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Active Management of Integrated Geothermal-CO2 Storage Reservoirs in Sedimentary Formations
Active Management of Integrated Geothermal-CO2 Storage Reservoirs in Sedimentary Formations: An Approach to Improve Energy Recovery and Mitigate Risk : FY1 Final Report
The purpose of phase 1 is to determine the feasibility of integrating geologic CO2 storage (GCS) with geothermal...
A., T. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Jan 01, 2012
7 Resources
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7 Resources
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Active Management of Integrated Geothermal-CO2 Storage Reservoirs in Sedimentary Formations
Active Management of Integrated Geothermal-CO2 Storage Reservoirs in Sedimentary Formations: An Approach to Improve Energy Recovery and Mitigate Risk: FY1 Final Report
The purpose of phase 1 is to determine the feasibility of integrating geologic CO2 storage (GCS) with geothermal...
A., T. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Jan 01, 2000
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6 Resources
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Newberry EGS Demonstration: Repairing and Re-Stimulating Well 55-29 Report
The Newberry Volcano EGS Demonstration in central Oregon, a 5 year project begun in 2010, tests recent technological advances designed to reduce the cost of power generated by EGS in a hot, dry well (NWG 55-29) drilled in 2008. First, the stimulation pumps used were designed to ru...
Cladouhos, T. et al AltaRock Energy Inc
Jul 03, 2015
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Utah FORGE: Drilling Data for Student Competition
Diagnostic drilling data (Pason log files) from Well 58-32 (previously labeled MU-ESW1), which was drilled near Milford Utah during Phase 2B of the FORGE Project to confirm geothermal reservoir characteristics met requirements for the final FORGE site. This dataset includes both ...
Podgorney, R. et al Idaho National Laboratory
Dec 07, 2018
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Three Dimensional Thermal Model of Newberry Volcano, Oregon
Final results of a 3D finite difference thermal model of Newberry Volcano, Oregon. Model data are formatted as a text file with four data columns (X, Y, Z, T). X and Y coordinates are in UTM (NAD83 Zone 10N), Z is elevation from mean sea level (meters), T is temperature in deg C. ...
Frone, Z. and Cladouhos, T. AltaRock Energy Inc
Jan 30, 2015
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3 Resources
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Conductance Steamflow Relationship
These histograms represent our calibration of conductance of a volcanic geothermal field (with a clay cap) and the observed steam flow rates. Darajat is a vapor geothermal field located in West Java, Indonesia. First production from the field was started in 1994 and additional cap...
Trainor-Guitton, W. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Apr 01, 2015
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Active Management of Integrated Geothermal-CO2 Storage Reservoirs in Sedimentary Formations
Active Management of Integrated Geothermal-CO2 Storage Reservoirs in Sedimentary Formations: An Approach to Improve Energy Recovery and Mitigate Risk: FY1 Final Report
The purpose of phase 1 is to determine the feasibility of integrating geologic CO2 storage (GCS) with geothermal ...
A., T. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Jan 01, 2012
8 Resources
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8 Resources
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Appalachian Basin Play Fairway Analysis Analyses and Results
*This submission updates a 2015 submission for the utilization analysis (*
The files document the analysis of utilization potential in support of Phase 1 Low Temperature Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis for the Appalachian Basin. This 2016 su...
E., T. Cornell University
Jul 30, 2016
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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GEOPHIRES files for DDU techno-economic simulations
During 2017-2019, the U.S. Department of Energy funded six geothermal deep direct-use (DDU) projects to investigate feasibility of DDU for heating, cooling and thermal storage in the United States. In a follow-on study conducted at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), ...
Beckers, K. and Kolker, A. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Mar 31, 2021
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1 Resources
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USGS Geophysics, Heat Flow, and Slip and Dilation Tendency Data used in Applications of Machine Learning Techniques to Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis in the Great Basin Region, Nevada
This package contains USGS data contributions to the DOE-funded Nevada Geothermal Machine Learning Project, with the objective of developing a machine learning approach to identifying new geothermal systems in the Great Basin. This package contains three major data products (geoph...
DeAngelo, J. et al Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology
Jun 01, 2021
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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Utah FORGE 4-2541: Optimization and Validation of a Plug-and-Perf Stimulation Treatment Design Workshop Presentation
This is a presentation on the Optimization and Validation of a Plug-and-Perf Stimulation Treatment Design at Utah FORGE project by Fervo Energy, presented by Sireesh Dadi. The project's objective was to develop a multistage hydraulic stimulation approach designed specifically to t...
Dadi, S. and Norbeck, J. Fervo Energy
Sep 08, 2023
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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Utah FORGE: Temperature-Dependent Fracture Seismicity from Fluid Injection Experiments
This dataset contains experimental data from fluid injection experiments conducted to investigate the influence of temperature on fracture seismicity. The experiments were performed on granite samples from Utah FORGE. The samples were prepared with a 30-degree inclined fracture an...
Wang, J. et al Pennsylvania State University
Feb 29, 2024
4 Resources
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4 Resources
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Utah FORGE 5-2557: Fluid and Temperature in Fracture Mechanics and Coupled THMC Processes Workshop Presentation
This is a presentation on the Role of Fluid and Temperature in Fracture Mechanics and Coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical (THMC) Processes for Enhanced Geothermal Systems project by Purdue University, presented by Distinguished Professor of Physics & Astronomy, Laura J. Pyrak...
