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High-Temperature Inorganic Self-Healing Inorganic Cement Composites
The data files below summarize the results from various experiments testing properties of high-temperature self-healing inorganic cement composites. These properties include cement-carbon steel bond strength, Young's modulus recovery, matrix recovery strength, and compressive stre...
Pyatina, T. and Sugama, T. Brookhaven National Laboratory
Sep 13, 2017
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5 Resources
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Geothermal Play-Fairway Analysis of Washington State Prospects: Final Report
This package includes the final technical report for the Play-Fairway project in Washington State. It includes all activities and reporting from phases 1, 2, and 3. The primary goal of this study is to develop a suite of tools and methods that help identify a ?fairway? where the t...
Steely, A. . et al Washington Geological Survey
Sep 30, 2021
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1 Resources
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Fallon FORGE: Seismic Reflection Profiles
Newly reprocessed Naval Air Station Fallon (1994) seismic lines: pre-stack depth migrations, with interpretations to support the Fallon FORGE (Phase 2B) 3D Geologic model.
Data along seven profiles (>100 km of total profile length) through and adjacent to the Fallon site were re-...
Blankenship, D. . et al Sandia National Laboratories
Feb 01, 2018
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3 Resources
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Devices Suitable for Sectional Isolation Along Both Cased and Open-hole Wellbores Materials Testing Report
The main goal of this project is to develop an annular isolation system capable to withstand geothermal downhole conditions and mitigate the problems experienced by conventional packers in FORGE wells. This materials testing report is based on thermoplastic and elastomeric materia...
Teodoriu, C. . et al Welltec
Nov 08, 2022
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2 Resources
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Summary of Cement Formulations Tested by BNL for Self-Healing Ability Tests Conditions and Data
A table of cement formulations tested by Brookhaven National Laboratory in 2016-2017 in the frame of the "Self-healing and Re-Adhering Cements with Improved Toughness at Casing and Formation Interfaces for Geothermal Wells" project.
Sugama, T. Brookhaven National Laboratory
Sep 27, 2017
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2 Resources
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Utah FORGE: Well 58-32 Schlumberger FMI Logs DLIS and XML files
This zipped data set includes Schlumberger FMI logs DLIS and XML files from Utah FORGE deep well 58-32. These include runs 1 (2226-7550 ft) and 2 (7440-7550 ft). Run 3 (7390-7527ft) was acquired during phase 2C.
Nash, G. and Moore, J. Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Nov 17, 2017
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4 Resources
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SGW paper Rheological Properties of Drilling Fluids Containing Special Additives for Geothermal Drilling Applications
The paper was presented at the 46th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 15-17, 2021. In this study, the effectiveness of different additives was evaluated in maintaining drilling fluid rheology at HPHT(high pressure and...
Mohamed, A. . et al University of Oklahoma
Jan 04, 2023
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1 Resources
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Utah FORGE: Deep Wells Water and Gas Sampling with Analyses by ThermoChem (October, 2022)
This data includes a document that describes the effort to collect and analyze water and gas samples from deep Utah FORGE wells 16A(78)-32, 58-32, 56-32 and 78B-32 along with additional pdf files showing ThermoChem's analyses attached as an appendix.
Joness, C. Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Oct 26, 2022
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2 Resources
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Project HOTSPOT: Mountain Home Well Borehole Geophysics Database
The Snake River Plain (SRP), Idaho, hosts potential geothermal resources due to elevated groundwater temperatures associated with the thermal anomaly Yellowstone-Snake River hotspot. Project HOTSPOT has coordinated international institutions and organizations to understand subsurf...
Shervais, J. Utah State University
Nov 11, 2012
33 Resources
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33 Resources
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Fallon, NV FORGE well 21-31 Lithology, Mineral, Image Log, and Injection Test data
Attached is 5 datasets collected from Fallon FORGE well 21-31 located in Churchill County, Nevada collected and interpreted between Feburary 2018-January 2020. This submission includes 1) new lithology interpretation derived from petrographic thin sections of sidewall cores taken ...
Kraal, K. and Ayling, B. Sandia National Laboratories
May 30, 2020
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5 Resources
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Utah FORGE 2439: Machine Learning for Well 16A(78)-32 Stress Predictions September 2023 Report
This task completion report documents the development and implementation of machine learning (ML) models for the prediction of in-situ vertical (Sv), minimum horizontal (SHmin) and maximum horizontal (SHmax) stresses in well 16A(78)-32. The detailed description of the experimental...
Mustafa, A. . et al Battelle Memorial Institute
Sep 28, 2023
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3 Resources
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Utah FORGE: EGS Reservoir Produced Fluids Geochemistry 2022-2024
This dataset contains geochemical analyses of produced fluids from the Utah FORGE site, specifically from wells 16A(78)-32, 16B(78)-32, and 58-32, collected during various stimulation, flowback, and circulation tests conducted between 2022 and 2024. The data contains element conce...
Simmons, S. . et al Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Feb 26, 2025
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1 Resources
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Hawthorne Nevada Deep Direct-Use Feasibility Study Data Used for Geothermal Resource Conceptual Modeling and Power Capacity Estimates
This data submission includes several data components that were used to develop a conceptual model and power capacity-estimates of two low-temperature geothermal resources that define geothermal prospect A at Hawthorne, Nevada. Data are sourced from a combination of legacy publicl...
