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Socioeconomic Data for the Permian Basin

Publicly accessible License 

This dataset was compiled to support socioeconomic analyses of counties in the Permian Basin in Texas and New Mexico for the Permian Energy Development Lab (PEDL). The metrics in the dataset are organized into four categories: Socioeconomics, Health & Wellbeing, Jobs & Workforce, and Energy Infrastructure & Potential. The metrics originated from previously published datasets, including SLOPE, LEAD, Rural Atlas, EJScreen, and Census data.

Citation Formats

National Renewable Energy Laboratory. (2024). Socioeconomic Data for the Permian Basin [data set]. Retrieved from https://data.nrel.gov/submissions/237.
Export Citation to RIS
Ross, and . Socioeconomic Data for the Permian Basin. United States: N.p., 16 May, 2024. Web. https://data.nrel.gov/submissions/237.
Ross, & . Socioeconomic Data for the Permian Basin. United States. https://data.nrel.gov/submissions/237
Ross, and . 2024. "Socioeconomic Data for the Permian Basin". United States. https://data.nrel.gov/submissions/237.
@div{oedi_8286, title = {Socioeconomic Data for the Permian Basin}, author = {Ross, and .}, abstractNote = {This dataset was compiled to support socioeconomic analyses of counties in the Permian Basin in Texas and New Mexico for the Permian Energy Development Lab (PEDL). The metrics in the dataset are organized into four categories: Socioeconomics, Health & Wellbeing, Jobs & Workforce, and Energy Infrastructure & Potential. The metrics originated from previously published datasets, including SLOPE, LEAD, Rural Atlas, EJScreen, and Census data.}, doi = {}, url = {https://data.nrel.gov/submissions/237}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2024}, month = {05}}


Data from May 16, 2024

Last updated Jan 16, 2025

Submitted May 16, 2024


National Renewable Energy Laboratory


James McCall



National Renewable Energy Laboratory


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