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Battery Inverter Experimental Data

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The increase in power electronic based generation sources require accurate modeling of inverters. Accurate modeling requires experimental data over wider operation range. We used 30 kW off-the-shelf grid following battery inverter in the experiments. We used controllable AC supply and controllable DC supply to emulate AC and DC side characteristics. The experiments were performed at NREL's Energy Systems Integration Facility. Inverter is tested under 100%, 75%, 50%, 25% load conditions. In the first dataset, for each operating condition, controllable AC source voltage is varied from 0.9 to 1.1 per unit (p.u) with a step value of 0.025 p.u while keeping the frequency at 60 Hz. In the second dataset, under similar load conditions (100%, 75%, 50%, 25% ), the frequency of the controllable AC source voltage was varied from 59 Hz to 61 Hz with a step value of 0.2 Hz. Voltage and frequency range is chosen based on inverter protection. Voltages and currents on DC and AC side are included in the dataset.

Citation Formats

National Renewable Energy Laboratory. (2023). Battery Inverter Experimental Data [data set]. Retrieved from https://data.nrel.gov/submissions/204.
Export Citation to RIS
Prabakar, Ganguly, Velaga, and Vaidhynathan. Battery Inverter Experimental Data. United States: N.p., 06 Jan, 2023. Web. https://data.nrel.gov/submissions/204.
Prabakar, Ganguly, Velaga, & Vaidhynathan. Battery Inverter Experimental Data. United States. https://data.nrel.gov/submissions/204
Prabakar, Ganguly, Velaga, and Vaidhynathan. 2023. "Battery Inverter Experimental Data". United States. https://data.nrel.gov/submissions/204.
@div{oedi_8255, title = {Battery Inverter Experimental Data}, author = {Prabakar, Ganguly, Velaga, and Vaidhynathan.}, abstractNote = {The increase in power electronic based generation sources require accurate modeling of inverters. Accurate modeling requires experimental data over wider operation range. We used 30 kW off-the-shelf grid following battery inverter in the experiments. We used controllable AC supply and controllable DC supply to emulate AC and DC side characteristics. The experiments were performed at NREL's Energy Systems Integration Facility. Inverter is tested under 100%, 75%, 50%, 25% load conditions. In the first dataset, for each operating condition, controllable AC source voltage is varied from 0.9 to 1.1 per unit (p.u) with a step value of 0.025 p.u while keeping the frequency at 60 Hz. In the second dataset, under similar load conditions (100%, 75%, 50%, 25% ), the frequency of the controllable AC source voltage was varied from 59 Hz to 61 Hz with a step value of 0.2 Hz. Voltage and frequency range is chosen based on inverter protection. Voltages and currents on DC and AC side are included in the dataset.}, doi = {}, url = {https://data.nrel.gov/submissions/204}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2023}, month = {01}}


Data from Jan 6, 2023

Last updated Jan 17, 2025

Submitted Jan 6, 2023


National Renewable Energy Laboratory


Kumaraguru Prabakar



National Renewable Energy Laboratory


National Renewable Energy Laboratory


National Renewable Energy Laboratory


National Renewable Energy Laboratory

DOE Project Details

Project Name Scalable Multi-Timescale Analysis Platform Based on System Transient and Dynamic Models

Project Number CPS agreement number - 38455


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