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Energy Intensity Indicators in the U.S.: Commercial Buildings Sector (1949 2004)
Energy intensity data and documentation published by the U.S. DOE's office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE). Energy intensity is defined as: amount of energy used in producing a given level of output or activity; expressed as energy per unit of output. This is the ...
Hallett, K. and (EERE), O. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
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RN12 and RN30 Epidote anlayses
Results for laser ablation measurement of rare earth elements and electron microprobe analysis of major elements in hydrothermal epidote. Laser ablation measurements were completed using an Agilent 7700 quadrupole ICP-MS coupled with 193nm Photon Instruments Excimer laser.
Fowler, A. and Zierenberg, R. University of California
Jan 01, 2015
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Results from "Charging Needs for Electric Semi-Trailer Trucks"
This data set includes modeling results from “Charging Needs for Electric Semi-Trailer Trucks” including charging demand distributions and charging speed requirements for the multiple scenarios and semi-trailer truck operating segments described in the study. Please cite as:
BorlaugCenter for Integrated Mobility Sciences
Oct 10, 2022
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Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) of Strain at Earth Tide Frequencies: Laboratory Tests
The solid Earth strains in response to the gravitational pull from the Moon, Sun, and other planetary bodies. Measuring the flexure of geologic material in response to these Earth tides provides information about the geomechanical properties of rock and sediment. Such measurements...
Coleman, T. and Becker, M. California State University
Jan 24, 2018
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Heavy-Duty Electric Fleet Depot Charging Load Profiles & Substation Load Integration Assessment Results
This data set includes the 24-hour fleet depot charging load profiles (15-min. average demand) and substation load integration assessment results produced for the study, "Heavy-Duty Truck Electrification and the Impacts of Depot Charging on Electricity Distribution Systems", publi...
Borlaug, . et al Center for Integrated Mobility Sciences
Apr 20, 2021
4 Resources
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4 Resources
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DEPRECATED State Policies and Programs for Community Solar (2022)
This data set is no longer current – The most current data and all historical data sets can be found at
The purpose of this dataset is to summarize current community solar policies and low-income stipulations by the state in the United S...
Xu, . et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Apr 05, 2023
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Achieving Challenge Home in Affordable Housing in the Hot Humid Climate
The Building America Partnership for Improved Residential Construction (BA-PIRC), one of the Building America research team leads, has partnered with two builders as they work through the Challenge Home certification process in one test home each. The builder partners participatin...
Beal, D. et al University of Central Florida Florida Solar Energy Center
Apr 27, 2016
9 Resources
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9 Resources
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Modeled Performance of the Hathaway Solar Patriot house Washington D.C
This Dataset contains field research raw data, analysis spreadsheet, photos, and final report from the Hathaway Solar Patriot House Building America Case Study project.
This dataset details the monitored and modeled performance of a solar home outside of Washington, D.C. We model...
Norton, P. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jun 20, 2016
5 Resources
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5 Resources
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Publicly accessible
DEPRECATED Sharing the Sun Community Solar Project Data (Dec 2020, Revision)
This data set is no longer current – The most current data and all historical data sets can be found at
This database represents a list of community solar projects identified through various sources as of Dec 2020. The list has been revi...
Heeter, . et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
May 05, 2021
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Chemistry Data for Geothermometry Mapping of Deep Hydrothermal Reservoirs in Southeastern Idaho
This dataset includes chemistry of geothermal water samples of the Eastern Snake River Plain and surrounding area. The samples included in this dataset were collected during the springs and summers of 2014 and 2015. All chemical analysis of the samples were conducted in the Analyt...
Mattson, E. Idaho National Laboratory
Jan 18, 2016
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1 Resources
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1D Heat Loss Models Validation Experiment
Contains data from the model validation in the 1D Heat Loss Models to Predict the Aquifer Temperature Profile during Hot/Cold Water Injection Project. The data include two COMSOL models (2D axisymmetric benchmark model and 2D Vinsome model), one python code (1D Vinsome based FEM n...
Chen, K. et al UC Berkeley
Jan 18, 2022
8 Resources
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8 Resources
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Misra, S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Sep 22, 2019
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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Commercial Reference Building: Large Office
Commercial reference buildings provide complete descriptions for whole building energy analysis using EnergyPlus (see "About EnergyPlus" resource link) simulation software. Included here is data pertaining to the reference building type "Large Office" for each of the 16 climate zo...
