ATP3 Unified Field Study Data
ATP3 Unified Field Study DataThe Algae Testbed Public-Private Partnership ATP3 was established with the goal of investigating open pond algae cultivation across different geographic climatic seasonal and operational conditions while setting the benchmark for quality data collection analysis and dissemination. Identical algae cultivation systems and data analysis methodologies were established at testbed sites across the continental United States and Hawaii. Within this framework the Unified Field Studies UFS were designed to characterize the cultivation of different algal strains during all 4 seasons across this testbed network. The dataset presented here is the complete curated climatic cultivation harvest and biomass composition data for each season at each site. These data enable others to do in-depth cultivation harvest techno-economic life cycle resource and predictive growth modeling analysis as well as develop crop protection strategies for the nascent algae industry.NREL Sub award Number DE-AC36-08-GO28308
Citation Formats
National Renewable Energy Laboratory. (2017). ATP3 Unified Field Study Data [data set]. Retrieved from
Wolfrum, Knoshaug, Laurens, Harmon, Dempster, McGowan, Rosov, Cardello, Arrowsmith, Kempkes, Bautista, Lundquist, Crowe, Murawsky, Nicolai, Rowe, Knurek, Javar, Saracco Alvarez, Schlosser, Riddle, Withstandley, Chen, Van Ginkel, Igou, Xu, and Hu. ATP3 Unified Field Study Data. United States: N.p., 19 Oct, 2017. Web.
Wolfrum, Knoshaug, Laurens, Harmon, Dempster, McGowan, Rosov, Cardello, Arrowsmith, Kempkes, Bautista, Lundquist, Crowe, Murawsky, Nicolai, Rowe, Knurek, Javar, Saracco Alvarez, Schlosser, Riddle, Withstandley, Chen, Van Ginkel, Igou, Xu, & Hu. ATP3 Unified Field Study Data. United States.
Wolfrum, Knoshaug, Laurens, Harmon, Dempster, McGowan, Rosov, Cardello, Arrowsmith, Kempkes, Bautista, Lundquist, Crowe, Murawsky, Nicolai, Rowe, Knurek, Javar, Saracco Alvarez, Schlosser, Riddle, Withstandley, Chen, Van Ginkel, Igou, Xu, and Hu. 2017. "ATP3 Unified Field Study Data". United States.
@div{oedi_8169, title = {ATP3 Unified Field Study Data}, author = {Wolfrum, Knoshaug, Laurens, Harmon, Dempster, McGowan, Rosov, Cardello, Arrowsmith, Kempkes, Bautista, Lundquist, Crowe, Murawsky, Nicolai, Rowe, Knurek, Javar, Saracco Alvarez, Schlosser, Riddle, Withstandley, Chen, Van Ginkel, Igou, Xu, and Hu.}, abstractNote = {ATP3 Unified Field Study DataThe Algae Testbed Public-Private Partnership ATP3 was established with the goal of investigating open pond algae cultivation across different geographic climatic seasonal and operational conditions while setting the benchmark for quality data collection analysis and dissemination. Identical algae cultivation systems and data analysis methodologies were established at testbed sites across the continental United States and Hawaii. Within this framework the Unified Field Studies UFS were designed to characterize the cultivation of different algal strains during all 4 seasons across this testbed network. The dataset presented here is the complete curated climatic cultivation harvest and biomass composition data for each season at each site. These data enable others to do in-depth cultivation harvest techno-economic life cycle resource and predictive growth modeling analysis as well as develop crop protection strategies for the nascent algae industry.NREL Sub award Number DE-AC36-08-GO28308}, doi = {}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2017}, month = {10}}
Data from Oct 19, 2017
Last updated Dec 18, 2024
Submitted Oct 19, 2017
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Ed Wolfrum
Original Source Areas
algae, biofuel, cultivation trials, harvest yields, Biomass, UFS, modeling and analysis, fuels, testbed, cultivation strategies, algal productivities, ponds, media, 2013-2015, Nannochloropsis oceanica, Chlorella vulgaris, Desmodesmus cf intermedius, Arizona State University, Cellana, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Georgia Tech, Arizona, Georgia, California, Hawaii, Florida, Ohio, Florida Algae, TRL Corp, Continental USA, Unified Field Studies, biochemical, renewable energyDOE Project Details
Project Name Algae Testbed Public-Private Partnership ATP3 - a RAFT Partnership
Project Number EE0005996