Ayling, B. and Hinz, N. Great Basin Center for Geothermal Energy
Apr 05, 2020
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7 Resources
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Updated Overpressures and Permeability Values for PNNL's StimuFrac Fluid
A corrigendum was submitted to the journal of Geothermics on our article "Environmentally friendly, rheoreversible, hydraulic-fracturing fluids for enhanced geothermal systems" Shao et al Geothermics 58 (2015) 22-31.
In the original article some permeability values were underesti...
Shao, H. . et al Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Apr 06, 2016
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1 Resources
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GBCGE Subsurface Database Explorer and APIs
This submission defines a DOI for the Great Basin Center for Geothermal Energy's (GBCGE) Subsurface Database Explorer web application and underlying data services, and acknowledges the INGENIOUS project as a major source of funding for data compilation and quality assurance.
The ...
Mlawsky, E. and Ayling, B. NBMG; GBCGE; UNR
Mar 16, 2020
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2 Resources
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Utah FORGE: Southwestern Utah Magnetotelluric (MT) Data
This comprehensive magnetotellurics (MT) dataset, which covers southwestern Utah, integrates 600 sites from various surveys, including those from the Utah FORGE, SubTER, and Play Fairway projects, all of which are linked below. The core of this dataset is the use of a 3D finite el...
Wannamaker, P. and Marris, V. Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Jan 22, 2024
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4 Resources
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Hawaii Play Fairway Analysis: Lanai Resistivity and Density 3D Inversion Models
To prepare for its third phase, the Hawaii Play Fairway project conducted groundwater sampling and analyses in ten locations in the Hawaiian islands, magnetotelluric (MT) and gravity surveys, as well as calculations of 3D subsurface stress due to the weight of the rock underlying ...
Lautze, N. . et al University of Hawaii
Jun 01, 2020
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3 Resources
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Distributed Acoustic Sensing Experiment Data from Garner Valley, California
In September 2013, an experiment using Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) was conducted at Garner Valley, a test site of the University of California Santa Barbara (Lancelle et al., 2014). This submission includes all DAS data recorded during the experiment.
The sampling rate ...
Lancelle, C. University of Wisconsin
Sep 11, 2013
14 Resources
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14 Resources
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Lost Circulation Materials in Geothermal Drilling: Thermal Degradation, Viscosity, Compression, and Flow Loop Tests
This dataset provides a set of experimental data on the performance of lost circulation materials (LCMs) used in geothermal drilling operations. It includes results from four distinct tests: thermal degradation, viscosity measurements, compression tests, and high-temperature flow ...
Kibikas, W. . et al Sandia National Laboratories
Feb 01, 2022
9 Resources
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9 Resources
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Project HOTSPOT: Kimberly Well Borehole Geophysics Database
The Snake River Plain (SRP), Idaho, hosts potential geothermal resources due to elevated groundwater temperatures associated with the thermal anomaly Yellowstone-Snake River hotspot. Project HOTSPOT has coordinated international institutions and organizations to understand subsurf...
Shervais, J. Utah State University
Jul 04, 2011
48 Resources
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48 Resources
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Effectiveness of Shallow Temperature Surveys to Target a Geothermal Reservoir at Previously Explored Site at McGee Mountain, Nevada: Final Report for U.S. Department Of Energy Grant EE-0002830
The McGee Mountain geothermal area was selected to test early-stage shallow temperature survey techniques and drill two slim holes to test the resource. Geothermal Technical Partners, Inc. was able to complete only a small portion of the project before lack of funding prevented f...
Zehner, R. Geothermal Technical Partners, Inc.
Mar 07, 2014
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1 Resources
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DEEPEN Global Standardized Categorical Exploration Datasets for Magmatic Plays
DEEPEN stands for DE-risking Exploration of geothermal Plays in magmatic ENvironments.
As part of the development of the DEEPEN 3D play fairway analysis (PFA) methodology for magmatic plays (conventional hydrothermal, superhot EGS, and supercritical), weights needed to be develop...
Taverna, N. . et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jun 30, 2023
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4 Resources
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Reservoir Stimulation Optimization with Operational Monitoring for Creation of EGS
EGS field projects have not sustained production at rates greater than 1/2 of what is needed for economic viability. The primary limitation that makes commercial EGS infeasible is our current inability to cost-effectively create high-permeability reservoirs from impermeable, igneo...
A., C. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Sep 15, 2014
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5 Resources
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Utah FORGE: Final Topical Report 2018
This is the final topical report for the Phase 2B Utah FORGE project, which is located near Roosevelt Hot Springs, Utah. This PDF format report details results associated with the conceptual geologic model, deep well 58-32, rock geomechanics, reservoir temperatures, seismic survey...
Moore, J. . et al Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Apr 07, 2018
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2 Resources
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Raw Neutron Scattering Data for Strain Measurement of Hydraulically Loaded Granite and Marble Samples in Triaxial Stress State
This entry contains raw data files from experiments performed on the Vulcan beamline at the Spallation Neutron Source at Oak Ridge National Laboratory using a pressure cell. Cylindrical granite and marble samples were subjected to confining pressures of either 0 psi or approximate...
Polsky, Y. Oak Ridge National Laboratory
May 23, 2014
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58 Resources
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