Deru, M. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
7 Resources
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7 Resources
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Energy Intensity Indicators in the U.S.: Residential Buildings Sector (1978 2004)
Energy intensity data and documentation published by the U.S. DOE's office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE). Energy intensity is defined as: amount of energy used in producing a given level of output or activity; expressed as energy per unit of output. This is the ...
Hallett, K. and (EERE), O. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Greenhouse Gas emissions from California Geothermal Power Plants
The information given in this file represents greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and corresponding emission rates for California flash and dry steam geothermal power plants. This stage of the life cycle is the fuel use component of the fuel cycle and arises during plant operation. Des...
Sullivan, J. Argonne National Laboratory
Mar 14, 2014
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1 Resources
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Illite Dissolution Rates and Equation (100 to 280 deg C)
The objective of this suite of experiments was to develop a useful kinetic dissolution expression for illite applicable over an expanded range of solution pH and temperature conditions representative of subsurface conditions in natural and/or engineered geothermal reservoirs. Usi...
Carroll, S. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Oct 17, 2014
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1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Fluid Rare Earth Element Analyses from Wells RN-12 and RN-19, Reykjanes, Iceland
Results for fluid rare earth element analyses from Reykjanes wells RN-12 and RN-19. The data have not been corrected for flashing. Samples pre-concentrated using chelating resin with IDA functional group (InertSep ME-1). Analyzed using an element magnetic sector ICP-MS.
Fowler, A. and Zierenberg, R. University of California
Jul 24, 2015
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1 Resources
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Liquine thermal springs
Chemical and isotopical data of the thermal springs located at Liquine area in Southern Chile.
Taucare, M. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Sep 01, 2018
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1 Resources
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Energy Intensity Indicators in the U.S.: Economy-wide (1949 2004)
Energy intensity data and documentation published by the U.S. DOE's office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE). Energy intensity is defined as: amount of energy used in producing a given level of output or activity; expressed as energy per unit of output. Economy-wide...
Hallett, K. and (EERE), O. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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NREL Power Technologies Energy Data Book (2006) : U.S. Electricity Capability
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) publishes a wide selection of data and statistics on energy power technologies from a variety of sources (e.g. Energy Information Administration, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratory, and EPRI). In 2006, NREL pub...
Hallett, K. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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USGS US Coal Resources Database (USCOAL), 1975
The U.S. Geological Survey Energy Resources Program has developed coal databases to monitor the location, quantity, and physical and chemical characteristics of U.S. coal and coal-related deposits. The National Coal Resources Data System (NCRDS) database is an integrated system u...
Hallett, K. and USGS, . National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Dec 31, 1973
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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El Centro Fluid Inclusion Gas Analysis
Fluid inclusion gas analysis for wells in El Centro geothermal area, California. Analyses used in developing fluid inclusion stratigraphy for wells and defining fluids across the geothermal fields. Each sample has mass spectrum counts for 180 chemical species.
Dilley, L. Hattenburg Dilley and Linnell
Jan 01, 2013
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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Hawthorne Fluid Inclusion Gas Analysis
Fluid inclusion gas analysis for wells in the Hawthorne Army Ammunition Depot geothermal area, Nevada. Analyses used in developing fluid inclusion stratigraphy for wells and defining fluids across the geothermal fields. Each sample has mass spectrum counts for 180 chemical species.
Dilley, L. Hattenburg Dilley and Linnell
Jan 01, 2013
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Brady's Geothermal Field Metadata for InSAR Holdings
List of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images acquired by TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X satellite missions and archived at UNAVCO's WINSAR facility. See file "Bradys TSX Holdings.csv" for individual links.
NOTE: The user must create an account in order to access the data (See "Instruct...
Ali, T. University of Wisconsin
Jul 29, 2016
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2 Resources
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ALFA Biological Monitoring Density Values South Energy Test Site, Newport, Oregon
Density values from active acoustic measurements at South Energy Test Site. This data correspond to a bottom mounted upward-looking WBAT, deployed from April 19th to September 30th. Samples (175 pings) were collected hourly at 1Hz.
Horne, J. Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center
Apr 11, 2017
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2 Resources
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