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TEAMER: CalWave xWave New Technology Qualification and Path to Certification - Final Report

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CalWave is developing a wave energy converter (WEC) called xWave, which operates fully submerged and is classified as a submerged pressure differential type. As ocean waves pass over the submerged wave buoy, a pressure differential is created, exciting the absorber in multiple degrees of freedom to oscillate in resonance with the ocean waves. Energy is efficiently extracted using multiple independently controllable power take-off (PTO) units. Based on CalWave's 2 body WEC technology, multiple improvements on absorber geometry and PTO controls have been achieved.

This submission includes a final report including results and conclusions of the New Technology Qualification (NTQ) review of CalWave Power Technologies Inc's xWave technology, performed by American Bureau of Shipping.

Project is part of the TEAMER RFTS 3 (request for technical support) program.

Citation Formats

CalWave Power Technologies Inc.. (2022). TEAMER: CalWave xWave New Technology Qualification and Path to Certification - Final Report [data set]. Retrieved from https://mhkdr.openei.org/submissions/470.
Export Citation to RIS
Petcovic, Daniel, and Zhang, Shirlyn. TEAMER: CalWave xWave New Technology Qualification and Path to Certification - Final Report. United States: N.p., 31 Oct, 2022. Web. https://mhkdr.openei.org/submissions/470.
Petcovic, Daniel, & Zhang, Shirlyn. TEAMER: CalWave xWave New Technology Qualification and Path to Certification - Final Report. United States. https://mhkdr.openei.org/submissions/470
Petcovic, Daniel, and Zhang, Shirlyn. 2022. "TEAMER: CalWave xWave New Technology Qualification and Path to Certification - Final Report". United States. https://mhkdr.openei.org/submissions/470.
@div{oedi_8046, title = {TEAMER: CalWave xWave New Technology Qualification and Path to Certification - Final Report}, author = {Petcovic, Daniel, and Zhang, Shirlyn.}, abstractNote = {CalWave is developing a wave energy converter (WEC) called xWave, which operates fully submerged and is classified as a submerged pressure differential type. As ocean waves pass over the submerged wave buoy, a pressure differential is created, exciting the absorber in multiple degrees of freedom to oscillate in resonance with the ocean waves. Energy is efficiently extracted using multiple independently controllable power take-off (PTO) units. Based on CalWave's 2 body WEC technology, multiple improvements on absorber geometry and PTO controls have been achieved.

This submission includes a final report including results and conclusions of the New Technology Qualification (NTQ) review of CalWave Power Technologies Inc's xWave technology, performed by American Bureau of Shipping.

Project is part of the TEAMER RFTS 3 (request for technical support) program.}, doi = {}, url = {https://mhkdr.openei.org/submissions/470}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2022}, month = {10}}


Data from Oct 31, 2022

Last updated Dec 17, 2024

Submitted Jan 25, 2023


CalWave Power Technologies Inc.


Daniel Petcovic


Daniel Petcovic

CalWave Power Technologies Inc.

Shirlyn Zhang

American Bureau of Shipping

DOE Project Details

Project Name Testing Expertise and Access for Marine Energy Research

Project Lead Lauren Ruedy

Project Number EE0008895


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