WIND Toolkit Power Data Site Index
This spreadsheet contains per-site metadata for the WIND Toolkit sites and serves as an index for the raw data hosted on Globus connect (nrel#globus:/globusro/met_data). Aside from the metadata, per site average power and capacity factor are given. This data was prepared by 3TIER under contract by NREL and is public domain.
Authoritative documentation on the creation of the underlying dataset is at:
Final Report on the Creation of the Wind Integration National
Dataset (WIND) Toolkit and API:
Citation Formats
National Renewable Energy Laboratory. (2016). WIND Toolkit Power Data Site Index [data set]. Retrieved from
Draxl, and Mathias-Hodge. WIND Toolkit Power Data Site Index. United States: N.p., 17 Oct, 2016. Web.
Draxl, & Mathias-Hodge. WIND Toolkit Power Data Site Index. United States.
Draxl, and Mathias-Hodge. 2016. "WIND Toolkit Power Data Site Index". United States.
@div{oedi_8159, title = {WIND Toolkit Power Data Site Index}, author = {Draxl, and Mathias-Hodge.}, abstractNote = {This spreadsheet contains per-site metadata for the WIND Toolkit sites and serves as an index for the raw data hosted on Globus connect (nrel#globus:/globusro/met_data). Aside from the metadata, per site average power and capacity factor are given. This data was prepared by 3TIER under contract by NREL and is public domain.
Authoritative documentation on the creation of the underlying dataset is at:
Final Report on the Creation of the Wind Integration National
Dataset (WIND) Toolkit and API:}, doi = {}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2016}, month = {10}}
Data from Oct 17, 2016
Last updated Dec 18, 2024
Submitted Oct 17, 2016
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Caleb Phillips
Original Source Areas
wind, Toolkit, power, capacity factor, wind integration, USADOE Project Details
Project Name Creation of the Wind Integration National Dataset (WIND) Toolkit and API
Project Number FY14 AOP