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Solar PV Road Setbacks: Ordinances (2022) and Extrapolated Trends
This dataset represents solar energy setback requirements from roads based on county ordinances as of April 2022. A setback requirement is a minimum distance from a road that an energy project may be developed, and these varied widely across the counties in which they existed. Two...
Geospatial Data Science, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Jan 01, 2024
5 Resources
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5 Resources
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Kilauea Magnetotelluric Dataset
In 2002 and 2003 a collaborative effort was undertaken between Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, the USGS Menlo Park, the USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory, and Electromagnetic Instruments Inc. to study the Kilauea volcano in Hawaii using the mag...
Hoversten, G. and Gasperikova, E. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Jun 16, 2022
72 Resources
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72 Resources
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Walker Ranch 3D Seismic Images
Amplitude images (both vertical and depth slices) extracted from 3D seismic reflection survey over area of Walker Ranch area (adjacent to Raft River). Crossline spacing of 660 feet and inline of 165 feet using a Vibroseis source. Processing included depth migration. Micro-earthqua...
J., R. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Mar 01, 2016
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Wind Turbine Water Setbacks: Ordinances (2022) and Extrapolated Trends, 115 Hub Height 170 Rotor Diameter
This dataset represents wind energy setback requirements from water based on existing county ordinances as of April 2022. A setback requirement is a minimum distance from water that an energy project may be developed, and these varied widely across the counties in which they exist...
Geospatial Data Science, N. and Geospatial Data Science, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Jan 01, 2024
5 Resources
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5 Resources
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Triton Field Trials (TFiT) underwater noise University of New Hampshire Living Bridge turbine Processed Data
In July 2021, a commercial-off-the-shelf hydrophone was deployed in a free-drifting configuration to measure underwater acoustic emissions and characterize a 25 kW-rated tidal turbine at the University of New Hampshire's Living Bridge Project in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Sampling...
Haxel, J. et al Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Jul 21, 2021
6 Resources
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6 Resources
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Early Market Opportunity MHK Energy Site Identification Wave and Tidal Resources
This data was compiled for the 'Early Market Opportunity Hot Spot Identification' project. The data and scripts included were used in the 'MHK Energy Site Identification and Ranking Methodology' Reports (see resources below). The Python scripts will generate a set of results--base...
Kilcher, L. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Apr 01, 2016
7 Resources
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7 Resources
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USU Camas-1 Test Well: Documentation
This submission contains documents that describe the USU Camas-1 test well, drilled in Camas Prairie, Idaho, in Fall 2018 and Fall 2019. The purpose of this well is to validate exploration methodologies of the Snake River Plain (SRP) Play Fairway Analysis (PFA) project.
Shervais, J. Utah State University
Oct 31, 2018
13 Resources
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13 Resources
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Snake River Plain Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis Heat, Permeability, and Seal CRS Map Raster Files
Snake River Plain Play Fairway Analysis Phase 1 CRS Raster Files.
This dataset contains raster files created in ArcGIS. These raster images depict Common Risk Segment (CRS) maps for HEAT, PERMEABILITY, AND SEAL, as well as selected maps of Evidence Layers. These evidence layers c...
Shervais, J. Utah State University
Oct 09, 2015
38 Resources
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38 Resources
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Evaluation of the U.S. Department of Energy Challenge Home Program Certification of Production Builders Chicago, IL and Devens, MA
TO4 Task 3.1 K Hovnanian Chicago, IL
DOE Challenge Home Program Certified
Home Constructed and Verified
DOE Challenge Home
Building envelope
Ceiling R-49 blown fiberglass, Grade I
Walls 2x4 framing @ 16 o.c. with R-13 fiberglass batts, Grade I
and 1"" R-5 extrude...
Loomis, H. and Kerrigan, P. Building Science Corporation
Apr 27, 2016
6 Resources
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6 Resources
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Elevation Grid for top Columbia River Basalt (CRBG) in the Portland Basin used in DDU Feasibility Study
The Portland Basin is a prime location to assess the feasibility of DDU-TES because natural geologic conditions provide thermal and hydraulic separation from overlying aquifers that would otherwise sweep away stored heat. Under the Portland Basin, the lower Columbia River Basalt G...
Bershaw, J. and Scanlon, D. Portland State University
Dec 01, 2018
5 Resources
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5 Resources
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Utah FORGE: Fluid Injection Induced Shearing Experiments on Fractured Granitoid at Elevated Temperatures
This repository contains experimental data from a series of fluid injection-induced shearing tests conducted on Utah FORGE granitoid. The experiments were performed using an aluminum triaxial pressure vessel (TEMCO) apparatus at Pennsylvania State University. The primary aim was t...
Elsworth, D. et al Pennsylvania State University
Aug 12, 2024
16 Resources
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16 Resources
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Improvements in 2016 to Natural Reservoir Analysis in Low-Temperature Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis for the Appalachian Basin
*These files add to and replace same-named files found within Submission 559 (hover over file display names to see actual file names in bottom-left corner of screen)*
The files included in this submission contain all data pertinent to the methods and results of a cohesive multi-st...
