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GeoVision: Harnessing the Heat Beneath Our Feet Analysis Inputs and Results
This submission includes input and results data from analysis done as part of the Geothermal Technology Office's Geothermal Vision Study (GeoVision). The submission includes data for both analysis of the electricity sector and the heating and cooling sector. For the electricity se...
Geothermal Technologies Office, U. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Sep 30, 2019
16 Resources
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16 Resources
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Advancing Replicable Solutions for High-Performance Homes in the Southeast JMC Patrick Square
The work presented in this report advances the goals of the U.S. Department of Energy Building America program by improving the energy peformance of affordable and market-rate housing. Southface Energy Institute (Southface), part of the U.S. Department of Energy Building America r...
Sweet, M. et al Southface
Apr 27, 2016
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Public Housing: A Tailored Approach to Energy Retrofits Raleigh
More than 1 million U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development-supported public housing units provide rental housing for eligible low-income families across the country. These units range from scattered single-family houses to high-rise apartments. In this project, the Advan...
Dentz, J. et al The Levy Partnership, Inc Systems Building Research Alliance
Apr 27, 2016
7 Resources
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7 Resources
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Thermostatic Radiator Valve Evaluation and Demonstration
A large stock of multifamily buildings in the Northeast and Midwest uses hot water or steam for space heating. Typically, residents do not pay for heat directly (i.e., heating fuel serves a central plant and use is not submetered). Losses from these systems are typically high, and...
Dentz, J. and Ansanelli, E. The Levy Partnership, Inc Systems Building Research Alliance
Apr 27, 2016
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Measured Performance of a Varied Airflow Small-Diameter Duct System
In this study, researchers with the U.S. Department of Energy's Building America team IBACOS built on research previously done in two new-construction unoccupied test houses-one in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (Poerschke and Stecher 2014) and one in Fresno, California (Stecher and Poe...
Poerschke, A. Ibacos Innovation
Apr 27, 2016
5 Resources
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5 Resources
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Conway St Apartments Olive Street Development
In Greenfield, Massachusetts, Olive Street Development transformed an old elementary school building into 12 high-end rental apartments. The developer aimed to get as close to net-zero performance as practical, installing: (1) R-30 high-density spray foam against the brick walls (...
Aldrich, R. and Williamson, J. Steven Winter Associates of the Consortium for Advanced Residential Buildings
Apr 27, 2016
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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United States Renewable Energy Technical Potential
Renewable energy technical potential as defined in this report represents the achievable energy generation of a particular technology given system performance, topographic limitations, environmental, and land-use constraints.
The primary benefit of assessing technical potential...
Lopez, A. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
4 Resources
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4 Resources
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End-Use Load Profiles for the U.S. Building Stock
The United States is embarking on an ambitious transition to a 100% clean energy economy by 2050, which will require improving the flexibility of electric grids. One way to achieve grid flexibility is to shed or shift demand to align with changing grid needs. To facilitate this, i...
Wilson, E. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Oct 14, 2021
8 Resources
2 Stars
Publicly accessible
8 Resources
2 Stars
Publicly accessible
Performance and Costs of Ductless Heat Pumps in Marine-Climate High-Performance Homes Habitat for Humanity The Woods
The Washington State University (WSU) Energy Program's Building America (BA) team conducted a case study of a high-performance affordable housing community: The Woods (Figure 1). This BA effort is part of a larger-scale study of 30 homes funded from 2013-2016 by Tacoma Public Util...
Lubliner, M. et al Washington State University
Apr 27, 2016
8 Resources
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8 Resources
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Distributed Generation Market Demand (dGen) model
The Distributed Generation Market Demand (dGen) model simulates customer adoption of distributed energy resources (DERs) for residential, commercial, and industrial entities in the United States or other countries through 2050. The dGen model can be used for identifying the sector...
Stanley, T. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Oct 16, 2020
4 Resources
1 Stars
Publicly accessible
4 Resources
1 Stars
Publicly accessible
HERO WEC V1 Upgrade 2023 Laboratory Testing (Raw Data)
This submission contains the original, unprocessed data from the 2023 Large Amplitude Motion Platform (LAMP) testing of NREL's Hydraulic and Electric Reverse Osmosis Wave Energy Converter (HERO WEC). This data serves as a companion to MHKDR #520.
Data was collected using NREL's Mo...
Jenne, S. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jan 01, 2024
6 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
6 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center, OR Final Technical Report & Appendices
In 2008, the US Department of Energy (DOE) Wind and Water Power Program issued a funding opportunity announcement to establish university-led National Marine Renewable Energy Centers. Oregon State University and the University of Washington combined their capabilities in wave and ...
