Reservoirs: Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering
We investigate the flow-channeling phenomenon caused by thermal drawdown in fractured geothermal reservoirs. A discrete fracture network-based, fully coupled thermal "hydrological" mechanical simulator is used to study the interactions between fluid flow, temperature change, and t...
Fu, P. et al Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Nov 15, 2015
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Thermal Drawdown-Induced Flow Channeling in a Single Fracture in EGS
The evolution of flow pattern along a single fracture and its effects on heat production is a fundamental problem in the assessments of engineered geothermal systems (EGS). The channelized flow pattern associated with ubiquitous heterogeneity in fracture aperture distribution caus...
Guo, B. et al Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Nov 15, 2015
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1 Resources
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