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PR100: Puerto Rico Grid Resilience and Transition to 100% Renewable Energy
The Puerto Rico Grid Resilience and Transitions to 100% Renewable Energy Study (PR100) comprehensively analyzes possible pathways for Puerto Rico to achieve its renewable energy goals while incorporating stakeholder perspectives and advancing energy resilience for all Puerto Rican...
Sky, H. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Jul 01, 2022
17 Resources
1 Stars
Publicly accessible
17 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Sedimentary Geothermal Feasibility Colorado Well Database
Well data were mined from Geothermal Prospector (GTP), Southern Methodist University (SMU), the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC), and the Colorado Geological Survey (CGS). The well data gathered was then used to assess sedimentary geothermal feasibility in the ...
Taverna, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Oct 31, 2019
4 Resources
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Publicly accessible
4 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Hawthorne Nevada Deep Direct-Use Feasibility Study Data Used for Geothermal Resource Conceptual Modeling and Power Capacity Estimates
This data submission includes several data components that were used to develop a conceptual model and power capacity-estimates of two low-temperature geothermal resources that define geothermal prospect A at Hawthorne, Nevada. Data are sourced from a combination of legacy publicl...
Ayling, B. and Hinz, N. Great Basin Center for Geothermal Energy
Apr 05, 2020
7 Resources
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Publicly accessible
7 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Washington Play Fairway Analysis Geothermal Heat and Permeability Potential Geodatabases
This file contains file geodatabases of the Mount St. Helens seismic zone (MSHSZ), Wind River valley (WRV) and Mount Baker (MB) geothermal play-fairway sites in the Washington Cascades. The geodatabases include input data (feature classes) and output rasters (generated from modeli...
Norman, D. et al Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources
Dec 15, 2015
5 Resources
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Publicly accessible
5 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Dixie Valley Engineered Geothermal System Exploration Methodology Project, Baseline Conceptual Model Report
The Engineered Geothermal System (EGS) Exploration Methodology Project is developing an exploration approach for EGS through the integration of geoscientific data. The Project chose the Dixie Valley Geothermal System in Nevada as a field laboratory site for methodlogy calibration...
Iovenitti, J. AltaRock Energy Inc
May 15, 2013
15 Resources
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Publicly accessible
15 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Slip and Dilation Tendency Analysis of the Patua Geothermal Area
Critically stressed fault segments have a relatively high likelihood of acting as fluid flow conduits (Sibson, 1994). As such, the tendency of a fault segment to slip or to dilate provides an indication of which faults or fault segments within a geothermal system are critically st...
E., J. University of Nevada
Dec 31, 2013
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Oregon Cascades Play Fairway Analysis: Faults and Heat Flow Maps
This submission includes a fault map of the Oregon Cascades and backarc, a probability map of heat flow, and a fault density probability layer. More extensive metadata can be found within each zip file.
For information about "Oregon Faults," contact John David Trimble, Oregon Sta...
Trimble, J. University of Utah
Nov 15, 2015
4 Resources
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Publicly accessible
4 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Fallon FORGE: Geodetic Data
Fallon FORGE InSAR and geodetic GPS deformation data. InSAR shapefiles are packaged together as .MPK (ArcMap map package, compatible with other GIS platforms), and as .CSV comma-delimited plaintext. GPS data and additional metadata are linked to the Nevada Geodetic Laboratory data...
Blankenship, D. et al Sandia National Laboratories
Feb 01, 2018
8 Resources
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Publicly accessible
8 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Deep Direct-Use Feasibility Study Tuscarora Sandstone Geophysical Log Digitization
This dataset contains well log files collected from wells penetrating the Tuscarora Sandstone, structural geologic map of West Virginia and salinity information based on brine geochemistry in West Virginia and Pennsylvania.
A combination of proprietary and free software may be re...
