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EGS Collab Experiment 1: Common Discrete Fracture Network

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This package includes data and models that support hydraulic fracture stimulation and fluid circulation experiments in the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF). A paper by Schwering et al. (2020) describes the deterministic basis for developing a "common" discrete fracture network (CDFN) model of significant natural fractures in EGS Collab Testbed 1 on the 4850-Level of SURF. The ReadMe for this model shows drift, wells, scanlines, fracture data, interpreted fractures, and geophysical visualizations. There is also a summary of the data that was used in this experiment and includes results from reviewing core, televiewer (TV) logs, core-TV depth/feature registration, and from mapping weeps in the 4850-Level drift. The CDFN is intended to be a baseline model of the pre-stimulated testbed (though some observations from stimulation helped inform the model).

Citation Formats

Sandia National Laboratories. (2019). EGS Collab Experiment 1: Common Discrete Fracture Network [data set]. Retrieved from https://dx.doi.org/10.15121/1632116.
Export Citation to RIS
Schwering, Paul, Doe, Tom, Roggenthen, W.M., Uzunlar, N., Reimers, C., Neupane, G.H., Johnston, H., Dobson, P.F, Ulrich, C., and Singh, A. EGS Collab Experiment 1: Common Discrete Fracture Network. United States: N.p., 18 Sep, 2019. Web. doi: 10.15121/1632116.
Schwering, Paul, Doe, Tom, Roggenthen, W.M., Uzunlar, N., Reimers, C., Neupane, G.H., Johnston, H., Dobson, P.F, Ulrich, C., & Singh, A. EGS Collab Experiment 1: Common Discrete Fracture Network. United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.15121/1632116
Schwering, Paul, Doe, Tom, Roggenthen, W.M., Uzunlar, N., Reimers, C., Neupane, G.H., Johnston, H., Dobson, P.F, Ulrich, C., and Singh, A. 2019. "EGS Collab Experiment 1: Common Discrete Fracture Network". United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.15121/1632116. https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/1218.
@div{oedi_8351, title = {EGS Collab Experiment 1: Common Discrete Fracture Network}, author = {Schwering, Paul, Doe, Tom, Roggenthen, W.M., Uzunlar, N., Reimers, C., Neupane, G.H., Johnston, H., Dobson, P.F, Ulrich, C., and Singh, A.}, abstractNote = {This package includes data and models that support hydraulic fracture stimulation and fluid circulation experiments in the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF). A paper by Schwering et al. (2020) describes the deterministic basis for developing a "common" discrete fracture network (CDFN) model of significant natural fractures in EGS Collab Testbed 1 on the 4850-Level of SURF. The ReadMe for this model shows drift, wells, scanlines, fracture data, interpreted fractures, and geophysical visualizations. There is also a summary of the data that was used in this experiment and includes results from reviewing core, televiewer (TV) logs, core-TV depth/feature registration, and from mapping weeps in the 4850-Level drift. The CDFN is intended to be a baseline model of the pre-stimulated testbed (though some observations from stimulation helped inform the model).}, doi = {10.15121/1632116}, url = {https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/1218}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2019}, month = {09}}


Data from Sep 18, 2019

Last updated Feb 17, 2025

Submitted May 28, 2020


Sandia National Laboratories


Paul Schwering


Paul Schwering

Sandia National Laboratories

Tom Doe


W.M. Roggenthen

South Dakota School of Mines and Technology

N. Uzunlar

South Dakota School of Mines and Technology

C. Reimers

South Dakota School of Mines and Technology

G.H. Neupane

Idaho National Laboratory

H. Johnston

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

P.F Dobson

Lawerence Berkeley National Laboratory

C. Ulrich

Lawerence Berkeley National Laboratory

A. Singh

Stanford University

Research Areas

DOE Project Details

Project Name EGS Collab

Project Lead Lauren Boyd

Project Number EE0032708


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