Physical and Numerical Modeling Open Source Files and Datasets for 1:6 Scale Reference Model 2 (RM2) Cross-Flow Turbine
This submission includes Github links to open source files and data sets, including the numerical model, CACTUS, input files, source code and output files, CAD files of the 1:6 scale model DOE's RM2 cross-flow turbine, power performance data and wake flow measurements from the 1:6 scale model turbine collected at the University of New Hampshire, including experimental measurements of torque, thrust (drag), angular velocity, and carriage speed, which were used to generate plots of power coefficient and thrust (drag) coefficient vs. tip-speed-ratio.
Citation Formats
Sandia National Laboratories. (2015). Physical and Numerical Modeling Open Source Files and Datasets for 1:6 Scale Reference Model 2 (RM2) Cross-Flow Turbine [data set]. Retrieved from
Neary, Vincent, and . Physical and Numerical Modeling Open Source Files and Datasets for 1:6 Scale Reference Model 2 (RM2) Cross-Flow Turbine. United States: N.p., 30 Jun, 2015. Web.
Neary, Vincent, & . Physical and Numerical Modeling Open Source Files and Datasets for 1:6 Scale Reference Model 2 (RM2) Cross-Flow Turbine. United States.
Neary, Vincent, and . 2015. "Physical and Numerical Modeling Open Source Files and Datasets for 1:6 Scale Reference Model 2 (RM2) Cross-Flow Turbine". United States.
@div{oedi_7832, title = {Physical and Numerical Modeling Open Source Files and Datasets for 1:6 Scale Reference Model 2 (RM2) Cross-Flow Turbine}, author = {Neary, Vincent, and .}, abstractNote = {This submission includes Github links to open source files and data sets, including the numerical model, CACTUS, input files, source code and output files, CAD files of the 1:6 scale model DOE's RM2 cross-flow turbine, power performance data and wake flow measurements from the 1:6 scale model turbine collected at the University of New Hampshire, including experimental measurements of torque, thrust (drag), angular velocity, and carriage speed, which were used to generate plots of power coefficient and thrust (drag) coefficient vs. tip-speed-ratio.
}, doi = {}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2015}, month = {06}}
Data from Jun 30, 2015
Last updated Jul 20, 2020
Submitted Sep 15, 2016
Sandia National Laboratories
Vincent Neary
Original Source Areas
physical modeling, scaled modeling, model validation, CACTUS, hydrokinetic, numerical, physical, modeling, analysis, model, analyses, cross-flow, turbine, reference model, RM2, tidal, current, cross flow turbine, 16 scale, CAD, PythonDOE Project Details
Project Name Tidal device field measurement campaign to validate tools
Project Lead Alison LaBonte
Project Number FY16 AOP 1107041