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Bench Testing Data and Report for an Early Prototype Pitch Resonator WEC

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This dataset encompasses data and documentation from bench tests conducted on an early prototype of a "pitch resonator" wave energy converter (WEC). The testing aimed to validate numerical models and reduce risks associated with the pitch resonator concept, which is designed to convert the pitching and rolling motions of a buoy into electrical power. The project's goal is to provide supplementary power, in the range of 10-100 watts, to the National Science Foundation's Ocean Observatories Initiative Pioneer Array.

Two distinct testing phases are documented: one using a single degree of freedom (1DOF) test rig, and another employing a six degree of freedom (6DOF) Stewart platform, known as the Large Amplitude Motion Platform (LAMP). These tests assessed various factors, such as system performance in different motion scenarios, the torque exerted by wave forces, and the impact of mounting configurations. The dataset includes raw test data in MATLAB (.mat) format, detailed metadata, and a report describing the experimental procedures and preliminary findings.

Citation Formats

Sandia National Laboratories. (2024). Bench Testing Data and Report for an Early Prototype Pitch Resonator WEC [data set]. Retrieved from https://dx.doi.org/10.15473/2475742.
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Coe, Ryan, Lee, Jantzen, Keow, Alicia, Bacelli, Giorgio, Spencer, Steven, Spinneken, Johannes, Gallegos-Patterson, Damian, Liu, Elaine, Dullea, Kevin, Crandell, Robert, Skinner, Miles, Nichols, Casey, and Fao, Rebecca. Bench Testing Data and Report for an Early Prototype Pitch Resonator WEC. United States: N.p., 09 Aug, 2024. Web. doi: 10.15473/2475742.
Coe, Ryan, Lee, Jantzen, Keow, Alicia, Bacelli, Giorgio, Spencer, Steven, Spinneken, Johannes, Gallegos-Patterson, Damian, Liu, Elaine, Dullea, Kevin, Crandell, Robert, Skinner, Miles, Nichols, Casey, & Fao, Rebecca. Bench Testing Data and Report for an Early Prototype Pitch Resonator WEC. United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.15473/2475742
Coe, Ryan, Lee, Jantzen, Keow, Alicia, Bacelli, Giorgio, Spencer, Steven, Spinneken, Johannes, Gallegos-Patterson, Damian, Liu, Elaine, Dullea, Kevin, Crandell, Robert, Skinner, Miles, Nichols, Casey, and Fao, Rebecca. 2024. "Bench Testing Data and Report for an Early Prototype Pitch Resonator WEC". United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.15473/2475742. https://mhkdr.openei.org/submissions/558.
@div{oedi_8097, title = {Bench Testing Data and Report for an Early Prototype Pitch Resonator WEC}, author = {Coe, Ryan, Lee, Jantzen, Keow, Alicia, Bacelli, Giorgio, Spencer, Steven, Spinneken, Johannes, Gallegos-Patterson, Damian, Liu, Elaine, Dullea, Kevin, Crandell, Robert, Skinner, Miles, Nichols, Casey, and Fao, Rebecca.}, abstractNote = {This dataset encompasses data and documentation from bench tests conducted on an early prototype of a "pitch resonator" wave energy converter (WEC). The testing aimed to validate numerical models and reduce risks associated with the pitch resonator concept, which is designed to convert the pitching and rolling motions of a buoy into electrical power. The project's goal is to provide supplementary power, in the range of 10-100 watts, to the National Science Foundation's Ocean Observatories Initiative Pioneer Array.

Two distinct testing phases are documented: one using a single degree of freedom (1DOF) test rig, and another employing a six degree of freedom (6DOF) Stewart platform, known as the Large Amplitude Motion Platform (LAMP). These tests assessed various factors, such as system performance in different motion scenarios, the torque exerted by wave forces, and the impact of mounting configurations. The dataset includes raw test data in MATLAB (.mat) format, detailed metadata, and a report describing the experimental procedures and preliminary findings.}, doi = {10.15473/2475742}, url = {https://mhkdr.openei.org/submissions/558}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2024}, month = {08}}


Data from Aug 9, 2024

Last updated Nov 3, 2024

Submitted Sep 20, 2024


Sandia National Laboratories


Ryan Coe



Ryan Coe

Sandia National Laboratories

Jantzen Lee

Sandia National Laboratories

Alicia Keow

Sandia National Laboratories

Giorgio Bacelli

Sandia National Laboratories

Steven Spencer

Sandia National Laboratories

Johannes Spinneken

Evergreen Innovations

Damian Gallegos-Patterson

Sandia National Laboratories

Elaine Liu

Sandia National Laboratories

Kevin Dullea

Sandia National Laboratories

Robert Crandell

Sandia National Laboratories

Miles Skinner

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Casey Nichols

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Rebecca Fao

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

DOE Project Details

Project Name Pioneer WEC

Project Lead Carrie Schmaus

Project Number 40378


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