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NREL GIS data: Bhutan Wind Power Density at 50m Above Ground Level
GIS data for Bhutan's Wind Power Density at 50m Above Ground Level. NREL developed estimates of Bhutans wind resources at a spatial resolution of 1 km^2 using NREL?s Wind Resource Assessment and Mapping System (WRAMS). Wind turbine output at a given site can be predicted using win...
Heimiller, D. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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Hydrokinetic Canal Measurements: Inflow Velocity, Wake Flow Velocity, and Turbulence
The dataset consist of acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) velocity measurements in the wake of a 3-meter diameter vertical-axis hydrokinetic turbine deployed in Roza Canal, Yakima, WA, USA. A normalized hub-centerline wake velocity profile and two cross-section velocity con...
Gunawan, B. Sandia National Laboratories
Jun 11, 2014
4 Resources
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4 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Potential structures Applications of Machine Learning Techniques to Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis in the Great Basin Region, Nevada
This submission contains shapefiles, geotiffs, and symbology for the revised-from-Play-Fairway potential structures/structural settings used in the Nevada Geothermal Machine Learning project. Layers include potential structural setting ellipses, centroids, and distance-to-centroid...
Faulds, J. and Coolbaugh, M. Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology
Feb 20, 2021
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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Drifting Acoustic Measurements around C-Power's SeaRay WEC
The repository contains underwater noise measurements and associated metadata collected around C-Power's SeaRay wave energy converter on July 15, 2024 and July 16, 2024 while it was deployed at the U.S. Navy's Wave Energy Test Site (WETS) in Kaneohe, HI. Measurements were obtained...
Polagye, B. et al University of Washington
Jul 16, 2024
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
NREL GIS Data: Wisconsin High Resolution Wind Resource
_Abstract:_ Annual average wind resource potential for Wisconsin at a 50 meter height.
_Purpose:_ Provide information on the wind resource development potential in Wisconsin.
_Supplemental Information:_ This data set has been validated by NREL and wind energy meteorologic...
Langle, N. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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SE Great Basin Play Fairway Analysis Heat and Permeability CRS
Within this submission are multiple .tif images with accompanying metadata of magnetotelluric conductor occurrence, fault critical stress composite risk segment (CRS), permeability CRS, Quaternary mafic extrusions, Quaternary fault density, and Quaternary rhyolite maps. Each of th...
Brandt, A. University of Utah
Nov 15, 2015
6 Resources
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6 Resources
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EGS Collab Experiment 1: TOUGH2-CSM Simulation of Embedded Natural Fractures and Chemical Tracer Transport and Sorption
The EGS Collab SIGMA-V project is a multi-lab and university collaborative research project that is being undertaken at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in South Dakota. The project consists of studying stimulation, fluid-flow, and heat transfer processes at a scal...
Johnston, B. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jun 07, 2019
4 Resources
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Publicly accessible
4 Resources
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Deep Green Unannotated Protein Structures
The Deep Green list is based on the identification and curation of conserved unannotated proteins in three green lineage (Viridiplantae) model organisms; Arabidopsis thaliana, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, and Setaria viridis. Preliminary characterization of Deep Green proteins and g...
Knoshaug. . et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Apr 20, 2023
4 Resources
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Publicly accessible
4 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Utah FORGE: Well 16A(78)-32 Stimulation Data (April, 2022)
This is a set of data related to the stimulation program at Utah FORGE well 16A(78)-32 during April, 2022. This includes daily reports, 1 second Pason data, tracer data, and shear stimulation data and information including a report of an evolving prognosis for the stimulation oper...
McLennan, J. Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
May 18, 2022
11 Resources
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Publicly accessible
11 Resources
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EGS Collab Experiment 1: Circulation Testing Processed data
This submission includes processed and reduced data for circulation testing that was conducted at the 164' fracture on the 4850 ft level of the Sanford Underground Research Facility. The circulation tests were done to test the flow through the 164' fracture in the EGS Collab Exper...
Fu, P. et al Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Apr 01, 2021
7 Resources
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Publicly accessible
7 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Utah FORGE: Logs and Data from Deep Well 58-32 (MU-ESW1)
Data, logs, and graphics associated with the drilling and testing of Utah FORGE deep test well 58-32 (MU-ESW1) near Roosevelt Hot Springs.
Nash, G. and Moore, J. Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Apr 11, 2018
11 Resources
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11 Resources
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Cape EGS: Frisco Pad Wells Flow Test Microseismic Data
This dataset contains microseismic data acquired during the Frisco pad flow test project led by Fervo Energy, conducted between July 17th Aug 12th 2024, near the Utah FORGE geothermal site. The microseismic data was collected from various Utah FORGE wells: via Distributed Acoustic...
Dadi, S. and Kanu, O. Fervo Energy
Nov 06, 2024
5 Resources
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5 Resources
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Utah FORGE: Heat Flow Contours and Well Data
This submission contains a shapefile of heat flow contour lines around the FORGE site located in Milford, Utah. The model was interpolated from data points in the Milford_wells shapefile. This heat flow model was interpolated from 66 data points using the kriging method in Geostat...
