MBARI-WEC September and October 2022 Field Data
This data is needed to simulate a model of the MBARI-WEC (Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, Wave Energy Converter device) in a simulation environment (e.g. Gazebo) for 56 observation dates in the time between September and October 2022, and to compare the simulation outputs to the corresponding field data of the physical MBARI-WEC. There were 50 observations chosen in Sept and 6 observations in Oct. To help understand terms below, a summary of the system can be found at the github link in the downloads section below. The Gazebo MBARI-WEC model is also provided, should users wish to simulate using this platform.
There are 4 *mat files included.
Spectrum and Simulation Inputs:
September2022_spectrum_siminputs.mat and October2022_spectrum_siminputs.mat has data needed for simulation inputs in table format. These include the ocean spectrum for an observation and operating parameters of the MBARI-WEC during that observation. They are organized as rows representing an observation and columns representing data. For example, for the September *mat there are 50 rows.
The first 7 columns are Datetime, sig_waveheight, peak_period, mean_period, heaveconedoor_status, pistonpos_mean, and scale_factor:
- Datetime is the date and time the observation occurred in PST
- sig_waveheight is the significant wave height of the ocean spectrum during that observation in meters
- peak_period is the peak period of the ocean spectrum during that observation in seconds
- mean_period is the mean period of the ocean spectrum during that observation in seconds
- heaveconedoor_status is the status of the heave cone doors where 0 represents the doors are open and 1 represents they are closed
- pistonpos_mean is the mean position of the PTO ram (piston) in meters
- scale_factor is an additional factor of 0.5 --1.4 applied to a default damping relationship
The next columns are data needed to represent the ocean spectrum. First are the frequencies [Hz] labeled as "f0-f38", then the variance density [m2/Hz] labeled as "vardens0-vardens38".
October2022_spectrum_siminputs.mat follows as a similar format as above, but includes a larger amount of ocean spectrum frequencies and variance density elements.
Field data:
The field data is found in MBARIWEC_septdata.mat and MBARIWEC_octdata.mat for the observations of September and October, respectively. These contain data in a struct format. The struct contains the following fields for each observation:
PC_BattCurr, PC_LoadCurr, PC_RPM, PC_Voltage, SC_Range, SC_Velocity, DateTime, where:
- PC_BattCurr is the current flowing to or from the onboard batteries in Amps
- PC_LoadCurr is the current flowing to the load dump in Amps
- PC_RPM is the electric/hydraulic motor shaft speed (directly coupled) in RPM
- PC_Voltage is the bus voltage at the power converter in Volts
- SC_Range is the PTO ram (piston) position in meters where 0 is fully retracted and 2.03 is fully extended
- SC_Velocity is the PTO ram (piston) velocity in meters/sec
- DateTime is the date and time of the sampled field data in each observation in PST
- Electric Power is equal to: PC_Voltage*(PC_BattCurr + PC_LoadCurr) in Watts
For example, upon loading MBARIWEC_octdata.mat, the aforementioned fields would be loaded, each with {6x1} cells for the 6 observations chosen in October. Within the first cell of e.g. SC_Range would be sampled data representing the field data of the MBARIWEC PTO piston position for say, one hour, of the first October observation. The corresponding field DateTime would show when each data was sampled.
Each cell has a different amount of data due to only including data where the heave cone doors are closed.
Users should simulate their model of the MBARI-WEC using the data in September2022_spectrum_siminputs.mat and October2022_spectrum_siminputs.mat, then compare simulation outputs to the field data in MBARIWEC_septdata.mat and MBARIWEC_octdata.mat.
Each row of September2022_spectrum_siminputs.mat and October2022_spectrum_siminputs.mat corresponds to that row's cell data in MBARIWEC_septdata.mat and MBARIWEC_octdata.mat.
For example, if one were to simulate their model using parameters from the 9th row of September2022_spectrum_siminputs.mat, they would compare their outputs to the 9th cell of each field in MBARIWEC_septdata.mat
Citation Formats
Oregon State University. (2022). MBARI-WEC September and October 2022 Field Data [data set]. Retrieved from
Dizon, Chris, Coe, Ryan, Bacelli, Giorgio, and Hamilton, Andrew. MBARI-WEC September and October 2022 Field Data. United States: N.p., 07 Sep, 2022. Web. doi: 10.15473/2315018.
Dizon, Chris, Coe, Ryan, Bacelli, Giorgio, & Hamilton, Andrew. MBARI-WEC September and October 2022 Field Data. United States.
Dizon, Chris, Coe, Ryan, Bacelli, Giorgio, and Hamilton, Andrew. 2022. "MBARI-WEC September and October 2022 Field Data". United States.