Camp, E. Cornell University
Aug 18, 2016
16 Resources
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16 Resources
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Wave Energy Prize Wave Calibration Data for the 1:20 Scale Testing at MASK
Time series data, sensor layout, and wave calibration summaries for the wave height measurements for the 10 calibration sea states for the 1:20 scale testing of the Wave Energy Prize (WEP) at the US Navy's Maneuvering and Seakeeping (MASK) Basin at the Naval Surface Warfare Center...
Driscoll, R. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
May 08, 2017
6 Resources
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6 Resources
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Directional Cooling-Induced Fracturing Westerly Granite Test Results
Directional Cooling-Induced Fracturing (DCIF) experiments were conducted on a short, cylindrical sample of Westerly granite (diameter = 4 inches, height ~ 2 inches). Liquid nitrogen was poured in a copper cup attached to the top of the sample, and the resulting acoustic emissions ...
Nakagawa, S. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Dec 18, 2020
5 Resources
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5 Resources
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Project HOTSPOT: Mountain Home Well Borehole Geophysics Database
The Snake River Plain (SRP), Idaho, hosts potential geothermal resources due to elevated groundwater temperatures associated with the thermal anomaly Yellowstone-Snake River hotspot. Project HOTSPOT has coordinated international institutions and organizations to understand subsurf...
Shervais, J. Utah State University
Nov 11, 2012
33 Resources
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33 Resources
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Play Fairway Analysis CA-NV-OR: Figures on 2km Grids
Various data sets displayed on a 2km grid for the Play Fairway Analysis CA-NV-OR area.
M, C. University of California
Sep 15, 2015
16 Resources
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16 Resources
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Visual Impact Assessment of the Existing Land-based Wind Turbine Fleet of the Contiguous United States
This data submission contains GIS raster datasets mapping the visual impacts of the land-based wind turbine fleet in the Contiguous United States (CONUS). Two datasets are included, each presenting a different quantification of visual impacts:
1. Cumulative visual magnitude, meas...
Gleason, M. et al National Renewable Energy Lab
Mar 19, 2024
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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Reservoir Stimulation Optimization with Operational Monitoring for Creation of EGS
EGS field projects have not sustained production at rates greater than half of what is needed for economic viability. The primary limitation that makes commercial EGS infeasible is our current inability to cost-effectively create high-permeability reservoirs from impermeable, igne...
A., C. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Sep 25, 2013
19 Resources
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19 Resources
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DCIF (Directional Cooling-Induced Fracturing) Westerly Granite AE Borehole Damage Effect Test (Task 3-0)
Directional Cooling-Induced Fracturing (DCIF) experiments were conducted on three rectangular Westerly granite blocks (width=depth=4.0", height=2.0") which were preheated to 200, 400, and 600 degree C to induce damage (microcracks) with varying degrees. Liquid nitrogen was poured...
Nakagawa, S. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Jan 27, 2022
13 Resources
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13 Resources
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DCIF Westerly Granite AE Stress Effect Test (Task 3-1)
Directional Cooling-Induced Fracturing (DCIF) experiments were conducted on rectangular Westerly granite blocks (width=depth=4.0", height=2.0"). Liquid nitrogen was poured in a small, 1"-diameter copper cup attached to the top of the sample, and the resulting acoustic emissions (A...
Nakagawa, S. and Trzeciak, M. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Jul 08, 2021
15 Resources
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15 Resources
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Geothermal Data Gap Analysis Over the Western US
NREL, as part of the Play Fairway Analysis Retrospective, compiled and mapped publicly available geologic and geophysical data in relation to the 2008 USGS geothermal potential analysis. Included in this submission are maps displaying the publicly available data for LIDAR coverage...
Rhodes, G. and Roberts, B. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Oct 01, 2020
4 Resources
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4 Resources
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Project HOTSPOT: Kimama Well Borehole Geophysics Database
The Snake River Plain (SRP), Idaho, hosts potential geothermal resources due to elevated groundwater temperatures associated with the thermal anomaly Yellowstone-Snake River hotspot. Project HOTSPOT has coordinated international institutions and organizations to understand subsurf...
Shervais, J. Utah State University
Jul 04, 2011
47 Resources
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47 Resources
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Project HOTSPOT: Kimberly Well Borehole Geophysics Database
The Snake River Plain (SRP), Idaho, hosts potential geothermal resources due to elevated groundwater temperatures associated with the thermal anomaly Yellowstone-Snake River hotspot. Project HOTSPOT has coordinated international institutions and organizations to understand subsurf...
Shervais, J. Utah State University
Jul 04, 2011
48 Resources
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48 Resources
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Most Likely Extreme Response Analysis of an Ellipsoid Float Wave Energy Converter
Input data and heave results (unsteady RANS-VOF overset simulations performed in Star-CCM+) for a float with an ellipsoid geometry. Five extreme sea states were considered, as detailed in the conference paper "Application of the Most Likely Extreme Response Method for Wave Energy ...
Quon, E. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jun 17, 2016
7 Resources
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7 Resources
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Interregional Renewable Energy Zones
Interregional Renewable Energy Zones (IREZs) are a component of the National Transmission Planning Study (NTPS), which analyzes strategies for building out transmission infrastructure to support decarbonizing the electricity sector by 2035. In particular, IREZs envision long-dista...
Hurlbut. . et al Strategic Energy Analysis Center
Sep 02, 2022
13 Resources
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13 Resources
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