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Results from "Charging Needs for Electric Semi-Trailer Trucks"

Publicly accessible License 

This data set includes modeling results from ?Charging Needs for Electric Semi-Trailer Trucks? including charging demand distributions and charging speed requirements for the multiple scenarios and semi-trailer truck operating segments described in the study. Please cite as: Borlaug, B., Moniot, M., Birky, A., Alexander, M., and Muratori, M., Charging needs for electric semi-trailer trucks, Renew. Sust. Energ. Transit. (2022), 2, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rset.2022.100038.

Citation Formats

National Renewable Energy Laboratory. (2022). Results from "Charging Needs for Electric Semi-Trailer Trucks" [data set]. Retrieved from https://data.nrel.gov/submissions/198.
Export Citation to RIS
Borlaug, . Results from "Charging Needs for Electric Semi-Trailer Trucks". United States: N.p., 10 Oct, 2022. Web. https://data.nrel.gov/submissions/198.
Borlaug, . Results from "Charging Needs for Electric Semi-Trailer Trucks". United States. https://data.nrel.gov/submissions/198
Borlaug, . 2022. "Results from "Charging Needs for Electric Semi-Trailer Trucks"". United States. https://data.nrel.gov/submissions/198.
@div{oedi_8249, title = {Results from "Charging Needs for Electric Semi-Trailer Trucks"}, author = {Borlaug, .}, abstractNote = {This data set includes modeling results from ?Charging Needs for Electric Semi-Trailer Trucks? including charging demand distributions and charging speed requirements for the multiple scenarios and semi-trailer truck operating segments described in the study. Please cite as: Borlaug, B., Moniot, M., Birky, A., Alexander, M., and Muratori, M., Charging needs for electric semi-trailer trucks, Renew. Sust. Energ. Transit. (2022), 2, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rset.2022.100038.}, doi = {}, url = {https://data.nrel.gov/submissions/198}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2022}, month = {10}}


Data from Oct 10, 2022

Last updated Jan 21, 2025

Submitted Oct 10, 2022


National Renewable Energy Laboratory


Brennan Borlaug



National Renewable Energy Laboratory

DOE Project Details

Project Name Analysis of Electric Heavy-Duty Driving Infrastructure Requirements Within a Regional Area

Project Number van045


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