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Utah FORGE 2-2446: Report on Phase Field Modelling of Near-Wellbore Hydraulic Fracture Nucleation and Propagation

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This is a report that describes the modelling of fracture nucleation and propagation in the near-wellbore region to understand the relationship between in situ stress and fracture patterns. A novel phase field formulation is described here, which represents fractures as a diffuse variable, eliminating the need for re-meshing or an element insertion algorithm in modelling. Brief numerical results are also provided to demonstrate the capability of this method. Traditional phase field formulations focused only on fracture propagation; however, this formulation models both nucleation and propagation, extending previous work to hydraulic fracturing and implementing it in the GEOS simulation framework. This work was done as part of Utah FORGE Project 2-2446: "Closing the Loop Between In-situ Stress Complexity and EGS Fracture Complexity."

Citation Formats

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. (2023). Utah FORGE 2-2446: Report on Phase Field Modelling of Near-Wellbore Hydraulic Fracture Nucleation and Propagation [data set]. Retrieved from https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/1581.
Export Citation to RIS
Cusini, Matteo, and Fei, Fan. Utah FORGE 2-2446: Report on Phase Field Modelling of Near-Wellbore Hydraulic Fracture Nucleation and Propagation . United States: N.p., 31 Dec, 2023. Web. https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/1581.
Cusini, Matteo, & Fei, Fan. Utah FORGE 2-2446: Report on Phase Field Modelling of Near-Wellbore Hydraulic Fracture Nucleation and Propagation . United States. https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/1581
Cusini, Matteo, and Fei, Fan. 2023. "Utah FORGE 2-2446: Report on Phase Field Modelling of Near-Wellbore Hydraulic Fracture Nucleation and Propagation ". United States. https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/1581.
@div{oedi_7660, title = {Utah FORGE 2-2446: Report on Phase Field Modelling of Near-Wellbore Hydraulic Fracture Nucleation and Propagation }, author = {Cusini, Matteo, and Fei, Fan.}, abstractNote = {This is a report that describes the modelling of fracture nucleation and propagation in the near-wellbore region to understand the relationship between in situ stress and fracture patterns. A novel phase field formulation is described here, which represents fractures as a diffuse variable, eliminating the need for re-meshing or an element insertion algorithm in modelling. Brief numerical results are also provided to demonstrate the capability of this method. Traditional phase field formulations focused only on fracture propagation; however, this formulation models both nucleation and propagation, extending previous work to hydraulic fracturing and implementing it in the GEOS simulation framework. This work was done as part of Utah FORGE Project 2-2446: "Closing the Loop Between In-situ Stress Complexity and EGS Fracture Complexity."}, doi = {}, url = {https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/1581}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2023}, month = {12}}


Data from Dec 31, 2023

Last updated Feb 6, 2024

Submitted Feb 6, 2024


Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory


Matteo Cusini



Matteo Cusini

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Fan Fei

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Research Areas

DOE Project Details

Project Name Utah FORGE

Project Lead Lauren Boyd

Project Number EE0007080


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