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Geothermal Exploration of Newberry Volcano, Oregon Summary Report
Abstract: Davenport Newberry (Davenport) has completed 8 years of exploration for geothermal energy on Newberry Volcano in central Oregon. Two deep exploration test wells were drilled by Davenport on the west flank of the volcano, one intersected a hydrothermal system; the other ...
Waibel, A. et al Southern Methodist University
Jan 01, 2015
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1 Resources
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Wave Tank Testing Report for Controls Validation of a Heaving Point Absorber
The core objectives of this project is to improve the power capture of three different wave energy
conversion (WEC) devices by more than 50% using an advanced control system and validate the
attained improvements using wave tank and full scale testing. In parallel, we will bring a...
Previsic, M. et al Re Vision Consulting
Aug 26, 2020
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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Aquantis 2.5 MW Ocean Current Generation Device Scaled Tank Test Design and Results
Aquantis 2.5 MW Ocean Current Generation Device, Tow Tank Dynamic Rig Structural Analysis Results. This is the detailed documentation for scaled device testing in a tow tank, including models, drawings, presentations, cost of energy analysis, and structural analysis. This datase...
Swales, H. et al Dehlsen Associates, LLC
Jun 03, 2015
46 Resources
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46 Resources
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Foam Fracturing Study for Stimulation Development of Enhanced Geothermal Systems
This is a final technical report for the project: Foam Fracturing Study for Stimulation Development of Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS). The goal is to demonstrate the feasibility of foam fracturing in EGS applications. The project, led by Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), wa...
Wang, H. et al Oak Ridge National Laboratory
May 17, 2022
3 Resources
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Publicly accessible
3 Resources
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Curated Test Fault Data Set
The curated fault experiment data set consists of tagged and fully described time series representing measured faults from the AFDD test building (ORNLs Flexible Research Platform [FRP]), including baseline performance and faulty performance. A total of 10 different faults are tes...
Kim, J. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Sep 24, 2019
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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Experimental Testing of a Floating Oscillating Surge Wave Energy Converter at Hinsdale Wave Research Laboratory
In order to generate a public data set that can be used to validate Wave Energy Converter (WEC) numerical codes, such as WEC-Sim, Sandia National Laboratories led an experimental testing campaign of a 1:33 scale Floating Oscillating Surge Wave Energy Converter (FOSWEC) in the Dire...
Ruehl, K. et al Sandia National Laboratories
Jun 15, 2016
3 Resources
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Publicly accessible
3 Resources
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TEAMER: Water Tunnel Data from Testing the Pterofin Skimmer Concept
Pterofin's Skimmer concept relies on a flapping and pitching hydrofoil to extract hydrokinetic energy from water flows. The concept aims to utilize unsteady fluid dynamics phenomena (added mass, shed vorticity, and unsteady boundary layer development) to achieve higher lift coeffi...
Jaffa, N. et al Pennsylvania State University, Applied Research Laboratory
Jul 13, 2023
7 Resources
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7 Resources
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TEAMER: Biofouling Analysis for Wave Energy Piston Design Load Cell Data
Biofouling and corrosion are a major concern for all ocean-deployed components, especially when mechanical motion is involved. Triton has developed the concept of a biofouling mitigation seal as part of the piston sealing assembly for the Triton Wave Energy Converter (TSI-WEC). Th...
Robertson, T. et al Triton Systems, Inc.
Nov 01, 2021
9 Resources
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9 Resources
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HERO WEC V1 Upgrade 2023 Laboratory Testing (Raw Data)
This submission contains the original, unprocessed data from the 2023 Large Amplitude Motion Platform (LAMP) testing of NREL's Hydraulic and Electric Reverse Osmosis Wave Energy Converter (HERO WEC). This data serves as a companion to MHKDR #520.
Data was collected using NREL's Mo...
Jenne, S. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jan 01, 2024
6 Resources
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Publicly accessible
6 Resources
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2020 Annual Technology Baseline (ATB) Cost and Performance Data for Electricity Generation Technologies
Starting in 2015 NREL has presented the Annual Technology Baseline (ATB) in an Excel workbook that contains detailed cost and performance data, both current and projected, for renewable and conventional technologies. The workbook includes a spreadsheet for each technology. This up...
Akar. . et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jul 28, 2020
5 Resources
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5 Resources
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Advanced TidGen Power System Preliminary IO&M and Testing Plan
The TidGen Power System generates emission-free electricity from tidal currents and connects directly into existing grids using smart grid technology. The power system consists of three major subsystems: shore-side power electronics, mooring system, and turbine generator unit (TGU...
Marnagh, C. and McEntee, J. Ocean Renewable Power Company
Jun 14, 2018
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1 Resources
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Utah FORGE 5-2615: Shear Enhanced Permeability In a Granitoid Fracture Presentation Slides
Provided here is a set of presentation slides detailing stress-dependent permeability in FORGE granitoid fractures and how fracture slip affects permeability. It outlines empirical correlations between permeability, stress, and fracture aperture, emphasizing that mechanically clos...
