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Wave Energy Prize 1/50th Testing Sea Potential DUO Point Absorber
This submission of data includes all the 1/50th scale testing data completed on the Wave Energy Prize for the Sea Potential team, and includes:
1/50th test data (raw & processed)
1/50th test data video and pictures
1/50th Test plans and testing documents
SSTF_Submission (summa...
Scharmen, W. Ricardo Detroit Technical Center
Dec 04, 2015
8 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
8 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
RANS Simulation RRF of Single Full Scale DOE RM1 MHK Turbine
Attached are the .cas and .dat files for the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) simulation of a single full scale DOE RM1 turbine implemented in ANSYS FLUENT CFD-package.
In this case study taking advantage of the symmetry of the DOE RM1 geometry, only half of the geometry i...
Javaherchi, T. et al University of Washington
Apr 10, 2013
2 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
2 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Wave Energy Prize 1/50th Testing Team Flapper/Harvest Oscillating Wave Surge Converter
This submission of data includes all the 1/50th scale testing data completed on the Wave Energy Prize for the Team Flapper/Harvest, and includes:
1/50th test data (raw & processed)
1/50th test data video and pictures
1/50th Test plans and testing documents
SSTF_Submission (sum...
Scharmen, W. Ricardo Detroit Technical Center
Dec 18, 2015
8 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
8 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Wave Energy Prize Wave Calibration Data for the 1:20 Scale Testing at MASK
Time series data, sensor layout, and wave calibration summaries for the wave height measurements for the 10 calibration sea states for the 1:20 scale testing of the Wave Energy Prize (WEP) at the US Navy's Maneuvering and Seakeeping (MASK) Basin at the Naval Surface Warfare Center...
Driscoll, R. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
May 08, 2017
6 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
6 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Wave Energy Prize 1/50th Testing AquaHarmonics Point Absorber
This submission of data includes all the 1/50th scale testing data completed on the Wave Energy Prize for the AquaHarmonics team, and includes:
1/50th test data (raw & processed)
1/50th test data video and pictures
1/50th Test plans and testing documents
SSTF_Submission (summa...
Scharmen, W. Ricardo Detroit Technical Center
Jan 15, 2016
9 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
9 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Modeled Hourly Tidal Current Velocities, Directions, and Heights from May 1 September 1, 2005 at Two Points Near East Forelands and Tyonek in Cook Inlet, Alaska
This dataset includes modeled tidal current velocities, direction and depth at two locations in East and North Forelands (60.716, 151.434 and 61.024, 151.157) near Nikiski and Tyonek, respectively, in Cook Inlet, Alaska. Data from two grid cells were provided by the Pacific Northw...
Bond, B. et al University of Alaska Fairbanks
Oct 05, 2022
3 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
3 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
TEAMER: CFD Data on a Vertical Axis Wave Turbine
In this study from January to July of 2023, different variations of the original geometry of a vertical-axis wave turbine (VAWT) were generated and evaluated for hydrodynamic power efficiency using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The key geometrical parameters considered in th...
Yang, Y. et al University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Jul 31, 2023
37 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
37 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Wave Energy Prize 1/50th Testing Oscilla Power Triton Point Absorber
This submission of data includes all the 1/50th scale testing data completed on the Wave Energy Prize for the Oscilla Power team, and includes:
1/50th test data (raw & processed)
1/50th test data video and pictures
1/50th Test plans and testing documents
SSTF_Submission (summa...
Scharmen, W. Ricardo Detroit Technical Center
Jan 08, 2016
65 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
65 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
RANS Simulation VBM of Single Full Scale DOE RM1 MHK Turbine
Attached are the .cas and .dat files along with the required User Defined Functions (UDFs) and look-up table of lift and drag coefficients for Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) simulation of a single full scale DOE RM1 turbine implemented in ANSYS FLUENT CFD-package.
In this...
Javaherchi, T. and Aliseda, A. University of Washington
Apr 10, 2013
8 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
8 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Wave Energy Prize 1/50th Testing M3 Wave Submerged Mid-Column Pressure Differential WEC
This submission of data includes all the 1/50th scale testing data completed on the Wave Energy Prize for the M3 Wave team, and includes:
1/50th test data (raw & processed)
1/50th test data video and pictures
1/50th Test plans and testing documents
SSTF_Submission (summarized ...
Scharmen, W. Ricardo Detroit Technical Center
Jan 08, 2016
10 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
10 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Velocity and Turbulence Measurements at Three Locations in the Salish Sea, WA, 2017
This submission contains raw and processed datasets of water velocity and turbulence measurements from 3-day deployments of Deepwater Buoyancy StableMoor buoys carrying acoustic Doppler instrumentation at locations in Rosario Strait, Bellingham Channel, and Tacoma Narrows, WA in 2...
McVey, J. and Kilcher, L. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Jul 24, 2017
12 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
12 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center, OR Project Plans
Plans for Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center (NNMREC) Project.
Mobile Ocean Test Berth (MOTB) plans
Hellin, D. Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center
Jun 29, 2016
20 Resources
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Publicly accessible
20 Resources
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Publicly accessible
ORPC RivGen Hydrokinetic Turbine Wake Characterization
Field measurements of mean flow and turbulence parameters at the Kvichak river prior to and after the deployment of ORPC's RivGen hydrokinetic turbine. Data description and turbine wake analysis are presented in the attached manuscript "Wake measurements from a hydrokinetic river ...
