Utah FORGE: Powder X-ray Diffraction Data from Well 16A(78)-32 Core
This dataset from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) consists of four raw X-ray diffraction (XRD) scans and preliminary results of quantitative XRD analysis. The scanned samples were prepared from four subcores, which came from various depths of the FORGE well 16A(78)-32 core. Desired core lengths were selected from available core photos (on GDR), provided by FORGE personnel, and subcored at LLNL. The XRD scans were collected in May 2023 at LLNL as pre-experimental characterization data for these subcores, which will be used in core-flooding experiments at LLNL and in triaxial direct shear experiments at Los Alamos National Laboratory as part of DOE Project 5-2428.
XRD scans are in RAW file format (e.g., FORGE-5477-full.raw) and are suitable for viewing and analysis using open-source quantitative XRD software (e.g., Profex; www.profex-xrd.org ) and/or other proprietary instrument software.
Citation Formats
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. (2023). Utah FORGE: Powder X-ray Diffraction Data from Well 16A(78)-32 Core [data set]. Retrieved from https://dx.doi.org/10.15121/1996421.
Kroll, Kayla, Davila, Gabriela, Kottkamp, Wayne, and Smith, Megan. Utah FORGE: Powder X-ray Diffraction Data from Well 16A(78)-32 Core. United States: N.p., 27 Jul, 2023. Web. doi: 10.15121/1996421.
Kroll, Kayla, Davila, Gabriela, Kottkamp, Wayne, & Smith, Megan. Utah FORGE: Powder X-ray Diffraction Data from Well 16A(78)-32 Core. United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.15121/1996421
Kroll, Kayla, Davila, Gabriela, Kottkamp, Wayne, and Smith, Megan. 2023. "Utah FORGE: Powder X-ray Diffraction Data from Well 16A(78)-32 Core". United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.15121/1996421. https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/1521.
@div{oedi_7610, title = {Utah FORGE: Powder X-ray Diffraction Data from Well 16A(78)-32 Core}, author = {Kroll, Kayla, Davila, Gabriela, Kottkamp, Wayne, and Smith, Megan.}, abstractNote = {This dataset from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) consists of four raw X-ray diffraction (XRD) scans and preliminary results of quantitative XRD analysis. The scanned samples were prepared from four subcores, which came from various depths of the FORGE well 16A(78)-32 core. Desired core lengths were selected from available core photos (on GDR), provided by FORGE personnel, and subcored at LLNL. The XRD scans were collected in May 2023 at LLNL as pre-experimental characterization data for these subcores, which will be used in core-flooding experiments at LLNL and in triaxial direct shear experiments at Los Alamos National Laboratory as part of DOE Project 5-2428.
XRD scans are in RAW file format (e.g., FORGE-5477-full.raw) and are suitable for viewing and analysis using open-source quantitative XRD software (e.g., Profex; www.profex-xrd.org ) and/or other proprietary instrument software.
}, doi = {10.15121/1996421}, url = {https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/1521}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2023}, month = {07}}
Data from Jul 27, 2023
Last updated Aug 24, 2023
Submitted Jul 29, 2023
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Kayla Kroll
Original Source
https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/1521Research Areas
geothermal, energy, Utah FORGE, FORGE, LLNL, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, XRD, X-Ray diffraction, core XRD, core X-ray diffraction, well core studies, Utah geothermal, 16A78-32, well 16A78-32, 16A78-32 XRD, geology, core, geochemistry, raw data, EGSDOE Project Details
Project Name Utah FORGE
Project Lead Lauren Boyd
Project Number EE0007080