Hellin, D. Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center
Jun 30, 2016
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
US Low-Temperature EGS Resource Potential Estimate
Shapefile of shallow, low-temperature EGS resources for the United States, and accompanying paper (submitted to GRC 2016) describing the methodology and analysis. These data are part of a very rough estimate created for use in the U.S. Department of Energy Geothermal Technology O...
Mullane, M. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jun 30, 2016
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
2020 Annual Technology Baseline (ATB) Cost and Performance Data for Electricity Generation Technologies
Starting in 2015 NREL has presented the Annual Technology Baseline (ATB) in an Excel workbook that contains detailed cost and performance data, both current and projected, for renewable and conventional technologies. The workbook includes a spreadsheet for each technology. This up...
Akar. . et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jul 28, 2020
5 Resources
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Publicly accessible
5 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Demand-Side Grid Model (dsgrid) Data from the Electrification Futures Project (EFS)
This data set contains the full-resolution and state-level data described in the linked technical report ( It can be accessed with the NREL-dsgrid-legacy-efs-api, available on GitHub at a...
Hale, E. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jul 08, 2018
6 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
6 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center, OR Site Selection Evaluation
Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center Project fishing vessel charter survey and South Energy Test Site (SETS) selection evaluation report.
Hellin, D. Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center
Jun 29, 2016
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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WaterTAP3 Model Results for NAWI's Baseline Analyses
This dataset contains the results for the WaterTAP3 model that was used for the eight NAWI (National Alliance for Water Innovation) baseline studies published in the Environmental Science and Technology special issue: Technology Baselines and Innovation Priorities for Water Treatm...
Miara, A. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Feb 01, 2022
10 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
10 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Renewable Energy Potential Model: Geothermal Supply Curves
The Renewable Energy Potential (reV) model is a geospatial platform for estimating technical potential and developing renewable energy supply curves, initially developed for wind and solar technologies. The model evaluates deployment constraints, considering land use, environmenta...
Trainor-Guitton, W. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Aug 21, 2023
3 Resources
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Publicly accessible
3 Resources
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Publicly accessible
PR100: Puerto Rico Grid Resilience and Transition to 100% Renewable Energy
The Puerto Rico Grid Resilience and Transitions to 100% Renewable Energy Study (PR100) comprehensively analyzes possible pathways for Puerto Rico to achieve its renewable energy goals while incorporating stakeholder perspectives and advancing energy resilience for all Puerto Rican...
Sky, H. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Jul 01, 2022
17 Resources
1 Stars
Publicly accessible
17 Resources
1 Stars
Publicly accessible
HERO WEC 2024 Electrical Configuration Deployment Data
The following submission includes raw and processed electrical configuration deployment data from the in water deployment of NREL's Hydraulic and Electric Reverse Osmosis Wave Energy Converter (HERO WEC), in the form of parquet files, TDMS files, CSV files, bag files, and MATLAB w...
Jenne, S. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Apr 18, 2024
16 Resources
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Publicly accessible
16 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Nevada High Resolution Wind Resource
Annual average wind resource potential for the state of Nevada, United States at a 50 meter height.
The wind power resource estimates were produced by TrueWind Solutions using their MesoMap system and historical weather data under contract to Wind Powering America/NREL. This m...
Langle, N. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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New Mexico High Resolution Wind Resource
Annual average wind resource potential for the state of New Mexico at a 50 meter height.
The wind power resource estimates were produced by TrueWind Solutions using their MesoMap system and historical weather data under contract to Wind Powering America/NREL. This map has been ...
Langle, N. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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Iowa High Resolution Wind Resource
Annual average wind resource potential for the state of Iowa at a 50 meter height.
This data set has been validated by NREL and wind energy meteorological consultants. *Note:* This data is not suitable for micro-siting potential development projects. This shapefile was generate...
Langle, N. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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New York High Resolution Wind Resource
Annual average wind resource potential for New York at a 50 meter height.
This data set has been validated by NREL and wind energy meteorological consultants. *Note:* This data is not suitable for micro-siting potential development projects. This shapefile was generated from a...
Langle, N. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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Commercial Reference Building: Quick Service Restaurant
Commercial reference buildings provide complete descriptions for whole building energy analysis using EnergyPlus (see "About EnergyPlus" resource link) simulation software. Included here is data pertaining to the reference building type "Quick Service Restaurant" for each of the 1...
Deru, M. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
7 Resources
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7 Resources
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