Lidar - HilFlowS - LLNL ZephIR300 - WOP - Processed Data
The ZephIR300 is a continuous wave LIDAR with a range of 10 m to 300 m. During HilFlowS the ZephIR300 was programmed to measure from 10 m to 150 m. In addition, the ZephIR300 provided a measurement at 1 m height using an onboard meteorological sensor. The ZephIR300 has a 30° scanning cone angle, data sampling rate of approximately 15 s, wind speed accuracy of 0.5 percent, and direction accuracy of 0.5°.
**Data Details**
Data begins: 2019-07-08\
Data ends: 2019-09-23
Additional Information, files begin with:\
Time and Date\
Timestamp (s)\
Battery (V)\
Met Compass Bearing (deg)\
Met Air Temp. (C)\
Met Pressure (mbar)\
Met Humidity (%)\
Met Wind Speed (m/s)\
Met Wind Direction (deg)\
Proportion Of Packets With Rain (%)
Available at each level (150 m - 10 m):\
Packets in Average\
Wind Direction (deg)\
Horizontal Wind Speed (m/s)\
Horizontal Wind Speed Min (m/s)\
Horizontal Wind Speed Max (m/s)\
Horizontal Wind Speed Std. Dev. (m/s)\
Vertical Wind Speed (m/s)\
TI (turbulence intensity)
Citation Formats
Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO). (2019). Lidar - HilFlowS - LLNL ZephIR300 - WOP - Processed Data [data set]. Retrieved from
Wharton, Sonia, and , . Lidar - HilFlowS - LLNL ZephIR300 - WOP - Processed Data. United States: N.p., 08 Jul, 2019. Web. doi: 10.21947/1571455.
Wharton, Sonia, & , . Lidar - HilFlowS - LLNL ZephIR300 - WOP - Processed Data. United States.
Wharton, Sonia, and , . 2019. "Lidar - HilFlowS - LLNL ZephIR300 - WOP - Processed Data". United States.
@div{oedi_4266, title = {Lidar - HilFlowS - LLNL ZephIR300 - WOP - Processed Data}, author = {Wharton, Sonia, and , .}, abstractNote = {**Overview**
The ZephIR300 is a continuous wave LIDAR with a range of 10 m to 300 m. During HilFlowS the ZephIR300 was programmed to measure from 10 m to 150 m. In addition, the ZephIR300 provided a measurement at 1 m height using an onboard meteorological sensor. The ZephIR300 has a 30° scanning cone angle, data sampling rate of approximately 15 s, wind speed accuracy of 0.5 percent, and direction accuracy of 0.5°.
**Data Details**
Data begins: 2019-07-08\
Data ends: 2019-09-23
Additional Information, files begin with:\
Time and Date\
Timestamp (s)\
Battery (V)\
Met Compass Bearing (deg)\
Met Air Temp. (C)\
Met Pressure (mbar)\
Met Humidity (%)\
Met Wind Speed (m/s)\
Met Wind Direction (deg)\
Proportion Of Packets With Rain (%)
Available at each level (150 m - 10 m):\
Packets in Average\
Wind Direction (deg)\
Horizontal Wind Speed (m/s)\
Horizontal Wind Speed Min (m/s)\
Horizontal Wind Speed Max (m/s)\
Horizontal Wind Speed Std. Dev. (m/s)\
Vertical Wind Speed (m/s)\
TI (turbulence intensity)}, doi = {10.21947/1571455}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2019}, month = {07}}
Data from Jul 8, 2019
Last updated Oct 23, 2019
Submitted Oct 22, 2019
Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Sonia Wharton
Original Source Areas
a2e, atmosphere to electrons, wind, weto, eere, wfip2, WFIP2 - Hill Flow Study (HilFlowS), Lidar, HilFlowS, LLNL ZephIR300, WOP, Processed Data, z03, lidar, a0DOE Project Details
Project Name Wind Data Hub
Project Number 67025