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Operational water consumption and withdrawal factors for electricity generating technologies
This dataset is from the report _Operational water consumption and withdrawal factors for electricity generating technologies: a review of existing literature_ (J. Macknick, R. Newmark, G. Heath and K.C. Hallett) and provides estimates of operational water withdrawal and water con...
Hill, G. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
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4 Resources
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eGRID2007 Version 1.1 All Files
The Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGRID) is a comprehensive inventory of environmental attributes of electric power systems. The preeminent source of air emissions data for the electric power sector, eGRID is based on available plant-specific data for all U....
Wood, J. and (EPA), E. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jan 25, 2009
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2 Resources
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Long-run Marginal CO2 Emission Rates Workbooks for 2020 Standard Scenarios Cambium Data
This dataset has been superseded by a new set of workbooks that can be found here: These workbooks contain modeled estimates of long-run marginal CO2 emission rates (LRMER) for the contiguous United States. The LRMER is an estimate of the...
Gagnon. . et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Aug 12, 2021
12 Resources
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Publicly accessible
12 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Availability Estimates of Low-Cost, Dispatch-Constrained Electricity (LDE)
This dataset accompanies the report "Potential Availability of and Supply Curves for Low-Cost, Dispatch-Constrained Electricity", which provides initial estimates of the quantity and availability of the potential low-cost, dispatch-constrained electricity (LDE) resource in the Uni...
Ruth. . et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Feb 20, 2023
5 Resources
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Publicly accessible
5 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Renewable Energy Potential Model: Geothermal Supply Curves
The Renewable Energy Potential (reV) model is a geospatial platform for estimating technical potential and developing renewable energy supply curves, initially developed for wind and solar technologies. The model evaluates deployment constraints, considering land use, environmenta...
Trainor-Guitton, W. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Aug 21, 2023
3 Resources
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Publicly accessible
3 Resources
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Publicly accessible
U.S. Wind and Solar PV Supply Curves with Future Land-use Change
This dataset provides future supply curves representing the total resource potential for land-based wind and solar photovoltaic (PV) deployment in the conterminous United States after accounting for the impact of land-use and land-cover change (LULC). We use LULC projections from ...
Sergi, B. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Jan 10, 2024
4 Resources
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Publicly accessible
4 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Form EIA-860 Annual Electric Generator Report
The Form EIA-860 is a generator-level
survey that collects specific information about existing and planned
generators and associated environmental equipment at electric power
plants with 1 megawatt or greater of combined nameplate capacity. The
survey data is summarized in...
Aabakken, J. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
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2 Resources
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Machine Learning to Identify Geologic Factors Associated with Production in Geothermal Fields: A Case-Study Using 3D Geologic Data from Brady Geothermal Field and NMFk
In this paper, we present an analysis using unsupervised machine learning (ML) to identify the key geologic factors that contribute to the geothermal production in Brady geothermal field. Brady is a hydrothermal system in northwestern Nevada that supports both electricity producti...
Siler, D. et al United States Geological Survey
Oct 01, 2021
6 Resources
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Publicly accessible
6 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Appalachian Basin Play Fairway Analysis: Revised 2016 Combined Risk Factor Analysis
This submission contains information used to compute the combined risk factors for deep geothermal energy opportunities in the Appalachian Basin, in the context of a the Play Fairway Analysis project. The risk factors are sedimentary rock reservoir quality, thermal resource qualit...
E., T. Cornell University
Nov 15, 2016
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Research Report of Low Temperature Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis for the Appalachian Basin
This is a final report summarizing a one-year (2014-15) DOE funded Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis of the Low-Temperature resources of the Appalachian Basin of New York, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Collaborators included Cornell University, Southern Methodist University, and...
Jordan, T. et al Cornell University
Sep 30, 2015
22 Resources
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Publicly accessible
22 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Final Report: Low Temperature Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis for the Appalachian Basin
This is a final report summarizing a two-year (2014-16) DOE funded Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis of the Low-Temperature resources of the Appalachian Basin of New York, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Collaborators included Cornell University, Southern Methodist University, and ...
E. Jordan, T. Cornell University
Nov 18, 2015
12 Resources
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Publicly accessible
12 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Dataset for Evaluation of Extreme Weather Impacts on Utility-Scale Photovoltaic Plant Performance in the United States
This dataset is a fusion of three data types (operations and maintenance tickets, weather data, and production data) that was used to support machine learning analysis and evaluation of drivers for low performance at photovoltaic (PV) sites during compound, extreme weather events....
