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Current Energy Harnessing using Synergistic Kinematics of Schools of Fish-Shaped Bodies: Marine Hydrodynamics Laboratory Tank Testing Data

Publicly accessible License 

The objectives of the proposed work pertain to building a high power-density and high efficiency device to harness MHK energy by mimicking fish-school kinematics. Vortex Hydro Energy is collaborating with a concept formed and undergone preliminary testing at the University of Michigan to complete this task. This submission contains data from the Marine Hydrodynamics Laboratory tank testing for 1, 2, and 3 cylinders. Tests were run in a 10,000 gallon recirculating tank. Cylinders have a diameter of 0.0889 m and 0.895m long. See "Read Me" for file format explanation and additional details.

Citation Formats

Vortex Hydro Energy. (2017). Current Energy Harnessing using Synergistic Kinematics of Schools of Fish-Shaped Bodies: Marine Hydrodynamics Laboratory Tank Testing Data [data set]. Retrieved from https://dx.doi.org/10.15473/1422208.
Export Citation to RIS
Bernitsas, Michael, and . Current Energy Harnessing using Synergistic Kinematics of Schools of Fish-Shaped Bodies: Marine Hydrodynamics Laboratory Tank Testing Data . United States: N.p., 11 Apr, 2017. Web. doi: 10.15473/1422208.
Bernitsas, Michael, & . Current Energy Harnessing using Synergistic Kinematics of Schools of Fish-Shaped Bodies: Marine Hydrodynamics Laboratory Tank Testing Data . United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.15473/1422208
Bernitsas, Michael, and . 2017. "Current Energy Harnessing using Synergistic Kinematics of Schools of Fish-Shaped Bodies: Marine Hydrodynamics Laboratory Tank Testing Data ". United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.15473/1422208. https://mhkdr.openei.org/submissions/209.
@div{oedi_7891, title = {Current Energy Harnessing using Synergistic Kinematics of Schools of Fish-Shaped Bodies: Marine Hydrodynamics Laboratory Tank Testing Data }, author = {Bernitsas, Michael, and .}, abstractNote = {The objectives of the proposed work pertain to building a high power-density and high efficiency device to harness MHK energy by mimicking fish-school kinematics. Vortex Hydro Energy is collaborating with a concept formed and undergone preliminary testing at the University of Michigan to complete this task. This submission contains data from the Marine Hydrodynamics Laboratory tank testing for 1, 2, and 3 cylinders. Tests were run in a 10,000 gallon recirculating tank. Cylinders have a diameter of 0.0889 m and 0.895m long. See "Read Me" for file format explanation and additional details.}, doi = {10.15473/1422208}, url = {https://mhkdr.openei.org/submissions/209}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2017}, month = {04}}


Data from Apr 11, 2017

Last updated Jan 17, 2022

Submitted Apr 11, 2017


Vortex Hydro Energy


Jason Taipale



Michael Bernitsas

University of Michigan

DOE Project Details

Project Name Current Energy Harnessing using Synergistic Kinematics of Schools of Fish-Shaped Bodies

Project Lead Gary Nowakowski

Project Number EE0006780


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