Ghassemi, A. and Ye, Z. University of Oklahoma
Feb 28, 2024
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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Deep Direct-Use Feasibility Study Numerical Modeling and Uncertainty Analysis using iTOUGH2 for West Virginia University
To reduce the geothermal exploration risk, a feasibility study is performed for a deep direct-use system proposed at the West Virginia University (WVU) Morgantown campus. This study applies numerical simulations to investigate reservoir impedance and thermal production. Because of...
Garapati, N. et al West Virginia University
Dec 20, 2019
13 Resources
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13 Resources
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Utah FORGE: Well 16A(78)-32 Stimulation Data (April, 2022)
This is a set of data related to the stimulation program at Utah FORGE well 16A(78)-32 during April, 2022. This includes daily reports, 1 second Pason data, tracer data, and shear stimulation data and information including a report of an evolving prognosis for the stimulation oper...
McLennan, J. Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
May 18, 2022
11 Resources
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11 Resources
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Wave Energy Prize Wave Calibration Data for the 1:20 Scale Testing at MASK
Time series data, sensor layout, and wave calibration summaries for the wave height measurements for the 10 calibration sea states for the 1:20 scale testing of the Wave Energy Prize (WEP) at the US Navy's Maneuvering and Seakeeping (MASK) Basin at the Naval Surface Warfare Center...
Driscoll, R. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
May 08, 2017
6 Resources
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6 Resources
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Utah FORGE 3-2417: DAS Microseismic Event Catalog from the 16A/16B Circulation Test, 2023
This preliminary data archive includes the relocated microseismic event catalog, 1D velocity model, and methods report from DAS acquisition conducted during the Well 16A and 16B circulation test (July 19th and 20th, 2023) at Utah FORGE. The methods report describes all processing ...
Vera Rodriguez, I. et al Rice University
Jun 12, 2024
4 Resources
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4 Resources
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Retrofitting a 1960s Split-Level Cold-Climate Home
The U.S. Department of Energy Building America research team Consortium for Advanced Residential Buildings (CARB) partnered with Preferred Builders, a previous CARB partner and builder of the Performance House (DOE 2013) and the owners of a 1960s split-level home in Westport, Conn...
Puttagunta, S. Steven Winter Associates of the Consortium for Advanced Residential Buildings
Apr 27, 2016
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3 Resources
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Low-Temperature Hydrothermal Resource Potential Estimate
Compilation of data (spreadsheet and shapefiles) for several low-temperature resource types, including isolated springs and wells, delineated area convection systems, sedimentary basins and coastal plains sedimentary systems. For each system, we include estimates of the accessibl...
Mullane, M. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jun 30, 2016
4 Resources
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4 Resources
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Snake River Plain Play Fairway Analysis: Mountain Home Geothermal Area Natural State Model
The Mountain Home area is characterized by high heat flow and temperature gradient. Temperature data are available from 18 boreholes with depths equal to or greater than 200 m, 5 of which have depths ranging from ~1340 m to ~3390 m (MH-1, MH-2, Bostic1, Lawrence D No.1, and Anschu...
Garg, S. et al Utah State University
Jul 28, 2015
4 Resources
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4 Resources
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ORNL Air Handling Fault Test Data FRP#1
ORNL test data for air handling faults. Data contains electrical measurements and power consumption measurements.
Fugate, D. and Laboratory, O. Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Mar 22, 2017
5 Resources
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In curation
5 Resources
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In curation
New York State Energy Research and Development Authority Exterior Building Solutions To Insulation
TO4 8.2.2: Space Cond. for Deep Energy Retrofits
The purpose of this project for the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) is to find new or improved strategies for exterior building solutions in regard to insulation that will provide extensive energy...
Beach, R. et al Ibacos Innovation
Apr 27, 2016
14 Resources
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14 Resources
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Devices Suitable for Sectional Isolation Along Both Cased and Open-hole Wellbores Pipe Preparation Report
The main goal of this project is to develop an annular isolation system capable to withstand geothermal downhole conditions and mitigate the problems experienced by conventional packers in FORGE wells. This pipe preparation report is based on the test pipe that was procured and pr...
Teodoriu, C. et al Welltec
Mar 31, 2023
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Utah FORGE: Neubrex Well 16B(78)-32 Cementing and Circulation Fiber Optics Monitoring Reports July, 2023
Included here are two fiber optics monitoring reports on Utah FORGE well 16B(78)-32 from Neubrex Energy Services. These reports review the fiber optics monitoring during both the cementing and circulation test periods of the well. Cementing as well as post-cementing monitoring a...
Jurick, D. et al Neubrex Energy Services (US), LLC
Oct 21, 2023
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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M3 Wave DMP/APEX WEC Final Technical Report
This project successfully developed methods for numerical modeling of sediment transport phenomena around rigid objects resting on or near the ocean floor. These techniques were validated with physical testing using actual sediment in a large wave tank. These methods can be applie...
Morrow, M. et al M3 Wave
May 31, 2018
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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ALFA Non-linear Ocean Waves and PTO Control Strategy
Data from Advanced Laboratory and Field Arrays (ALFA) Non-linear Ocean Waves and Power Take-Off (PTO). Control Strategy project conducted at the O.H. Hinsdale Wave Research Laboratory (HWRL) at Oregon State University in 2019/2020. Contains two zip files (,
Bosma, B. et al Pacific Marine Energy Center (PMEC)
Oct 28, 2019
9 Resources
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9 Resources
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