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Walker Ranch 3D Seismic Images
Amplitude images (both vertical and depth slices) extracted from 3D seismic reflection survey over area of Walker Ranch area (adjacent to Raft River). Crossline spacing of 660 feet and inline of 165 feet using a Vibroseis source. Processing included depth migration. Micro-earthqua...
J., R. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Mar 01, 2016
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Performance and Costs of Ductless Heat Pumps in Marine-Climate High-Performance Homes Habitat for Humanity The Woods
The Washington State University (WSU) Energy Program's Building America (BA) team conducted a case study of a high-performance affordable housing community: The Woods (Figure 1). This BA effort is part of a larger-scale study of 30 homes funded from 2013-2016 by Tacoma Public Util...
Lubliner, M. et al Washington State University
Apr 27, 2016
8 Resources
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Publicly accessible
8 Resources
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The Urban Energy-Water Nexus: Utility-Level Water Flows and Embedded Energy
There are limited open source data available for determining water production/treatment and required energy for cities across the United States. This database represents the culmination of a two-year effort to obtain data from cities across the United States via open records reque...
Chini, C. and Stillwell, A. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Feb 20, 2018
114 Resources
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Publicly accessible
114 Resources
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