NREL MOIS Data for NWEI Azura October 2015
NREL Modular Ocean Instrumentation System (MOIS) data files for the Azura grid-connected deployment at the 30-meter berth of the US Navy's Wave Energy Test Site (WETS 30m Site) at the Kaneohe Marine Corps Base Hawaii (MCBH) on the windward (northeast) coast of the island of Oahu, HI. See general documentation describing specifics of the data files and formats in a separate NREL submission (linked below).
Citation Formats
National Renewable Energy Laboratory. (2016). NREL MOIS Data for NWEI Azura October 2015 [data set]. Retrieved from
Nelson, Eric, and . NREL MOIS Data for NWEI Azura October 2015. United States: N.p., 24 May, 2016. Web. doi: 10.15473/1415181.
Nelson, Eric, & . NREL MOIS Data for NWEI Azura October 2015. United States.
Nelson, Eric, and . 2016. "NREL MOIS Data for NWEI Azura October 2015". United States.
@div{oedi_7795, title = {NREL MOIS Data for NWEI Azura October 2015}, author = {Nelson, Eric, and .}, abstractNote = {NREL Modular Ocean Instrumentation System (MOIS) data files for the Azura grid-connected deployment at the 30-meter berth of the US Navy's Wave Energy Test Site (WETS 30m Site) at the Kaneohe Marine Corps Base Hawaii (MCBH) on the windward (northeast) coast of the island of Oahu, HI. See general documentation describing specifics of the data files and formats in a separate NREL submission (linked below).}, doi = {10.15473/1415181}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2016}, month = {05}}
Data from May 24, 2016
Last updated Jul 9, 2021
Submitted May 25, 2016
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Eric Nelson
Original Source Areas
MHK, Marine, Hydrokinetic, energy, power, WEC, wave energy, ocean, renewable, electric power, generation, testing, Azura, NWEI, Northwest Energy Innovations, Hawaii, NREL, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, deployment, point, absorber, wave, WETS, wave energy test site, Hawaii Natural Energy Institute, Kaneohe Bay, modular, instrumentation, system, HI, Modular Ocean Instrumentation System, MOIS, US Navy, point absorber buoyDOE Project Details
Project Name In-water Wave Energy Conversion (WEC) Device Testing Support
Project Lead Jim Ahlgrimm
Project Number EE0006056