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EGS Collab Experiment 1: 4850L Downhole Camera Surveys During Injection

Publicly accessible License 

This package includes data and footage from two rounds of downhole camera surveys performed at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) on the 4850 level. The exercise was performed once on 25 May 2018 and once on 21 December 2018. On May 25th, the first round was done during fluid injection at the 164-ft stimulation zone in the injection well (E1-I). On December 21st, the second round was carried out during fluid injection at the 142-ft stimulation zone. Prior to the injections, downhole instrumentation was removed from the production well (E1-P) to allow room for the downhole camera system. The water within E1-P was then lifted out by the application of air pressure and the downhole camera system was conveyed into the production well. Finally, the water was injected into E1-I and the camera was used to scan for jetting points, or fluid entry, in E1-P. There is a survey description in this package that further describes the procedure of the survey and the overall results. Additionally, there is a detailed analysis of the surveys in the form of a PowerPoint, which includes animations/visualizations from the camera footage, presents interpretations in detail, and provides some general conclusions. Three animations, along with the two video segments that show the jetting into E1-P, are also provided. The video footage was collected using a GeoVISION Dual-Scan Micro Video Camera, the specs of which are also included in this package as a resource.

Citation Formats

Sandia National Laboratories. (2018). EGS Collab Experiment 1: 4850L Downhole Camera Surveys During Injection [data set]. Retrieved from https://dx.doi.org/10.15121/1651099.
Export Citation to RIS
Schwering, Paul, Fu, Pengcheng, and Morris, Joe. EGS Collab Experiment 1: 4850L Downhole Camera Surveys During Injection. United States: N.p., 25 May, 2018. Web. doi: 10.15121/1651099.
Schwering, Paul, Fu, Pengcheng, & Morris, Joe. EGS Collab Experiment 1: 4850L Downhole Camera Surveys During Injection. United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.15121/1651099
Schwering, Paul, Fu, Pengcheng, and Morris, Joe. 2018. "EGS Collab Experiment 1: 4850L Downhole Camera Surveys During Injection". United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.15121/1651099. https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/1227.
@div{oedi_7358, title = {EGS Collab Experiment 1: 4850L Downhole Camera Surveys During Injection}, author = {Schwering, Paul, Fu, Pengcheng, and Morris, Joe.}, abstractNote = {This package includes data and footage from two rounds of downhole camera surveys performed at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) on the 4850 level. The exercise was performed once on 25 May 2018 and once on 21 December 2018. On May 25th, the first round was done during fluid injection at the 164-ft stimulation zone in the injection well (E1-I). On December 21st, the second round was carried out during fluid injection at the 142-ft stimulation zone. Prior to the injections, downhole instrumentation was removed from the production well (E1-P) to allow room for the downhole camera system. The water within E1-P was then lifted out by the application of air pressure and the downhole camera system was conveyed into the production well. Finally, the water was injected into E1-I and the camera was used to scan for jetting points, or fluid entry, in E1-P. There is a survey description in this package that further describes the procedure of the survey and the overall results. Additionally, there is a detailed analysis of the surveys in the form of a PowerPoint, which includes animations/visualizations from the camera footage, presents interpretations in detail, and provides some general conclusions. Three animations, along with the two video segments that show the jetting into E1-P, are also provided. The video footage was collected using a GeoVISION Dual-Scan Micro Video Camera, the specs of which are also included in this package as a resource.}, doi = {10.15121/1651099}, url = {https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/1227}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2018}, month = {05}}


Data from May 25, 2018

Last updated Oct 25, 2023

Submitted Aug 19, 2020


Sandia National Laboratories


Paul Schwering



Paul Schwering

Sandia National Laboratories

Pengcheng Fu

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Joe Morris

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Research Areas

DOE Project Details

Project Name EGS Collab

Project Lead Lauren Boyd

Project Number EE0032708


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