Moore, J. Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Mar 09, 2016
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Utah FORGE: Microseismic Surface Network Catalogs for Wells 16A(78)-32 and 16B(78)-32 Stimulation 2022 and Circulation 2023
This dataset includes microseismic surface network catalogs for Utah FORGE. Data were recorded during the stimulation of well 16A(78)-32 in 2022 and the circulation tests between wells 16A(78)-32 and 16B(78)-32 in 2023. Near-surface seismic monitoring during circulation experimen...
Niemz, P. et al University of Utah Seismograph Stations
Feb 09, 2024
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Utah FORGE: Wells 16A(78)-32 and 16B(78)-32 Stimulation Program Report May 2024
This dataset consists of a comprehensive report documenting the stimulation program conducted in May 2024 on Utah FORGE wells 16A(78)-32 and 16B(78)-32. It includes detailed accounts of operational and scientific objectives, stimulation methodologies, and testing outcomes. The rep...
McClennan, J. et al Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Nov 19, 2024
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Oil and Gas Resource Potential of ANWR-1002 Area
The USGS published the data supporting the 1998 report, *The Oil and Gas Resource Potential of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) 1002 Area, Alaska*. The series of datasets (available as Excel files) covers the following topics: oil analysis, petroleum systems, streamwater...
Hallett, K. and USGS, . National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Dec 30, 1998
6 Resources
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6 Resources
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Brady's Geothermal Field March 2016 Vibroseis SEG-Y Files and UTM Locations
PoroTomo March 2016 Updated vibroseis source locations with UTM locations. Supersedes Updated vibroseis source location data for Stages 1-4, PoroTomo March 2016. This revision includes source point locations in UTM format (meters) for all four Stage...
Feigl, K. University of Wisconsin
Mar 31, 2016
10 Resources
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10 Resources
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Maps, Models and Data from Southeastern Great Basin PFA
This submission includes composite risk segment models in raster format for permeability, heat of the earth, and MT, as well as the final PFA model of geothermal exploration risk in Southwestern Utah, USA. Additionally, this submission has data regarding hydrothermally altered are...
Nash, G. Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Jun 30, 2017
7 Resources
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Publicly accessible
7 Resources
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Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) delta T (Annual Average)
This shapefile represents annual average delta T estimates.
ΔT represents the difference in temperature (°C) between the warm and cold water sources used by an OTEC plant at a specific location. Warm water is defined uniformly as water at a depth of 20 m, while cold water is ...
Langle, N. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) delta T (Summer Average)
This shapefile represents seasonal summer average delta T estimates.
ΔT represents the difference in temperature (°C) between the warm and cold water sources used by an OTEC plant at a specific location. Warm water is defined uniformly as water at a depth of 20 m, while cold ...
Langle, N. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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In curation
Mechanical Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality in Recently Constructed U.S. Homes in Marine and Cold-Dry Climates Data from Building America Project
Data were collected to characterize whole-house mechanical ventilation (WHMV) and indoor air quality (IAQ) in 55 homes in the Marine climate of Oregon and Cold-Dry climate of Colorado in the U.S. Sixteen homes were monitored for two weeks, with and without WHMV operating. Ventilat...
Zhao, H. et al Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Mar 22, 2023
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
2 Resources
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Manufacturing Thermal Energy Use in 2014
The first data set estimates thermal energy use (i.e., fuels combusted for process heating, boilers, and combined heat and power/cogeneration) by end use, temperature, county, and facility employment size class for all U.S. manufacturing industries in 2014. The estimation methodol...
McMillanNational Renewable Energy Laboratory
Sep 27, 2019
6 Resources
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6 Resources
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EGS Collab Experiment 2: Distributed Fiber Optic Temperature Data (DTS)
Distributed fiber optic sensing was an important part of the monitoring system for EGS Collab Experiment #2. A single loop of custom fiber package was grouted into the four monitoring boreholes that bracketed the experiment volume. This fiber package contained two multi-mode fiber...
Rodriguez Tribaldos, V. et al Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Nov 08, 2022
10 Resources
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Publicly accessible
10 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Utah FORGE: North Milford Groundwater Geochemistry
This dataset contains groundwater geochemistry from several wells in North Milford Valley, Utah, in the region of the Utah FORGE project (Phase 2c). Readme file that discusses the data contained in the Excel spreadsheet. Data include GPS coordinates (UTM, Lat-Long), sampling tempe...
Simmons, S. and Kirby, S. Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Jun 20, 2019
3 Resources
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Publicly accessible
3 Resources
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Underwater Target Detection Software Demonstration on the RivGen Turbine
This repository contains data and processing scripts necessary to train the object detection models utilized in the underwater target detection software demonstration on the RivGen turbine project and to produce performance metrics (precision, recall, mAP50, mAP50-95).
Joslin, J. et al MarineSitu
Dec 17, 2024
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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