Rotating Shadowband Radiometer (RSR) Data for Kalaeloa Oahu, Hawaii
The U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory collaborates with the solar industry to establish high quality solar and meteorological measurements. This Solar Resource and Meteorological Assessment Project (SOLRMAP) provides high quality measurements to support deployment of power projects in the United States. The no-funds-exchanged collaboration brings NREL solar resource assessment expertise together with industry needs for measurements. The end result is high quality data sets to support the financing, design, and monitoring of large scale solar power projects for industry in addition to research-quality data for NREL model development. NREL provides consultation for instrumentation and station deployment, along with instrument calibrations, data acquisition, quality assessment, data distribution, and summary reports. Industry participants provide equipment, infrastructure, and station maintenance.
Citation Formats
National Renewable Energy Laboratory. (2014). Rotating Shadowband Radiometer (RSR) Data for Kalaeloa Oahu, Hawaii [data set]. Retrieved from
Wilcox, and Andreas. Rotating Shadowband Radiometer (RSR) Data for Kalaeloa Oahu, Hawaii. United States: N.p., 18 Dec, 2014. Web.
Wilcox, & Andreas. Rotating Shadowband Radiometer (RSR) Data for Kalaeloa Oahu, Hawaii. United States.
Wilcox, and Andreas. 2014. "Rotating Shadowband Radiometer (RSR) Data for Kalaeloa Oahu, Hawaii". United States.
@div{oedi_8139, title = {Rotating Shadowband Radiometer (RSR) Data for Kalaeloa Oahu, Hawaii}, author = {Wilcox, and Andreas.}, abstractNote = {The U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory collaborates with the solar industry to establish high quality solar and meteorological measurements. This Solar Resource and Meteorological Assessment Project (SOLRMAP) provides high quality measurements to support deployment of power projects in the United States. The no-funds-exchanged collaboration brings NREL solar resource assessment expertise together with industry needs for measurements. The end result is high quality data sets to support the financing, design, and monitoring of large scale solar power projects for industry in addition to research-quality data for NREL model development. NREL provides consultation for instrumentation and station deployment, along with instrument calibrations, data acquisition, quality assessment, data distribution, and summary reports. Industry participants provide equipment, infrastructure, and station maintenance.}, doi = {}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2014}, month = {12}}
Data from Dec 18, 2014
Last updated Dec 18, 2024
Submitted Dec 18, 2014
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Andreas, A.
Original Source Areas
midc, solar, irradiance, meterological, measurement, instrumentation, solar calendar, display, weather, outdoor, global, direct, diffuse, temperature, humidity, wind, pressure, precipitation, silicon, rotating, shadowband, pyranometer, radiometer, rsr, rsp, solar energy, renewable energy, RE, Kalaeloa Oahu, HawaiiDOE Project Details
Project Name Solar Resource & Meteorological Assessment Project (SOLRMAP)
Project Number GO28308