M3 Wave DMP/APEX WEC Projected LCOE
Projected LCOE model for the Delos-Reyes Morrow Pressure Device (DMP), commercialized by M3 Wave LLC as "APEX," based on information gained during project performance.
Citation Formats
M3 Wave. (2018). M3 Wave DMP/APEX WEC Projected LCOE [data set]. Retrieved from https://dx.doi.org/10.15473/1492967.
Morrow, Mike, and Delos-Reyes, Mike. M3 Wave DMP/APEX WEC Projected LCOE . United States: N.p., 01 Aug, 2018. Web. doi: 10.15473/1492967.
Morrow, Mike, & Delos-Reyes, Mike. M3 Wave DMP/APEX WEC Projected LCOE . United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.15473/1492967
Morrow, Mike, and Delos-Reyes, Mike. 2018. "M3 Wave DMP/APEX WEC Projected LCOE ". United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.15473/1492967. https://mhkdr.openei.org/submissions/300.
@div{oedi_7959, title = {M3 Wave DMP/APEX WEC Projected LCOE }, author = {Morrow, Mike, and Delos-Reyes, Mike.}, abstractNote = {Projected LCOE model for the Delos-Reyes Morrow Pressure Device (DMP), commercialized by M3 Wave LLC as "APEX," based on information gained during project performance.}, doi = {10.15473/1492967}, url = {https://mhkdr.openei.org/submissions/300}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2018}, month = {08}}
Data from Aug 1, 2018
Last updated Apr 22, 2023
Submitted Oct 1, 2018
M3 Wave
Mike Morrow
Original Source
https://mhkdr.openei.org/submissions/300Research Areas
MHK, Marine, Hydrokinetic, energy, power, economics, LCOE, COE, cost, levelized, baseline, initial capital cost, operations and maintenance, replacement cost, net annual energy production, foundation, air chambers, air turbine, generator, deployment, control, permits, transmission, subsea pod, removal bond, construction insurance, sensitivity, demo project, commercial, small array, ICC, LRC, OM, AEP, net, M3 Wave, APEX, DMP, Delos-Reyes Morrow Pressure, WEC, wave, ocean, converter, harvester, submerged, pressure differential, stationary, seabed mounted, gravity base, projected, capacity factorDOE Project Details
Project Name Improved Survivability and Lower Cost in Submerged Wave Energy Device
Project Lead Tim Ramsey
Project Number EE0007345