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WEC Controls Optimization Final Report

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The over-arching project objective is to fully develop and validate optimal controls frameworks that can subsequently be applied widely to different WEC devices and concepts. Optimal controls of WEC devices represent a fundamental building block for WEC designers that must be considered as an integral part of every stage of device development. Using a building-blocks approach to optimal controls development, this effort will result in the full development of a feed-forward and feed-back control approach and a wave prediction system.

Phase I focused primarily on numerical offline optimization and validation using wave tank testing of three industry partners? WEC devices, including CalWave, Ocean Energy, and Resolute Marine Energy. These industry partnerships allowed us to identify optimal control strategies for these different WEC topologies at different maturity levels. Phase II focused on demonstrating an integrated control system on a custom-built prototype for at-sea testing. A secondary focus during phase II is to adapt our systems identification, controls and wave-prediction frameworks to become more robust and comprehensive in respect to capability, robustness, and reliability. RE Vision Consulting leads this project and has compiled the final public domain report included in this submission.

Citation Formats

Re Vision Consulting. (2020). WEC Controls Optimization Final Report [data set]. Retrieved from https://mhkdr.openei.org/submissions/328.
Export Citation to RIS
Previsic, Mirko, and Karthikeyan, Anantha. WEC Controls Optimization Final Report. United States: N.p., 26 Aug, 2020. Web. https://mhkdr.openei.org/submissions/328.
Previsic, Mirko, & Karthikeyan, Anantha. WEC Controls Optimization Final Report. United States. https://mhkdr.openei.org/submissions/328
Previsic, Mirko, and Karthikeyan, Anantha. 2020. "WEC Controls Optimization Final Report". United States. https://mhkdr.openei.org/submissions/328.
@div{oedi_7980, title = {WEC Controls Optimization Final Report}, author = {Previsic, Mirko, and Karthikeyan, Anantha.}, abstractNote = {The over-arching project objective is to fully develop and validate optimal controls frameworks that can subsequently be applied widely to different WEC devices and concepts. Optimal controls of WEC devices represent a fundamental building block for WEC designers that must be considered as an integral part of every stage of device development. Using a building-blocks approach to optimal controls development, this effort will result in the full development of a feed-forward and feed-back control approach and a wave prediction system.

Phase I focused primarily on numerical offline optimization and validation using wave tank testing of three industry partners? WEC devices, including CalWave, Ocean Energy, and Resolute Marine Energy. These industry partnerships allowed us to identify optimal control strategies for these different WEC topologies at different maturity levels. Phase II focused on demonstrating an integrated control system on a custom-built prototype for at-sea testing. A secondary focus during phase II is to adapt our systems identification, controls and wave-prediction frameworks to become more robust and comprehensive in respect to capability, robustness, and reliability. RE Vision Consulting leads this project and has compiled the final public domain report included in this submission.}, doi = {}, url = {https://mhkdr.openei.org/submissions/328}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2020}, month = {08}}


Data from Aug 26, 2020

Last updated Jul 28, 2021

Submitted Aug 26, 2020


Re Vision Consulting


Mirko Previsic



Mirko Previsic

Re Vision Consulting

Anantha Karthikeyan

Re Vision Consulting

DOE Project Details

Project Name Development of Optimal Control System for Three Different WEC Devices

Project Lead Bill McShane

Project Number EE0007173


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