Gunda, T. and Jackson, N. Sandia National Laboratories
Apr 01, 2021
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2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Utility-Scale Solar, 2021 Edition: Analysis of Empirical Plant-level Data from U.S. Ground-mounted PV, PV+battery, and CSP Plants (exceeding 5 MWAC)
Berkeley Labs "Utility-Scale Solar", 2021 Edition presents analysis of empirical plant-level data from the U.S. fleet of ground-mounted photovoltaic (PV), PV+battery, and concentrating solar-thermal power (CSP) plants with capacities exceeding 5 MWAC. While focused on key developm...
Bolinger, M. et al Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Sep 30, 2021
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Form EIA-861, "Annual Electric Power Industry Report."
This is an electric utility data file that includes such information as peak
load, generation, electric purchases, sales, revenues, customer counts
and demand-side management programs, green pricing and net metering
programs, and distributed generation capacity. The data sou...
Aabakken, J. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
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4 Resources
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Renewable Electricity Futures Study Volume One
Renewable Electricity Futures Study Volume One. This is part of a series of four volumes describing exploring a high-penetration renewable electricity future for the United States of America. This data set is provides data for the entire volume one document and includes all data f...
Hand. . et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jan 19, 2016
3 Resources
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Publicly accessible
3 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Electric Power Monthly Monthly Data Tables
U.S. monthly electricity generation figures from 2008 to 2010 (and the fuel consumed to produce it) by state. Original source information from the [U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)](
Wood, J. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
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3 Resources
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Electricity Generation and Consumption by State (2008 )
Provides total annual electricity consumption by sector (residential, commercial and industrial) for all states in 2008, reported in GWh, and total electricity generation by sector (e.g. wind, solar, nuclear, coal) for all states in 2008, reported in GWh.
Hallett, K. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
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2 Resources
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Annual Electricity Generation (1980 2009)
Total annual electricity generation by country, 1980 to 2009 (available in billion kilowatthours ). Compiled by Energy Information Administration (EIA).
Brodt-Giles, D. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
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2 Resources
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NREL Power Technologies Energy Data Book (2006) : U.S. Electricity Generation
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) publishes a wide selection of data and statistics on energy power technologies from a variety of sources (e.g. EIA, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratory, EPRI and AWEA). In 2006, NREL published the 4th edition, p...
Hallett, K. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
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2 Resources
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Energy Intensity Indicators in the U.S.: Electricity Sector (1949 2004)
Energy intensity data and documentation published by the U.S. DOE's office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE). Energy intensity is defined as: amount of energy used in producing a given level of output or activity; expressed as energy per unit of output. This is the ...
Hallett, K. and (EERE), O. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
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2 Resources
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Description of the NSW Australia Electricity Network
Information about the New South Wales (NSW) electricity network is available. The information was taken from a line diagram of the NSW (Australia) Electricity network circa 2002 containing electrical bus and transmission line properties for use in load flow analysis. The results o...
Neale, D. and Management, M. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jan 01, 2002
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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Global Energy & Mining Data, World Bank (1970 2007)
Alternative and Nuclear Energy: Percentage of Total Energy Use Combustible Renewables and Waste: Metric Tons of Oil Equivalent Combustible Renewable and Waste: Percentage of Total Energy Electric Power Consumption Electric Power Transmission and Distribution Losses Electric Power ...
Brodt-Giles, D. and Bank, W. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Oct 12, 2013
4 Resources
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4 Resources
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Annual Renewable Electricity Consumption by Country (2005 2009)
Total annual renewable electricity consumption by country, 2005 to 2009 (available in Billion Kilowatt-hours or as Quadrillion Btu). Compiled by Energy Information Administration (EIA).
WikiSysop, . and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
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3 Resources
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Electricity Net Generation From Renewable Energy by Energy Use Sector and Energy Source, 2004 2008
Provides annual net electricity generation (thousand kilowatt-hours) from renewable energy in the United States by energy use sector (commercial, industrial, electric power) and by energy source (e.g. biomas, solar thermal/pv).
Hallett, K. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
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2 Resources
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NREL Power Technologies Energy Data Book (2006) : U.S. Electricity Capability
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) publishes a wide selection of data and statistics on energy power technologies from a variety of sources (e.g. Energy Information Administration, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratory, and EPRI). In 2006, NREL pub...
Hallett, K. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
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2 Resources
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