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Import Shipments of Solar Thermal Collectors by Country, 2008 and 2009
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Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) delta T (Winter Average)
ΔT represents the difference in temperature (°C) between the warm and cold water sources used by an OTEC plant at a specific location. Warm water is defined uniformly as water at a depth of 20 m, whi...
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NREL GIS Data: California Wind High Resolution
Purpose: Provide information on the wind resource development potential within California.
Supplemental_Information: This data set was produced by Tru...
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Energy Appliance Data 2009-2010
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Manufacturing Thermal Energy Use in 2014
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State Energy Data System (SEDS) Complete Dataset through 2009
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NREL GIS Data: Alaska Low Resolution Concentrating Solar Power Resource
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United States Mid-Atlantic Regional High Resolution Wind Resource
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Estimated Proved and Unproved Oil and Gas Reserves, Gulf of Mexico: 2006
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Industrial Process Heat Demand Characterization
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U.S. Offshore Oil and Gas Operations Reports (1996 2010)
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Biofuels Consumption and Production by Country (2000 2010)
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OEDI Data Management and Best Practices for Submitters and Curators
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Form EIA-860 Annual Electric Generator Report
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U.S. Great Lakes Offshore Windspeed 90m Height High Resolution
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U.S. Hawaii Offshore Windspeed 90m Height High Resolution
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U.S. Pacific Coast Offshore Windspeed 90m Height High Resolution
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U.S. Gulf of Mexico Coast Offshore Windspeed 90m Height High Resolution
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Form EIA-861, "Annual Electric Power Industry Report."
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GRC 2019 Initial Results Presentation
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Form EIA-906, EIA-920, and EIA-923 Databases
The EIA-906, EIA-920, EIA-923 and predecessor forms provide monthly and annual data on generation and fuel consumption at the power plant and prime mover level. A subset of plants, steam-electric plants 10 MW and above, also provides boiler level and ge...
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NREL GIS Data: Continental United States Photovoltaic Low Resolution Collector Data Files
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U.S. Electric Utility Companies and Rates: Look-up by Zipcode (2016)
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U.S. Electric Utility Companies and Rates: Look-up by Zipcode (2018)
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U.S. Electric Utility Companies and Rates: Look-up by Zipcode (2017)
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