Thomson, J. and Guerra, M. University of Washington
Feb 27, 2018
4 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
4 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Wave Energy Prize 1/50th Testing RTI Wave Power Oscillating Wave Surge Converter
This submission of data includes all the 1/50th scale testing data completed on the Wave Energy Prize for the RTI Wave Power team, and includes:
1/50th test data (raw & processed)
1/50th test data video and pictures
1/50th Test plans and testing documents
SSTF_Submission (summ...
Scharmen, W. Ricardo Detroit Technical Center
Dec 18, 2015
70 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
70 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
TEAMER: Tidal Energy Resource Characterization and Model Validation via the Assessment of Distributed Current Measurements from microFloat Swarms, Data and Post-Access Report
This project evaluated how high-resolution, spatially distributed field data can be used to refine and validate site-scale hydrodynamic simulations of tidal channels. Use of such spatially-distributed field observations or site-scale hydrodynamic simulations will be needed for pro...
Harrison, T. et al University of Washington (NNMREC) Applied Physics Lab
Aug 20, 2020
20 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
20 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
University of Miami Coupled Model (UMCM) for Hurricanes Ike and Sandy
The University of Miami Coupled Model (UMCM) is a coupled model that integrates atmospheric, wave, and ocean components to produce wind, wave, and current data. Atmospheric data is produced using the [Weather Research and Forecasting model](
Phillipes, C. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Sep 30, 2015
5 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
5 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Admiralty Inlet Advanced Turbulence Measurements: Final Data and Code Archive
Data and code that is not already in a public location that is used in Kilcher, Thomson, Harding, and Nylund (2017) "Turbulence Measurements from Compliant Moorings Part II: Motion Correction" doi: 10.1175/JTECH-D-16-0213.1.
The links point to Python source code used in the publi...
Kilcher, L. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Feb 01, 2011
11 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
11 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Aquantis 2.5 MW Ocean Current Generation Device Tow Tank Dynamic Test Rig Drawings and Bill of Materials
Aquantis 2.5 MW Ocean Current Generation Device, Tow Tank Dynamic Test Rig Drawings and Bill of Materials. This submission contains information on the equipment for the scaled model tow tank testing. The information includes hardware, test protocols, and plans.
Swales, H. et al Dehlsen Associates, LLC
Jun 03, 2015
18 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
18 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Wave Measurements taken NW of Culebra Is., PR, 2023
Wave and sea surface temperature measurements collected by a Sofar Spotter buoy in 2023. The buoy was deployed on July 27, 2023 at 11:30 UTC northwest of Culebra Island, Puerto Rico, (18.3878 N, 65.3899 W) and recovered on Nov 5, 2023 at 12:45 UTC.
Data are saved here in netCDF ...
McVey, J. et al Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Jul 27, 2023
11 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
11 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Current Energy Harnessing using Synergistic Kinematics of Schools of Fish-Shaped Bodies: Marine Hydrodynamics Laboratory Tank Testing Data
The objectives of the proposed work pertain to building a high power-density and high efficiency device to harness MHK energy by mimicking fish-school kinematics. Vortex Hydro Energy is collaborating with a concept formed and undergone preliminary testing at the University of Mich...
Bernitsas, M. Vortex Hydro Energy
Apr 11, 2017
20 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
20 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Wave Energy Prize 1/50th Testing Float Inc. BergerABAM Rho-Cee Hybrid WEC
This submission of data includes all the 1/50th scale testing data completed on the Wave Energy Prize for Float Inc. During the testing of its 1/50th-scale device, Float Inc. Berger ABAM was deemed ineligible due to the fact that they brought a device with them to test and did no...
Scharmen, W. Ricardo Detroit Technical Center
Jan 15, 2016
13 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
13 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Aquantis 2.5 MW Ocean Current Generation Device MHK Hydrofoils Design, Wind Tunnel Optimization and CFD Analysis Report
Dataset contains MHK Hydrofoils Design and Optimization and CFD Analysis Report for the Aquantis 2.5 MW Ocean Current Generation Device, as well as MHK Hydrofoils Wind Tunnel Test Plan and Checkout Test Report.
Shiu, H. et al Dehlsen Associates, LLC
Jun 03, 2015
16 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
16 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Version 2 Tidal Energy Resource Characterization, Velocity and Turbulence Measurements, Cook Inlet, AK, 2021
Version 2 of MHKDR submission #475, which also contains the metadata for these measurements.
Files here are stored in netCDF4 format, which can be read in Python using the "netcdf4" or "xarray" packages or in MATLAB using the "ncread()" function.
Changes are as follows:
MWM1 (mi...
Kilcher, L. and McVey, J. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Jul 01, 2021
9 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
9 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Wave Energy Prize 1/20th Testing M3 Wave Submerged Mid-Column Pressure Differential
Data from the 1/20th scale testing data completed on the Wave Energy Prize for the M3 Wave team, including the 1/20th scale test plan, raw test data, video, photos, and data analysis results.
The top level objective of the 1/20th scale device testing is to obtain the necessary me...
Scharmen, W. Ricardo Detroit Technical Center
Aug 12, 2016
26 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
26 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
20 Year Daily Average Modeled Velocity and Discharge for Openwater Season at Five Communities on Kuskokwim River, Alaska
This dataset includes modeled velocity and discharge at five communities in the middle Kuskokwim River region: Aniak, Chuathbaluk, Crooked Creek, Red Devil and Stony River. Modeled velocities and discharge represent daily averages calculated for the openwater season (OWS) from Jun...
Brown, E. et al University of Alaska Fairbanks
Dec 02, 2022
9 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
9 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible