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EGS Collab Experiment 1: 4850L Downhole Camera Surveys During Injection
This package includes data and footage from two rounds of downhole camera surveys performed at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) on the 4850 level. The exercise was performed once on 25 May 2018 and once on 21 December 2018. On May 25th, the first round was done dur...
Schwering, P. . et al Sandia National Laboratories
May 25, 2018
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9 Resources
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EGS Collab Experiment 1: SIMFIP Notch-164 GRL Paper
Characterizing the stimulation mode of a fracture is critical to assess the hydraulic efficiency and the seismic risk related to deep fluid manipulations. We have monitored the three-dimensional displacements of a fluid-driven fracture during water injections in a borehole at ~1.5...
Guglielmi, Y. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Sep 24, 2020
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9 Resources
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Seismic Survey 2016 Metadata at San Emidio, Nevada
1301 Vertical Component seismic instruments were deployed at San Emidio Geothermal field in Nevada in December 2016. The first record starts at 2016-12-05T02:00:00.000000Z (UTC) and the last record ends at 2016-12-11T14:00:59.998000Z (UTC). Data are stored in individual files in o...
Lord, N. . et al University of Wisconsin
Dec 05, 2016
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10 Resources
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High-Temperature Inorganic Self-Healing Inorganic Cement Composites
The data files below summarize the results from various experiments testing properties of high-temperature self-healing inorganic cement composites. These properties include cement-carbon steel bond strength, Young's modulus recovery, matrix recovery strength, and compressive stre...
Pyatina, T. and Sugama, T. Brookhaven National Laboratory
Sep 13, 2017
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5 Resources
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WISE-CASING: Time Domain Reflectometry Data from Cymric Field, CA
The objective of this field test is to validate several technologies for non-invasive well integrity assessment using existing wells with a known completion. The tests were made at the Cymric oil field, which is a steam flood operation. The wells therefore undergo similar downhole...
Wang, J. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Feb 21, 2019
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5 Resources
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PoroTomo: BRAD, BRD1, and BRDY GPS Station RINEX Files April 14, 2017
This dataset provides links to daily RINEX files for three GPS stations at Brady's Hot Springs as of April 14, 2017. The data is formatted as compressed GNSS RINEX observation files, accessible through formatted CSV files, as well as in links to the complete daily time series data...
Kreemer, C. University of Wisconsin
Apr 14, 2017
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9 Resources
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University of Illinois Campus Deep Direct-Use Feasibility Study Chemistry of Formation Waters
Studies of chemical composition of natural brines from rock formations in the Illinois Basin as part of the University of Illinois deep direct-use feasibility study.
Lin, Y. . et al University of Illinois
Apr 23, 2018
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6 Resources
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Geocellular Model of Mt. Simon Sandstone for University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign DDU feasibility study
The geocellular model of the Mt. Simon Sandstone was constructed for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign DDU feasibility study. Starting with the initial area of review (18.0 km by 18.1 km [11.2 miles by 11.3 miles]) the boundaries of the model were trimmed down to 9.7 ...
Damico, J. University of Illinois
Dec 31, 2018
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4 Resources
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Dynamic Earth Energy Storage: Terawatt-Year, Grid-Scale Energy Storage using Planet Earth as a Thermal Battery (GeoTES): Seedling Project Final Report
Grid-scale energy storage has been identified as a needed technology to support the continued build-out of intermittent renewable energy resources. As of April 2017, the U.S. had approximately 24.2 GW of energy storage on line, compared to 1,081 GW of installed generation capacity...
McLing, T. . et al Idaho National Laboratory
May 31, 2019
11 Resources
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11 Resources
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EGS Collab Experiment 1: In-situ observation of pre-, co and post-seismic shear slip preceding hydraulic fracturing
Understanding the initiation and arrest of earthquakes is one of the long-standing challenges of seismology. Here we report on direct observations of borehole displacement by a meter-sized shear rupture induced by pressurization of metamorphic rock at 1.5 km depth. We observed the...
Guglielmi, Y. . et al Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
May 22, 2018
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2 Resources
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Hybrid machine learning model to predict 3D in-situ permeability evolution
Enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) can provide a sustainable and renewable solution to the new energy transition. Its potential relies on the ability to create a reservoir and to accurately evaluate its evolving hydraulic properties to predict fluid flow and estimate ultimate therm...
Elsworth, D. and Marone, C. Pennsylvania State University
Nov 22, 2022
4 Resources
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4 Resources
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WHOLESCALE: Seismic Survey Data from San Emidio Nevada 2021
This dataset includes raw and processed seismic data from the 2021 seismic survey at the San Emidio geothermal field in Nevada. In April and May 2021, 37 tri-axial short period seismographs were deployed in a 1.8km diameter cluster centered on 40.367278 N, 119.409019 W. The first...
Lord, N. . et al University of Wisconsin Madison
Apr 06, 2021
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6 Resources
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Stanford Thermal Earth Model for the Conterminous United States
Provided here are various forms of the Stanford Thermal Earth Model, as well as the data and methods used for its creation. The predictions produced by this model were visualized in two-dimensional spatial maps across the modeled depths (0-7 km) for the conterminous United States....
Aljubran, M. and Horne, R. Stanford University
Mar 14, 2024
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9 Resources
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High Temperature Evaluation of Tantalum Capacitors Test 1
Tantalum capacitors can provide much higher capacitance at high-temperatures than the ceramic capacitors. This study evaluates selected tantalum capacitors at high temperatures to determine their suitability for you in geothermal field. This data set contains results of the first ...
Cieslewski, G. Sandia National Laboratories
Sep 28, 2014
21 Resources
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21 Resources
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GeoVision Barriers Taskforce
This submission includes papers, presentations, and data developed during the multi-year GeoVision Barriers Taskforce effort.
Developers have identified many non-technical barriers to geothermal power development, including land access, permitting, and market barriers. Included i...
Young, K. and Levine, A. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Sep 30, 2015
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5 Resources
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Cape EGS: Frisco Pad Wells Flow Test Microseismic Data
This dataset contains microseismic data acquired during the Frisco pad flow test project led by Fervo Energy, conducted between July 17th Aug 12th 2024, near the Utah FORGE geothermal site. The microseismic data was collected from various Utah FORGE wells: via Distributed Acoustic...
Dadi, S. and Kanu, O. Fervo Energy
Nov 06, 2024
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5 Resources
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Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis for Low-Temperature Resources in the Denver Basin
This dataset is part of an effort to highlight the advantages of incorporating low-temperature (< 150 C) geothermal resource evaluation into the implementation of combined heat and power (CHP), and geothermal direct use (GDU) technologies (e.g., space heating and/or cooling). For...
Davalos-Elizondo, E. . et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Sep 30, 2023
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5 Resources
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Maps, Models and Data from Southeastern Great Basin PFA
This submission includes composite risk segment models in raster format for permeability, heat of the earth, and MT, as well as the final PFA model of geothermal exploration risk in Southwestern Utah, USA. Additionally, this submission has data regarding hydrothermally altered are...
Nash, G. Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Jun 30, 2017
7 Resources
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7 Resources
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Utah FORGE: Phase 3 Magnetotelluric (MT) Data
New high-quality tensor MT data at 122 sites, including the vertical magnetic field and utilizing ultra-remote referencing, have been acquired over the Utah FORGE project area. The results will be used to delineate the densities of faults and fractures in crystalline basement rock...
Wannamaker, P. and Maris, V. Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Oct 01, 2020
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5 Resources
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Dixie Valley Engineered Geothermal System Exploration Methodology Project, Baseline Conceptual Model Report
The Engineered Geothermal System (EGS) Exploration Methodology Project is developing an exploration approach for EGS through the integration of geoscientific data. The overall project area is 2500km2 with the Calibration Area (Dixie Valley Geothermal Wellfield) being about 170km2....
Iovenitti, J. AltaRock Energy Inc
Jan 02, 2014
11 Resources
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11 Resources
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Low-Temperature Geothermal Geospatial Datasets: An Example from Alaska
This project is a component of a broader effort focused on geothermal heating and cooling (GHC) with the aim of illustrating the numerous benefits of incorporating GHC and geothermal heat exchange (GHX) into community energy planning and national decarbonization strategies. To bet...
Davalos Elizondo, E. . et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Feb 06, 2023
6 Resources
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6 Resources
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Low Temperature Geothermal Resource Assessment for Desalination in United States
This data is a compilation of well observations from the Southern Methodist University (SMU) and Association of American State Geologists (AASG), location of identified low temperature geothermal systems from United States Geological Survey (USGS), and low temperature geothermal w...
Akar, S. and Turchi, C. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Sep 30, 2016
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6 Resources
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Project HOTSPOT: Mountain Home Well Borehole Geophysics Database
The Snake River Plain (SRP), Idaho, hosts potential geothermal resources due to elevated groundwater temperatures associated with the thermal anomaly Yellowstone-Snake River hotspot. Project HOTSPOT has coordinated international institutions and organizations to understand subsurf...
Shervais, J. Utah State University
Nov 11, 2012
33 Resources
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33 Resources
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DCIF (Directional Cooling-Induced Fracturing) Westerly Granite AE Borehole Damage Effect Test (Task 3-0)
Directional Cooling-Induced Fracturing (DCIF) experiments were conducted on three rectangular Westerly granite blocks (width=depth=4.0", height=2.0") which were preheated to 200, 400, and 600 degree C to induce damage (microcracks) with varying degrees. Liquid nitrogen was poured...
Nakagawa, S. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Jan 27, 2022
13 Resources
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13 Resources
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DEEPEN 3D PFA Weights for Exploration Datasets in Magmatic Environments
DEEPEN stands for DE-risking Exploration of geothermal Plays in magmatic ENvironments.
As part of the development of the DEEPEN 3D play fairway analysis (PFA) methodology for magmatic plays (conventional hydrothermal, superhot EGS, and supercritical), weights needed to be develop...
Taverna, N. . et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jun 30, 2023
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3 Resources
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