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Utah FORGE: Area LiDAR Bare Earth DEM Mosaic
This is a mosaic of 154 bare earth DEM panels (0.5 m resolution) acquired during Phase II of the Utah FORGE project. The DEM covers the western Mineral Mountains and adjoining basin including the Roosevelt Hot Springs area. The coordinates are in UTM Zone 12, NAD 83 and elevation ...
Nash, G. Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Aug 07, 2018
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1 Resources
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Reference Model 1 Scaled Geometry (RM1: Tidal Current Turbine)
Contains the Reference Model 1 (RM1) scaled scale geometry files of the Tidal Current Turbine, developed by the Reference Model Project (RMP). These scaled geometry files are saved as SolidWorks assembly, IGS, and STEP files, and require a CAD program to view. The scaled RM1 devic...
Neary, V. and Hill, C. Sandia National Laboratories
Sep 30, 2014
8 Resources
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8 Resources
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Reference Model 1 Full Scale Geometry (RM1: Tidal Current Turbine)
Contains the Reference Model 1 (RM1) full scale geometry files of the Tidal Current Turbine, developed by the Reference Model Project (RMP). These full scale geometry files are saved as SolidWorks assembly, X_T, IGS, and STEP files, and require a CAD program to view. This data was...
Neary, V. et al Sandia National Laboratories
Sep 30, 2014
7 Resources
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7 Resources
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Tidal Current Cross-flow Turbine Wake ADV and PIV Data
Measurements in the wake of a high-solidity cross-flow turbine in a laboratory flume obtained using Acoustic Doppler Velocimetry and Particle Image Velocimetry for the purposes of characterizing the turbine wake and comparing the methods.
Polagye, B. University of Washington
Dec 06, 2016
6 Resources
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6 Resources
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ADCP Acoustic Interference Survey Data, Sequim Bay Inlet, WA
Raw ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) datasets from acoustic interference surveys with a TRDI Workhorse 300, a Nortek Signature500 and two Signature1000 instruments from August 2020. One Signature 1000 ADCP was deployed for 13 days on a bottom lander in Sequim Bay Inlet, WA...
McVey, J. and Cavagnaro, R. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Aug 13, 2020
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1 Resources
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Lidar DTU SpinnerLidar Reviewed Data
Scaled Wind Farm Technology (SWiFT) Facility meteorological tower (MET), turbine, and Technical University of Denmark (DTU) SpinnerLidar data acquired on 20161216 UTC during a neutral atmospheric boundary layer inflow at a single focus distance of 2.5 D (D=27 m).
Kelley, C. and Naughton, B. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Dec 15, 2016
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1 Resources
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Lidar HilFlowS LLNL ZephIR300 WOP Processed Data
The ZephIR300 is a continuous wave LIDAR with a range of 10 m to 300 m. During HilFlowS the ZephIR300 was programmed to measure from 10 m to 150 m. In addition, the ZephIR300 provided a measurement at 1 m height using an onboard meteorological sensor. The ZephIR300 ...
Wharton, S. and , . Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Jul 07, 2019
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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Lidar HilFlowS LLNL ZephIR300 MOP Processed Data
The ZephIR300 is a continuous wave LIDAR with a range of 10 m to 300 m. During HilFlowS the ZephIR300 was programmed to measure from 10 m to 150 m. In addition, the ZephIR300 provided a measurement at 1 m height using an onboard meteorological sensor. The ZephIR300 ...
Wharton, S. and , . Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Jul 07, 2019
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1 Resources
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Admiralty Inlet, WA Tidal Current Turbulence
Tripod and mooring data using acoustic doppler velocimeter (ADV) and acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) of tidal turbulence.
When using the data, please cite the J. Oceanic Eng. paper included in this submission, and please contact Jim Thomson prior to submitting publication...
Thomson, J. Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center
Feb 01, 2011
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Pacific Marine Energy Center Laser Doppler Velocimetry Commissioning
First commissioning data for the new laser doppler velocimetry (LDV) system that will be used at the Tyler Flume at the University of Washington. The LDV system can measure three components of velocity at a point. For this dataset the three components were operated in non-coincide...
Williams, O. University of Washington (NNMREC)
Mar 01, 2022
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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Utah FORGE: Area Terrain Slope Data
This archive contains a terrain slope image, in units of degrees, of the Utah FORGE area near Roosevelt Hot springs. The data was derived from 0.5 m resolution LiDAR DEM data and is in a GeoTiff format. It was processed using ArcGIS.
Nash, G. Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Dec 10, 2018
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1 Resources
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Lidar HilFlowS LLNL WindCube v2 EOP Processed Data
The WindCube v2 is a pulsed LIDAR and uses four beams sent in succession in the four cardinal directions along a 28°scanning cone angle to measure horizontal velocity and wind direction. A fifth beam is sent in the vertical direction to measure vertical velocity. Me...
Wharton, S. and , . Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Jul 07, 2019
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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Nevada Play Fairway Sou Hills Geodatabase and Modeling Data
This package contains data and metadata for 2-meter temperature probe survey, gravity, LiDAR, slip dilation, well headers, play fairway modelling, and ArcGIS geodatabase resources.
