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DEPRECATED - State Policies and Programs for Community Solar (2022)

Publicly accessible License 

This data set is no longer current ? The most current data and all historical data sets can be found at https://data.nrel.gov/submissions/249

The purpose of this dataset is to summarize current community solar policies and low-income stipulations by the state in the United States as of December 2022. The "State_Program" sheet summarizes the key policy details for each state. This dataset is associated with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) publication "Expanding Solar Access: State Community Solar Landscape (2022)." https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy23osti/84247.pdf

This list has been reviewed, but errors may exist, and the list may not be comprehensive. NREL invites input to update or add to the database. Please submit updates, additions, or corrections please find contact information on the current data set page linked above.

Citation Formats

National Renewable Energy Laboratory. (2023). DEPRECATED - State Policies and Programs for Community Solar (2022) [data set]. Retrieved from https://data.nrel.gov/submissions/215.
Export Citation to RIS
Xu, Sumner, Burton, and Dalecki. DEPRECATED - State Policies and Programs for Community Solar (2022). United States: N.p., 05 Apr, 2023. Web. https://data.nrel.gov/submissions/215.
Xu, Sumner, Burton, & Dalecki. DEPRECATED - State Policies and Programs for Community Solar (2022). United States. https://data.nrel.gov/submissions/215
Xu, Sumner, Burton, and Dalecki. 2023. "DEPRECATED - State Policies and Programs for Community Solar (2022)". United States. https://data.nrel.gov/submissions/215.
@div{oedi_8266, title = {DEPRECATED - State Policies and Programs for Community Solar (2022)}, author = {Xu, Sumner, Burton, and Dalecki.}, abstractNote = {This data set is no longer current ? The most current data and all historical data sets can be found at https://data.nrel.gov/submissions/249

The purpose of this dataset is to summarize current community solar policies and low-income stipulations by the state in the United States as of December 2022. The "State_Program" sheet summarizes the key policy details for each state. This dataset is associated with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) publication "Expanding Solar Access: State Community Solar Landscape (2022)." https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy23osti/84247.pdf

This list has been reviewed, but errors may exist, and the list may not be comprehensive. NREL invites input to update or add to the database. Please submit updates, additions, or corrections please find contact information on the current data set page linked above.}, doi = {}, url = {https://data.nrel.gov/submissions/215}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2023}, month = {04}}


Data from Apr 5, 2023

Last updated Dec 18, 2024

Submitted Apr 5, 2023


National Renewable Energy Laboratory


Kaifeng Xu



National Renewable Energy Laboratory


National Renewable Energy Laboratory


National Renewable Energy Laboratory


National Renewable Energy Laboratory

DOE Project Details

Project Name National Community Solar Partnership (NREL)

Project Number 39849


Submission Downloads