Seismic Survey 2016 Data at Crescent Valley, Nevada
In September 2016, 989 vertical-component seismic instruments were deployed for 75 hours at the Crescent Valley greenfield geothermal play area in Nevada. Data were recorded 12/9/16 - 12/15/16. Data are stored in individual files in one-minute increments in SEGD formats. See the metadata in Crescent Valley Station Locations.sp1, Crescent Valley Observer Logs.xls, and the attached Metadata link for details about the seismic station locations, seismic data logger specifications, instrumentation specifications, descriptions of data, a fracture finding summary, and the final report for the 2016 seismic survey done in Crescent Valley, Nevada. Note that no discrete events were identified, and a 1750m x 2250m x 300m PSET volume of acoustic energy was delivered.
Citation Formats
University of Wisconsin - Madison. (2023). Seismic Survey 2016 Data at Crescent Valley, Nevada [data set]. Retrieved from
Lord, Neal, Heath, Ben, Guo, Hao, Warren, Ian, Bradshaw, Sabrina, Akerley, John, and Feigl, Kurt. Seismic Survey 2016 Data at Crescent Valley, Nevada. United States: N.p., 04 Dec, 2023. Web. doi: 10.15121/2369595.
Lord, Neal, Heath, Ben, Guo, Hao, Warren, Ian, Bradshaw, Sabrina, Akerley, John, & Feigl, Kurt. Seismic Survey 2016 Data at Crescent Valley, Nevada. United States.
Lord, Neal, Heath, Ben, Guo, Hao, Warren, Ian, Bradshaw, Sabrina, Akerley, John, and Feigl, Kurt. 2023. "Seismic Survey 2016 Data at Crescent Valley, Nevada". United States.
@div{oedi_7651, title = {Seismic Survey 2016 Data at Crescent Valley, Nevada}, author = {Lord, Neal, Heath, Ben, Guo, Hao, Warren, Ian, Bradshaw, Sabrina, Akerley, John, and Feigl, Kurt.}, abstractNote = {In September 2016, 989 vertical-component seismic instruments were deployed for 75 hours at the Crescent Valley greenfield geothermal play area in Nevada. Data were recorded 12/9/16 - 12/15/16. Data are stored in individual files in one-minute increments in SEGD formats. See the metadata in Crescent Valley Station Locations.sp1, Crescent Valley Observer Logs.xls, and the attached Metadata link for details about the seismic station locations, seismic data logger specifications, instrumentation specifications, descriptions of data, a fracture finding summary, and the final report for the 2016 seismic survey done in Crescent Valley, Nevada. Note that no discrete events were identified, and a 1750m x 2250m x 300m PSET volume of acoustic energy was delivered.}, doi = {10.15121/2369595}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2023}, month = {12}}
Data from Dec 4, 2023
Last updated Jul 9, 2024
Submitted Apr 23, 2024
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Kurt Feigl
Original Source Areas
geothermal, energy, WHOLESCALE, seismic, data, geophysics, Crescent Valley, hydrothermal, characterization, SEGD, subter, permeability, mapping, greenfield, Nevada, SP1, fracture, survey, geophoneDOE Project Details
Project Name WHOLESCALE Project
Project Lead William Vandermeer
Project Number EE0007698