ResStock County/Household Income Assignment CHIA

These data tables are cross-tabulations that provide the distribution of households by household income, converted to Federal Poverty Level (FPL) or Area Median Income (AMI) bins, and tenure status (owner or renter), specified by location and various household characteristics including vintage, size (floor area), cooling system type, and heating fuel type. These household characteristics were identified as strongly correlated with household income. All of the tables are tab-separated value (.tsv) formatted and gzip compressed. Four versions of the tables are provided: 1) using AMI bins and including only single-family detached homes (files beginning with AMI_SFD), 2) AMI bins with all home types (files beginning with AMI_MF), 3) FPL bins with only single-family detached homes (files beginning with FPL_SFD), and 4) FPL bins with all home types (files beginning with AMI_MF). Additional detail on the contents of these files can be found in the README.
Alabama, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
Alabama, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
Arizona, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
Arizona, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
Arkansas, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
Arkansas, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
California, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
California, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
Colorado, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
Colorado, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
Connecticut, All Homes, Federal Poverty Level
Connecticut, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
Connecticut, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
Delaware, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
Delaware, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
District of Columbia, All Homes, Area Median Income
District of Columbia, All Homes, Federal Poverty Level
District of Columbia, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
District of Columbia, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
Florida, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
Florida, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
Georgia, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
Georgia, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
Idaho, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
Idaho, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
Illinois, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
Illinois, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
Indiana, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
Indiana, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
Iowa, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
Iowa, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
Kansas, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
Kansas, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
Kentucky, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
Kentucky, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
Louisiana, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
Louisiana, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
Maine, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
Maine, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
Maryland, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
Maryland, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
Massachusetts, All Homes, Federal Poverty Level
Massachusetts, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
Massachusetts, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
Michigan, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
Michigan, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
Minnesota, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
Minnesota, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
Mississippi, All Homes, Federal Poverty Level
Mississippi, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
Mississippi, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
Missouri, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
Missouri, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
Montana, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
Montana, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
Nebraska, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
Nebraska, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
Nevada, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
Nevada, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
New Hampshire, All Homes, Federal Poverty Level
New Hampshire, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
New Hampshire, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
New Jersey, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
New Jersey, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
New Mexico, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
New Mexico, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
New York, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
New York, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
North Carolina, All Homes, Area Median Income
North Carolina, All Homes, Federal Poverty Level
North Carolina, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
North Carolina, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
North Dakota, All Homes, Federal Poverty Level
North Dakota, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
North Dakota, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
Ohio, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
Ohio, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
Oklahoma, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
Oklahoma, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
Oregon, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
Oregon, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
Pennsylvania, All Homes, Federal Poverty Level
Pennsylvania, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
Pennsylvania, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
Rhode Island, All Homes, Federal Poverty Level
Rhode Island, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
Rhode Island, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
South Carolina, All Homes, Area Median Income
South Carolina, All Homes, Federal Poverty Level
South Carolina, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
South Carolina, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
South Dakota, All Homes, Federal Poverty Level
South Dakota, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
South Dakota, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
Tennessee, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
Tennessee, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
Texas, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
Texas, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
The README contains detailed documentation of the structure and contents of the data files in this resource.
Utah, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
Utah, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
Vermont, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
Vermont, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
Virginia, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
Virginia, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
Washington, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
Washington, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
West Virginia, All Homes, Federal Poverty Level
West Virginia, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
West Virginia, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
Wisconsin, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
Wisconsin, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
Wyoming, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Area Median Income
Wyoming, Single-family Detached Homes Only, Federal Poverty Level
Citation Formats
National Renewable Energy Laboratory. (2019). ResStock County/Household Income Assignment CHIA [data set]. Retrieved from
Harris, , Wilson, , and Robertson, . ResStock County/Household Income Assignment CHIA. United States: N.p., 02 Jul, 2019. Web.
Harris, , Wilson, , & Robertson, . ResStock County/Household Income Assignment CHIA. United States.
Harris, , Wilson, , and Robertson, . 2019. "ResStock County/Household Income Assignment CHIA". United States.
@div{oedi_8188, title = {ResStock County/Household Income Assignment CHIA}, author = {Harris, , Wilson, , and Robertson, .}, abstractNote = {These data tables are cross-tabulations that provide the distribution of households by household income, converted to Federal Poverty Level (FPL) or Area Median Income (AMI) bins, and tenure status (owner or renter), specified by location and various household characteristics including vintage, size (floor area), cooling system type, and heating fuel type. These household characteristics were identified as strongly correlated with household income. All of the tables are tab-separated value (.tsv) formatted and gzip compressed. Four versions of the tables are provided: 1) using AMI bins and including only single-family detached homes (files beginning with AMI_SFD), 2) AMI bins with all home types (files beginning with AMI_MF), 3) FPL bins with only single-family detached homes (files beginning with FPL_SFD), and 4) FPL bins with all home types (files beginning with AMI_MF). Additional detail on the contents of these files can be found in the README.}, doi = {}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2019}, month = {07}}
Data from Jul 2, 2019
Last updated Dec 18, 2024
Submitted Jul 2, 2019
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Chioke Harris
National Renewable Energy LaboratoryWilson
National Renewable Energy LaboratoryRobertson
National Renewable Energy LaboratoryOriginal Source Areas
residential, buildings, demographics, ACS, AHS, ResStock, LMI, income, low-incomeDOE Project Details
Project Name Analysis of Low-Income EE Potential
Project Number EE0031426