National Summary Statistics for Depot-Based Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicle Operations
This file provides nationally aggregated summary statistics to characterize the daily operations of medium and heavy duty vehicles. It provides typical daily driving distances, domicile dwell durations, and one version of potential normalized electric vehicle depot charging load curves. The methodology to create this data was designed with national representativeness in mind, and the data is suitable for national analysis. The dataset characterizes the subset of medium and heavy duty vehicle operating patterns that may originate from a consistent depot each day (and thus may rely on the same depot for charging if the vehicle were electrified). In addition to trucks with depot-centric vocational patterns, the data also describes operations of transit buses and school buses. A detailed description of this data and associated methodology is available as an NREL technical report, "Depot-based vehicle data for national analysis of medium- and heavy-duty electric vehicle charging" (
Citation Formats
National Renewable Energy Laboratory. (2024). National Summary Statistics for Depot-Based Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicle Operations [data set]. Retrieved from
Bruchon, Borlaug, Liu, Jonas, Sun, Le, and Wood. National Summary Statistics for Depot-Based Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicle Operations . United States: N.p., 27 Feb, 2024. Web.
Bruchon, Borlaug, Liu, Jonas, Sun, Le, & Wood. National Summary Statistics for Depot-Based Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicle Operations . United States.
Bruchon, Borlaug, Liu, Jonas, Sun, Le, and Wood. 2024. "National Summary Statistics for Depot-Based Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicle Operations ". United States.
@div{oedi_8280, title = {National Summary Statistics for Depot-Based Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicle Operations }, author = {Bruchon, Borlaug, Liu, Jonas, Sun, Le, and Wood.}, abstractNote = {This file provides nationally aggregated summary statistics to characterize the daily operations of medium and heavy duty vehicles. It provides typical daily driving distances, domicile dwell durations, and one version of potential normalized electric vehicle depot charging load curves. The methodology to create this data was designed with national representativeness in mind, and the data is suitable for national analysis. The dataset characterizes the subset of medium and heavy duty vehicle operating patterns that may originate from a consistent depot each day (and thus may rely on the same depot for charging if the vehicle were electrified). In addition to trucks with depot-centric vocational patterns, the data also describes operations of transit buses and school buses. A detailed description of this data and associated methodology is available as an NREL technical report, "Depot-based vehicle data for national analysis of medium- and heavy-duty electric vehicle charging" (}, doi = {}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2024}, month = {02}}
Data from Feb 27, 2024
Last updated Jan 16, 2025
Submitted Feb 27, 2024
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Matthew Bruchon