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Magnetotelluric Data Collected in 2016 over the San Emidio Geothermal Field in Nevada
This data set includes the magnetotelluric (MT) data collected from October 21 to November 9, 2016 over the San Emidio geothermal field in Nevada by Quantec Geoscience USA Inc. on behalf of US Geothermal Inc. as part of a project entitled "A Novel Approach to Map Permeability Usi...
Folsom, M. et al Ormat Technologies, Inc.
Nov 09, 2016
11 Resources
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11 Resources
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INTEGRATE Inverse Network Transformations for Efficient Generation of Robust Airfoil and Turbine Enhancements
The INTEGRATE (Inverse Network Transformations for Efficient Generation of Robust Airfoil and Turbine Enhancements) project is developing a new inverse-design capability for the aerodynamic design of wind turbine rotors using invertible neural networks. This AI-based design techno...
Vijayakumar, G. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
May 04, 2021
8 Resources
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Publicly accessible
8 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Solar-to-Grid Public Data File for Utility-scale (UPV) and Distributed Photovoltaics (DPV) Generation, Capacity Credit, and Value for 2012-2020
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) estimates hourly project-level generation data for utility-scale solar projects and hourly county-level generation data for residential and non-residential distributed photovoltaic (PV) systems in the seven organized wholesale m...
Seel, J. et al Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Oct 01, 2021
4 Resources
1 Stars
Publicly accessible
4 Resources
1 Stars
Publicly accessible
HERO WEC 2024 Hydraulic Configuration Deployment Data
The following submission includes raw and processed data from the in water deployment of NREL's Hydraulic and Electric Reverse Osmosis Wave Energy Converter (HERO WEC), in the form of parquet files, TDMS files, CSV files, bag files and MATLAB workspaces. This dataset was collected...
Jenne, S. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Mar 14, 2024
9 Resources
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Publicly accessible
9 Resources
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Publicly accessible
ARPA-E Grid Optimization (GO) Competition Challenge 3
Synthetic Input Data and Team Results for the GO Competition Challenge 3 for Events 1 4 and the Sandbox, along with problem and format descriptions and code to validate data and solutions, are available here. Data for industry scenarios will not be made public.
The Grid Optimizat...
Elbert, S. et al Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
May 02, 2024
39 Resources
1 Stars
Publicly accessible
39 Resources
1 Stars
Publicly accessible
Solar-to-Grid Public Data File for Utility-scale (UPV) and Distributed Photovoltaics (DPV) Generation, Capacity Credit, and Value
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) estimates hourly project-level generation data for utility-scale solar projects and hourly county-level generation data for residential and non-residential distributed photovoltaic (PV) systems in the seven organized wholesale m...
Seel, J. et al Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Sep 30, 2020
5 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
5 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Final Report Earth Source Heat: A Cascaded Systems Approach to DDU of Geothermal Energy on the Cornell Campus
The purpose of this document is to describe the contents contained within Geothermal Data Repository (GDR) node of the National Geothermal Data System (NGDS) that serves as the final report for the project "Earth Source Heat: A Cascaded Systems Approach to DDU of Geothermal Energy...
Tester, J. et al Cornell University
Oct 27, 2019
6 Resources
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Publicly accessible
6 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Steptoe Valley NV Data Compilation: Understanding a Stratigraphic Hydrothermal Resource through Geophysical Imaging
Sandia National Laboratories partnered with a multi-disciplinary group of subject matter experts to evaluate a stratigraphic geothermal resource in Steptoe Valley, Nevada using both established and novel geophysical imaging techniques. Provided here are a compilation of newly acqu...
Schwering, P. et al Sandia National Laboratories
Nov 01, 2023
8 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
8 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Wave Energy Prize 1/20th Testing Oscilla Power Triton Point Absorber
Data from the 1/20th scale testing data completed on the Wave Energy Prize for the Oscilla Power team, including the 1/20th Test Plan, raw test data, video, photos, and data analysis results.
The top level objective of the 1/20th scale device testing is to obtain the necessary me...
Scharmen, W. Ricardo Detroit Technical Center
Sep 16, 2016
40 Resources
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Publicly accessible
40 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Unified Field Study 1 (UFS-1)
The Unified Field Studies (UFS), established by the Algae Testbed Public-Private Partnership (ATP3), produced data on the effect of environmental and process conditions on algal growth rates and algal composition. The goal of the UFS-1 experiment, performed October to December 201...
Wolfrum, E. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Sep 27, 2016
16 Resources
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Publicly accessible
16 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Utah FORGE: Fluid Injection Induced Shearing Experiments on Fractured Granitoid at Elevated Temperatures
This repository contains experimental data from a series of fluid injection-induced shearing tests conducted on Utah FORGE granitoid. The experiments were performed using an aluminum triaxial pressure vessel (TEMCO) apparatus at Pennsylvania State University. The primary aim was t...
Elsworth, D. et al Pennsylvania State University
Aug 12, 2024
16 Resources
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16 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Wave Energy Prize 1/20th Testing Waveswing America Submerged Pressure Differential WEC
Data from the 1/20th scale testing data completed on the Wave Energy Prize for the Waveswing America team, including the 1/20th scale test plan, raw test data, video, photos, and data analysis results.
The top level objective of the 1/20th scale device testing is to obtain the ne...
Scharmen, W. Ricardo Detroit Technical Center
Aug 19, 2016
43 Resources
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Publicly accessible
43 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Final Report: Low Temperature Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis for the Appalachian Basin
This is a final report summarizing a two-year (2014-16) DOE funded Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis of the Low-Temperature resources of the Appalachian Basin of New York, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Collaborators included Cornell University, Southern Methodist University, and ...
