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2017 Annual Technology Baseline (ATB): Cost and Performance Data for Electricity Generation Technologies

Publicly accessible License 

Each year since 2015, NREL has presented Annual Technology Baseline (ATB) in a spreadsheet that contains detailed cost and performance data (both current and projected) for renewable and conventional technologies. The spreadsheet includes a workbook for each technology. This spreadsheet provides data for the 2017 ATB.

In this edition of the ATB, offshore wind power has been updated to include 15 technical resource groups. And, two options are now provided for representing market conditions for project financing, including current market conditions and long-term historical conditions.

For more information, see https://atb.nrel.gov/.

Citation Formats

National Renewable Energy Laboratory. (2017). 2017 Annual Technology Baseline (ATB): Cost and Performance Data for Electricity Generation Technologies [data set]. Retrieved from https://data.nrel.gov/submissions/71.
Export Citation to RIS
Hand, Augustine, Feldman, Kurup, Beiter, and O'Connor. 2017 Annual Technology Baseline (ATB): Cost and Performance Data for Electricity Generation Technologies. United States: N.p., 21 Aug, 2017. Web. https://data.nrel.gov/submissions/71.
Hand, Augustine, Feldman, Kurup, Beiter, & O'Connor. 2017 Annual Technology Baseline (ATB): Cost and Performance Data for Electricity Generation Technologies. United States. https://data.nrel.gov/submissions/71
Hand, Augustine, Feldman, Kurup, Beiter, and O'Connor. 2017. "2017 Annual Technology Baseline (ATB): Cost and Performance Data for Electricity Generation Technologies". United States. https://data.nrel.gov/submissions/71.
@div{oedi_8165, title = {2017 Annual Technology Baseline (ATB): Cost and Performance Data for Electricity Generation Technologies}, author = {Hand, Augustine, Feldman, Kurup, Beiter, and O'Connor.}, abstractNote = {Each year since 2015, NREL has presented Annual Technology Baseline (ATB) in a spreadsheet that contains detailed cost and performance data (both current and projected) for renewable and conventional technologies. The spreadsheet includes a workbook for each technology. This spreadsheet provides data for the 2017 ATB.

In this edition of the ATB, offshore wind power has been updated to include 15 technical resource groups. And, two options are now provided for representing market conditions for project financing, including current market conditions and long-term historical conditions.

For more information, see https://atb.nrel.gov/.
}, doi = {}, url = {https://data.nrel.gov/submissions/71}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2017}, month = {08}}


Data from Aug 21, 2017

Last updated Dec 18, 2024

Submitted Aug 21, 2017


National Renewable Energy Laboratory


Wesley Cole



National Renewable Energy Laboratory


National Renewable Energy Laboratory


National Renewable Energy Laboratory


National Renewable Energy Laboratory


National Renewable Energy Laboratory


Oak Ridge Laboratory

DOE Project Details

Project Name Integrated Nuclear Renewable Energy Systems Analysis: Annual Technology Baseline (ATB) and Standard Scenarios/Outlook - Electric Sector

Project Number FY17 AOP


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