This project focused on defining geothermal play fairways and development of a detailed geothermal ...
Faulds, J. Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology
Aug 25, 2018
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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Admiralty Inlet Hub-Height Turbulence Measurements from June 2012
This data is from measurements at Admiralty Head, in Admiralty Inlet. The measurements were made using an IMU equipped ADV mounted on a mooring, the 'Tidal Turbulence Mooring' or 'TTM'. The inertial measurements from the IMU allows for removal of mooring motion in post processing....
Kilcher, L. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jun 18, 2012
7 Resources
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7 Resources
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Geologic Map, Granite Springs Valley, Nevada Play Fairway Analysis
Geologic map associated with the Nevada Play Fairway project. Includes Sinter and Tufa location, slip and dilation tendency, Quaternary faults, and LiDAR.
Faulds, J. Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology
Sep 14, 2017
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1 Resources
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Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) data from the University of New Hampshire Atlantic Marine Energy Center (UNH-AMEC ) Tidal Energy Test Site during a Perigean Spring Tide
The ADV measurements contained in this submission were taken on the floating turbine deployment platform (TDP) located at the Memorial Bridge in Portsmouth, NH. The measurements were conducted 11/4/2021-11/9/2021 with the fastest currents occurring on 11/7/2021. Along with the sub...
Bichanich, M. and Wosnik, M. University of New Hampshire, Atlantic Marine Energy Center (AMEC)
Nov 09, 2021
4 Resources
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4 Resources
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West Flank Coso FORGE Digital Elevation Model and Geology Shapefiles
Geologic ArcGIS data of West Flank Coso, Ca FORGE site from a unpublished map by Rich Whitmarsh. The zip file includes a DEM, hillshade and four shapefiles of the general outlines of FORGE area.
Blankenship, D. Sandia National Laboratories
Dec 21, 2015
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1 Resources
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Velocity and Turbulence Measurements at Three Locations in the Salish Sea, WA, 2017
This submission contains raw and processed datasets of water velocity and turbulence measurements from 3-day deployments of Deepwater Buoyancy StableMoor buoys carrying acoustic Doppler instrumentation at locations in Rosario Strait, Bellingham Channel, and Tacoma Narrows, WA in 2...
McVey, J. and Kilcher, L. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Jul 24, 2017
12 Resources
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12 Resources
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Admiralty Inlet, WA Tidal Currents
Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) data from seafloor tripods in Admiralty Inlet, Puget Sound, Washington. Data collected from April 2009 through December 2012.
When using the data, please cite the J. Oceanic Eng. paper included in this submission, and please contact Jim Tho...
Thomson, J. Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center
Apr 01, 2009
15 Resources
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15 Resources
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UNH TDP Concurrent Measurements of Inflow, Power Performance, and Loads for a Grid-Synchronized Vertical Axis Cross-Flow Turbine Operating in a Tidal Estuary
This data was collected between October 12 and December 15 of 2021 at the University of New Hampshire (UNH) and Atlantic Marine Energy Center (AMEC) turbine deployment platform (TDP). This data set includes over 29 days of grid connected turbine operation during this 65 day time f...
Wosnik, M. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Dec 21, 2021
30 Resources
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30 Resources
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Tidal Energy Resource Characterization, Velocity and Turbulence Measurements, Processed Data, Cook Inlet, AK, 2021
This submission contains processed datasets from a long-term deployment of 3 moorings and a transect survey of the proposed tidal energy site off the East Forelands in Cook Inlet, AK.
The long-term mooring datasets were created from 8 instruments mounted on a Terrasond High Ener...
McVey, J. and Kilcher, L. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Aug 31, 2021
28 Resources
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28 Resources
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Rooftop Photovoltaic Technical Potential in the United States
This data submission contains a workbook with data, and three sets of shapefiles that correspond to that data. Contact: Meghan Mooney, The workbook contains data that underlies the 2016 technical report Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Technical Potentia...
Gagnon. . et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 05, 2019
5 Resources
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5 Resources
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GeoDAWN: Airborne magnetic and radiometric surveys of the northwestern Great Basin, Nevada and California
This submission encompasses the airborne magnetic and radiometric survey data from the northwestern Great Basin in Nevada and California, collected under the GeoDAWN initiative: Geoscience Data Acquisition for Western Nevada. Included in the dataset are all flight details, geophys...
Glen, J. and Earney, T. United States Geological Survey
Mar 01, 2024
4 Resources
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4 Resources
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Block Scale Rooftop Solar Technical Potential for the City of Orlando
The html maps are provided as supplementary information for the publication titled Parcel Scale Assessment of Rooftop Solar Technical Potential (NREL/PR-7A40-80780). The maps contain information on rooftop solar technical potential at the block scale for the city of Orlando in Flo...
Prasanna. . et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 24, 2021
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Buoy California Wind Sentinel (130), Morro Bay Processed Data
The purpose of the dataset is to provide preliminary filtered, averaged buoy data and standardize the data format of various data streams from the buoy into NetCDF. The attached Lidar Buoy Data Dictionary provides further details on the various instruments mounted o...
Krishnamurthy, R. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Jan 04, 1980
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1 Resources
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