@div{oedi_8082, title = {MBARI-WEC September and October 2022 Field Data}, author = {Dizon, Chris, Coe, Ryan, Bacelli, Giorgio, and Hamilton, Andrew.}, abstractNote = {This data is needed to simulate a model of the MBARI-WEC (Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, Wave Energy Converter device) in a simulation environment (e.g. Gazebo) for 56 observation dates in the time between September and October 2022, and to compare the simulation outputs to the corresponding field data of the physical MBARI-WEC. There were 50 observations chosen in Sept and 6 observations in Oct. To help understand terms below, a summary of the system can be found at the github link in the downloads section below. The Gazebo MBARI-WEC model is also provided, should users wish to simulate using this platform.
There are 4 *mat files included.
Spectrum and Simulation Inputs:
September2022_spectrum_siminputs.mat and October2022_spectrum_siminputs.mat has data needed for simulation inputs in table format. These include the ocean spectrum for an observation and operating parameters of the MBARI-WEC during that observation. They are organized as rows representing an observation and columns representing data. For example, for the September *mat there are 50 rows.
The first 7 columns are Datetime, sig_waveheight, peak_period, mean_period, heaveconedoor_status, pistonpos_mean, and scale_factor:
- Datetime is the date and time the observation occurred in PST
- sig_waveheight is the significant wave height of the ocean spectrum during that observation in meters
- peak_period is the peak period of the ocean spectrum during that observation in seconds
- mean_period is the mean period of the ocean spectrum during that observation in seconds
- heaveconedoor_status is the status of the heave cone doors where 0 represents the doors are open and 1 represents they are closed
- pistonpos_mean is the mean position of the PTO ram (piston) in meters
- scale_factor is an additional factor of 0.5 --1.4 applied to a default damping relationship
The next columns are data needed to represent the ocean spectrum. First are the frequencies [Hz] labeled as "f0-f38", then the variance density [m2/Hz] labeled as "vardens0-vardens38".
October2022_spectrum_siminputs.mat follows as a similar format as above, but includes a larger amount of ocean spectrum frequencies and variance density elements.
Field data:
The field data is found in MBARIWEC_septdata.mat and MBARIWEC_octdata.mat for the observations of September and October, respectively. These contain data in a struct format. The struct contains the following fields for each observation:
PC_BattCurr, PC_LoadCurr, PC_RPM, PC_Voltage, SC_Range, SC_Velocity, DateTime, where:
- PC_BattCurr is the current flowing to or from the onboard batteries in Amps
- PC_LoadCurr is the current flowing to the load dump in Amps
- PC_RPM is the electric/hydraulic motor shaft speed (directly coupled) in RPM
- PC_Voltage is the bus voltage at the power converter in Volts
- SC_Range is the PTO ram (piston) position in meters where 0 is fully retracted and 2.03 is fully extended
- SC_Velocity is the PTO ram (piston) velocity in meters/sec
- DateTime is the date and time of the sampled field data in each observation in PST
- Electric Power is equal to: PC_Voltage*(PC_BattCurr + PC_LoadCurr) in Watts
For example, upon loading MBARIWEC_octdata.mat, the aforementioned fields would be loaded, each with {6x1} cells for the 6 observations chosen in October. Within the first cell of e.g. SC_Range would be sampled data representing the field data of the MBARIWEC PTO piston position for say, one hour, of the first October observation. The corresponding field DateTime would show when each data was sampled.
Each cell has a different amount of data due to only including data where the heave cone doors are closed.
Users should simulate their model of the MBARI-WEC using the data in September2022_spectrum_siminputs.mat and October2022_spectrum_siminputs.mat, then compare simulation outputs to the field data in MBARIWEC_septdata.mat and MBARIWEC_octdata.mat.
Each row of September2022_spectrum_siminputs.mat and October2022_spectrum_siminputs.mat corresponds to that row's cell data in MBARIWEC_septdata.mat and MBARIWEC_octdata.mat.
For example, if one were to simulate their model using parameters from the 9th row of September2022_spectrum_siminputs.mat, they would compare their outputs to the 9th cell of each field in MBARIWEC_septdata.mat }, doi = {10.15473/2315018}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2022}, month = {09}}
Data from Sep 7, 2022
Last updated May 16, 2024
Submitted Feb 12, 2024
Oregon State University
Original Source Areas
wave energy, WEC, field data, Gazebo, wave energy converter, point absorber, technology, system model, raw data, processed data, code, MATLAB, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, MBARIDOE Project Details
Project Name WEC Co-design
Project Lead Bill McShane
Project Number FY24 AOP