Moore, J. West Virginia University
Dec 18, 2019
6 Resources
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Publicly accessible
6 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Snake River Plain Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis Volcanic Vents, Lacustrine Sediments, and post-Miocene Faults KMZ files
This dataset contain raw data files in kmz files (Google Earth georeference format). These files include volcanic vent locations and age, the distribution of fine-grained lacustrine sediments (which act as both a seal and an insulating layer for hydrothermal fluids), and post-Mioc...
Shervais, J. Utah State University
Oct 10, 2015
10 Resources
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Publicly accessible
10 Resources
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Publicly accessible
High Resolution Ocean Surface Wave Hindcast (US Wave) Data
The development of this dataset was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, Water Power Technologies Office to improve our understanding of the U.S. wave energy resource and to provide critical information for wave energy project de...
Yang, Z. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jul 01, 2020
6 Resources
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Publicly accessible
6 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Closed Loop Pumped Storage Hydropower Resource Assessment of the United States
The data includes a geospatial and spreadsheet representation of a resource analysis for closed loop pumped storage systems across the Continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. The data includes energy storage potential, water volume, distance from source to stor...
Rosenlieb, E. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jan 05, 2022
3 Resources
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Publicly accessible
3 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Slip and Dilation Tendency Analysis of the Salt Wells Geothermal Area
Critically stressed fault segments have a relatively high likelihood of acting as fluid flow conduits (Sibson, 1994). As such, the tendency of a fault segment to slip (slip tendency; Ts; Morris et al., 1996) or to dilate (dilation tendency; Td; Ferrill et al., 1999) provides an in...
E., J. University of Nevada
Dec 31, 2013
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Slip and Dilation Tendency Analysis of the San Emidio Geothermal Area
Critically stressed fault segments have a relatively high likelihood of acting as fluid flow conduits (Sibson, 1994). As such, the tendency of a fault segment to slip (slip tendency; Ts; Morris et al., 1996) or to dilate (dilation tendency; Td; Ferrill et al., 1999) provides an in...
E., J. University of Nevada
Dec 31, 2013
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Tularosa Basin Play Fairway Analysis Data and Models
This submission includes raster datasets for each layer of evidence used for weights of evidence analysis as well as the deterministic play fairway analysis (PFA). Data representative of heat, permeability and groundwater comprises some of the raster datasets. Additionally, the fi...
Nash, G. Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Jul 11, 2017
8 Resources
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Publicly accessible
8 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Appalachian Basin Play Fairway Analysis: Thermal Quality Analysis in Low-Temperature Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis (GPFA-AB)
This collection of files are part of a larger dataset uploaded in support of Low Temperature Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis for the Appalachian Basin (GPFA-AB). Phase 1 of the GPFA-AB project identified potential Geothermal Play Fairways within the Appalachian basin of Pennsylva...
E., T. Cornell University
Nov 15, 2015
50 Resources
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Publicly accessible
50 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Slip and Dilation Tendency Analysis of McGinness Hills Geothermal Area
Slip and Dilation Tendency in focus areas
Critically stressed fault segments have a relatively high likelihood of acting as fluid flow conduits (Sibson, 1994). As such, the tendency of a fault segment to slip (slip tendency; Ts; Morris et al., 1996) or to dilate (dilation tendency...
E., J. University of Nevada
Dec 31, 2013
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Slip and Dilation Tendency Analysis of Neal Hot Springs Geothermal Area
Slip and Dilation Tendency in focus areas
Critically stressed fault segments have a relatively high likelihood of acting as fluid flow conduits (Sibson, 1994). As such, the tendency of a fault segment to slip (slip tendency; Ts; Morris et al., 1996) or to dilate (dilation tendency...
E., J. University of Nevada
Dec 31, 2013
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Slip and Dilation Tendency Analysis of the Tuscarora Geothermal Area
Critically stressed fault segments have a relatively high likelihood of acting as fluid flow conduits (Sibson, 1994). As such, the tendency of a fault segment to slip (slip tendency; Ts; Morris et al., 1996) or to dilate (dilation tendency; Td; Ferrill et al., 1999) provides an in...
E., J. University of Nevada
Dec 31, 2013
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible