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WIND Toolkit Offshore Summary Dataset

Publicly accessible License 

This dataset contains summary statistics for offshore wind resources for the continental United States derived from the Wind Integration National Datatset (WIND) Toolkit. These data are available in two formats:

GDB - Compressed geodatabases containing statistical summaries aligned with lease blocks (aliquots) stored in a GIS format. These data are partitioned into Pacific, Atlantic, and Gulf resource regions.

HDF5 - Statistical summaries of all points in the offshore Pacific, Atlantic, and Gulf offshore regions. These data are located on the original WIND Toolkit grid and have not been reassigned or downsampled to lease blocks.

These data were developed under contract by NREL for the Bureau of Oceanic Energy Management (BOEM).

Citation Formats

National Renewable Energy Laboratory. (2017). WIND Toolkit Offshore Summary Dataset [data set]. Retrieved from https://data.nrel.gov/submissions/70.
Export Citation to RIS
Draxl, Musial, Scott, and Phillips. WIND Toolkit Offshore Summary Dataset. United States: N.p., 21 Jul, 2017. Web. https://data.nrel.gov/submissions/70.
Draxl, Musial, Scott, & Phillips. WIND Toolkit Offshore Summary Dataset. United States. https://data.nrel.gov/submissions/70
Draxl, Musial, Scott, and Phillips. 2017. "WIND Toolkit Offshore Summary Dataset". United States. https://data.nrel.gov/submissions/70.
@div{oedi_8164, title = {WIND Toolkit Offshore Summary Dataset}, author = {Draxl, Musial, Scott, and Phillips.}, abstractNote = {This dataset contains summary statistics for offshore wind resources for the continental United States derived from the Wind Integration National Datatset (WIND) Toolkit. These data are available in two formats:

GDB - Compressed geodatabases containing statistical summaries aligned with lease blocks (aliquots) stored in a GIS format. These data are partitioned into Pacific, Atlantic, and Gulf resource regions.

HDF5 - Statistical summaries of all points in the offshore Pacific, Atlantic, and Gulf offshore regions. These data are located on the original WIND Toolkit grid and have not been reassigned or downsampled to lease blocks.

These data were developed under contract by NREL for the Bureau of Oceanic Energy Management (BOEM).}, doi = {}, url = {https://data.nrel.gov/submissions/70}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2017}, month = {07}}


Data from Jul 21, 2017

Last updated Dec 18, 2024

Submitted Jul 21, 2017


National Renewable Energy Laboratory


Caleb Phillips



National Renewable Energy Laboratory


National Renewable Energy Laboratory


National Renewable Energy Laboratory


National Renewable Energy Laboratory

DOE Project Details

Project Name Creation of the Wind Integration National Dataset (WIND) Toolkit and API

Project Number FY14 AOP


Submission Downloads