Pyrak-Nolte, L. Purdue University
Sep 08, 2023
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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Pilgrim Hot Springs: GEOPHIRES Inputs and Outputs for Direct-Use Geothermal District Heating and Cooling
This dataset includes files for a techno-economic analysis conducted using the GEOPHIRES simulator to examine the feasibility of expanding a larger district heating site in a remote location: Pilgrim Hot Springs, Alaska. Files included here are GEOPHIRES inputs and outputs for fiv...
Pauling, H. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Mar 21, 2024
21 Resources
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21 Resources
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Fallon FORGE: Gravity and Magnetics Data
This package contains principal facts for new gravity data collected September November 2017 in support of the Fallon FORGE project. Also included are rock core density and magnetic susceptibility data for key core intervals, used in modeling 2D and 3D gravity inversions.
Blankenship, D. et al Sandia National Laboratories
Mar 09, 2018
4 Resources
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4 Resources
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Post-Test SEM Examination of Brady Core, Desert Peak Core, and Stripa Granite Samples
As part of the shear-induced permeability test of Brady well BCH-03, Desert Peak well DP 35-13, and Stripa granite samples, the three post-test (reacted) rock samples were examined using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The SEM images of the core and elemental analysis are in...
Kneafsey, T. et al Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Dec 23, 2015
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4 Resources
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Washington Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis Heat, Permeability, and Fracture Model Data
This submission contains raster and vector data for the entire state of Washington, with specific emphasis on the three geothermal play fairway sites: Mount St. Helens seismic zone (MSHSZ), Wind River valley (WRV), and Mount Baker (MB). Data are provided for 3 major geothermal mo...
Steely, A. et al Washington Geological Survey
Dec 07, 2017
9 Resources
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9 Resources
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Play Fairway Analysis Retrospective GeoRePORTs
NREL, as part of the Play Fairway Analysis (PFA) Retrospective and with assistance from PFA PIs, completed GeoRePORTs for the sites identified in Phases 1&2 of the DOE PFA projects.
The GeoRePORT (geothermal resource portfolio optimization and reporting technique) uses two factor...
Kolker, A. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Dec 01, 2020
36 Resources
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36 Resources
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Utah FORGE: Well 58-32 Stimulation Data
Pressure, temperature, and flow data from open-hole, upper perforation, and lower perforation well stimulations gathered from various tools collected at well 58-32 during phase 2C.
Best, S. Geothermal Resource Group
Apr 20, 2019
16 Resources
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16 Resources
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Utah FORGE: Fault Shear Reactivation Experimental Data for Fluid Injection-Rate Controls on Seismic Moment
Included are experimental data recorded from shear experiments that specifically explore the link between fluid-injection rate and seismic moment resulting from shear reactivation of laboratory faults. Raw mechanical data from three experiments are included alongside corresponding...
Roseboom, M. et al Pennsylvania State University
Nov 07, 2023
6 Resources
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6 Resources
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Utah FORGE 2-2446: Characterizing Stress Roughness Through Simulation of Hydraulic Fracture Growth
This dataset covers work that investigated the apparent toughness anisotropy at Utah FORGE by comparing microseismic data with stress profiles from field measurements. The study analyzes the hydraulic fracture growth of Stage 3 at Well 16A(78)-32 using MEQ data, calibrating a nume...
Cusini, M. and Fei, F. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Jan 30, 2025
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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Subsurface Characterization and Machine Learning Predictions at Brady Hot Springs Results
Geothermal power plants typically show decreasing heat and power production rates over time. Mitigation strategies include optimizing the management of existing wells increasing or decreasing the fluid flow rates across the wells and drilling new wells at appropriate locations. Th...
Beckers, K. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Oct 20, 2021
6 Resources
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6 Resources
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EGS Collab Experiment 3: 4100 Tensile Stimulation and Thermal Circulation Testing
These data and test descriptions are from a set of primarily tensile hydraulic-fracture stimulations in wells E2-TC and E2-TU and a subsequent chilled water circulation test conducted by injecting in well E2-TU on the 4100 level of the Sandford Underground Research Facility (SURF)...
Vermeul, V. et al Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Aug 26, 2022
4 Resources
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4 Resources
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Utah FORGE 2-2439v2: Report on Predicting Far-Field Stresses Using Finite Element Modeling and Near-Wellbore Machine Learning for Well 16A(78)-32
This report presents the far-field stress predictions at two locations along the vertical section of Utah FORGE Well 16A (78)-32 using a physics-based thermo-poro-mechanical model. Three principal stresses in far-field were obtained by solving an inverse problem based on the near-...
Lu, G. et al University of Pittsburgh
Aug 30, 2024
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2 Resources
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Snake River Plain Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis Volcanic Vents, Lacustrine Sediments, and post-Miocene Faults KMZ files
This dataset contain raw data files in kmz files (Google Earth georeference format). These files include volcanic vent locations and age, the distribution of fine-grained lacustrine sediments (which act as both a seal and an insulating layer for hydrothermal fluids), and post-Mioc...
Shervais, J. Utah State University
Oct 10, 2015
10 Resources
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10 Resources
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