E. Jordan, T. Cornell University
Nov 18, 2015
12 Resources
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Publicly accessible
12 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Wave Energy Prize 1/20th Testing Sea Potential DUO Point Absorber
Data from the 1/20th scale testing data completed on the Wave Energy Prize for the Sea Potential team, including the 1/20th scale test plan, raw test data, video, photos, and data analysis results.
The top level objective of the 1/20th scale device testing is to obtain the necess...
Scharmen, W. Ricardo Detroit Technical Center
Sep 23, 2016
48 Resources
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48 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Hawthorne Nevada Deep Direct-Use Feasibility Study Data Used for Geothermal Resource Conceptual Modeling and Power Capacity Estimates
This data submission includes several data components that were used to develop a conceptual model and power capacity-estimates of two low-temperature geothermal resources that define geothermal prospect A at Hawthorne, Nevada. Data are sourced from a combination of legacy publicl...
Ayling, B. and Hinz, N. Great Basin Center for Geothermal Energy
Apr 05, 2020
7 Resources
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Publicly accessible
7 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Research Report of Low Temperature Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis for the Appalachian Basin
This is a final report summarizing a one-year (2014-15) DOE funded Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis of the Low-Temperature resources of the Appalachian Basin of New York, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Collaborators included Cornell University, Southern Methodist University, and...
Jordan, T. et al Cornell University
Sep 30, 2015
22 Resources
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Publicly accessible
22 Resources
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Current Energy Harnessing using Synergistic Kinematics of Schools of Fish-Shaped Bodies: Marine Hydrodynamics Laboratory Tank Testing Data
The objectives of the proposed work pertain to building a high power-density and high efficiency device to harness MHK energy by mimicking fish-school kinematics. Vortex Hydro Energy is collaborating with a concept formed and undergone preliminary testing at the University of Mich...
Bernitsas, M. Vortex Hydro Energy
Apr 11, 2017
20 Resources
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Publicly accessible
20 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Appalachian Basin Temperature-Depth Maps and Structured Data in support of Feasibility Study of Direct District Heating for the Cornell Campus Utilizing Deep Geothermal Energy
This dataset contains shapefiles and rasters that summarize the results of a stochastic analysis of temperatures at depth in the Appalachian Basin states of New York, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. This analysis provides an update to the temperature-at-depth maps provided in the...
Smith, J. Cornell University
Oct 29, 2019
6 Resources
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Publicly accessible
6 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Wave Energy Prize 1/50th Testing Oscilla Power Triton Point Absorber
This submission of data includes all the 1/50th scale testing data completed on the Wave Energy Prize for the Oscilla Power team, and includes:
1/50th test data (raw & processed)
1/50th test data video and pictures
1/50th Test plans and testing documents
SSTF_Submission (summa...
Scharmen, W. Ricardo Detroit Technical Center
Jan 08, 2016
65 Resources
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65 Resources
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Newberry EGS Demonstration: Well 55-29 Stimulation Data 2014
The Newberry Volcano EGS Demonstration in central Oregon, a 5 year project begun in 2010, tests recent technological advances designed to reduce the cost of power generated by EGS in a hot, dry well (NWG 55-29) drilled in 2008. First, the stimulation pumps used were designed to ru...
Cladhouhos, T. et al AltaRock Energy Inc
Sep 03, 2015
54 Resources
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Publicly accessible
54 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Subsurface Geological Information and Models in support of Feasibility Study of Direct District Heating for the Cornell Campus Utilizing Deep Geothermal Energy
This purpose of this set of entries is to group together the materials and analytical methods used in the assessment of the natural rock properties within and surrounding two potential reservoirs.
Jordan, T. et al Cornell University
Oct 27, 2019
27 Resources
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27 Resources
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TEAMER: Mass of Water Turbine Current Energy Converter CFD Results
The CFD (computational fluid dynamics) results for the Mass of Water Turbine (MOWT) current energy converter from MWNW Consulting (formerly Ecosse IP). Each case is self-contained in its own tar.gz archive file. The archive contains the scripts required to perform a full simulati...
Chartrand, C. and Moir, S. Sandia National Laboratories
May 27, 2022
75 Resources
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Publicly accessible
75 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Kilauea Magnetotelluric Dataset
In 2002 and 2003 a collaborative effort was undertaken between Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, the USGS Menlo Park, the USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory, and Electromagnetic Instruments Inc. to study the Kilauea volcano in Hawaii using the mag...
Hoversten, G. and Gasperikova, E. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Jun 16, 2022
72 Resources
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72 Resources
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Publicly accessible
UNH TDP Concurrent Measurements of Inflow, Power Performance, and Loads for a Grid-Synchronized Vertical Axis Cross-Flow Turbine Operating in a Tidal Estuary
This data was collected between October 12 and December 15 of 2021 at the University of New Hampshire (UNH) and Atlantic Marine Energy Center (AMEC) turbine deployment platform (TDP). This data set includes over 29 days of grid connected turbine operation during this 65 day time f...
Wosnik, M. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Dec 21, 2021
30 Resources
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30 Resources
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EGS Collab: Modeling and Simulation Working Group Teleconference Series (1-98)
This submission contains the presentation slides and recordings from the first 98 EGS Collab Modeling and Simulation Working Group teleconferences. These teleconferences served three objectives for the project: 1) share simulation results, 2) communicate field activities and resul...
White, M. et al Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Feb 04, 2020
100 Resources
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100 Resources
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