Bradys Hot Springs Ambient Noise Correlation Functions (Initial Waveforms)
These files are ambient noise correlation (ANC) functions calculated for 11 days of continuous seismic data recorded by the Lawrence Berkeley network in the Brady geothermal field. These are SAC formatted seismic waveforms. The stations included are BPB04, BPB05, BPB07, BPB08, BPRT1, BPRT2, BPRT3, BPRT5, BRB10, BRP01, BRP02, BRP03, BRP04, BPR06, and BRP09
The original data were cut into hour long traces and processed by differentiating, removing the mean, removing the trend, applying a 1% taper, whitening, removing the mean and trend again, and converting to single bit traces.
The data were then correlated with those from other stations and stacked. The resulting files were then named according to the convention:
The days included are from records during 2013 (julian days, 200,220-229).
The ANC correlations were calculated on the raw data traces (without instrument corrections applied) to assess the quality of the signal as a function of frequency throughout the network. The data were recorded at 500 Hz. We observe high quality signals 30 Hz on all traces, and measurable signal up to 80 Hz on a subset of the traces.
Citation Formats
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. (2015). Bradys Hot Springs Ambient Noise Correlation Functions (Initial Waveforms) [data set]. Retrieved from
Matzel, Eric, and . Bradys Hot Springs Ambient Noise Correlation Functions (Initial Waveforms). United States: N.p., 01 Jul, 2015. Web. doi: 10.15121/1196283.
Matzel, Eric, & . Bradys Hot Springs Ambient Noise Correlation Functions (Initial Waveforms). United States.
Matzel, Eric, and . 2015. "Bradys Hot Springs Ambient Noise Correlation Functions (Initial Waveforms)". United States.
@div{oedi_6799, title = {Bradys Hot Springs Ambient Noise Correlation Functions (Initial Waveforms)}, author = {Matzel, Eric, and .}, abstractNote = {These files are ambient noise correlation (ANC) functions calculated for 11 days of continuous seismic data recorded by the Lawrence Berkeley network in the Brady geothermal field. These are SAC formatted seismic waveforms. The stations included are BPB04, BPB05, BPB07, BPB08, BPRT1, BPRT2, BPRT3, BPRT5, BRB10, BRP01, BRP02, BRP03, BRP04, BPR06, and BRP09
The original data were cut into hour long traces and processed by differentiating, removing the mean, removing the trend, applying a 1% taper, whitening, removing the mean and trend again, and converting to single bit traces.
The data were then correlated with those from other stations and stacked. The resulting files were then named according to the convention:
The days included are from records during 2013 (julian days, 200,220-229).
The ANC correlations were calculated on the raw data traces (without instrument corrections applied) to assess the quality of the signal as a function of frequency throughout the network. The data were recorded at 500 Hz. We observe high quality signals 30 Hz on all traces, and measurable signal up to 80 Hz on a subset of the traces.
}, doi = {10.15121/1196283}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2015}, month = {07}}
Data from Jul 1, 2015
Last updated Feb 6, 2018
Submitted Jun 30, 2015
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Eric Matzel
Original Source Areas
geothermal, ambient noise correlation, seismic, Brady Geothermal Field, seismic waveforms, ambient noise Brady geothermal, brady, bradys hot springs, porotomo, ANC, functionsDOE Project Details
Project Name PoroTomo Project
Project Lead William Vandermeer
Project Number EE0006760