Laboratory Drilling Test Data of PDC bits with Sierra White Granite Rock
This file contains unprocessed drilling data tests on Sierra White Granite (SWG) using two new PDC bits. The tests were conducted at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) in the Hard Rock Drilling Facility (HRDF). The collected data includes ROP data at rotational speeds of 80, 120, and 160 RPMs, with incremental weight on bit (WOB) up to 5100 lbs. The diameter of the 4-bladed and 5-bladed PDC bits was 3 3/4" and supplied by National Oilwell Varco (NOV). Five tests modes were conducted for both bits, which are as follow:
(1) Rigid configuration, with no vibration compliance
(2) Flywheel configuration
(3) Torsional compliance configuration
(4) Axial Compliance configuration
(5) Combined Axial and Torsional compliance configuration
Note: the WOB and torque in the drilling data should be calibrated by zeroing the WOB and torque when the drill bit tags the rock sample.
Citation Formats
Oklahoma State University. (2020). Laboratory Drilling Test Data of PDC bits with Sierra White Granite Rock [data set]. Retrieved from
Al Dushaishi, Mohammed, and Hareland, Geir. Laboratory Drilling Test Data of PDC bits with Sierra White Granite Rock. United States: N.p., 14 Oct, 2020. Web. doi: 10.15121/1842335.
Al Dushaishi, Mohammed, & Hareland, Geir. Laboratory Drilling Test Data of PDC bits with Sierra White Granite Rock. United States.
Al Dushaishi, Mohammed, and Hareland, Geir. 2020. "Laboratory Drilling Test Data of PDC bits with Sierra White Granite Rock". United States.
@div{oedi_7446, title = {Laboratory Drilling Test Data of PDC bits with Sierra White Granite Rock}, author = {Al Dushaishi, Mohammed, and Hareland, Geir.}, abstractNote = {This file contains unprocessed drilling data tests on Sierra White Granite (SWG) using two new PDC bits. The tests were conducted at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) in the Hard Rock Drilling Facility (HRDF). The collected data includes ROP data at rotational speeds of 80, 120, and 160 RPMs, with incremental weight on bit (WOB) up to 5100 lbs. The diameter of the 4-bladed and 5-bladed PDC bits was 3 3/4" and supplied by National Oilwell Varco (NOV). Five tests modes were conducted for both bits, which are as follow:
(1) Rigid configuration, with no vibration compliance
(2) Flywheel configuration
(3) Torsional compliance configuration
(4) Axial Compliance configuration
(5) Combined Axial and Torsional compliance configuration
Note: the WOB and torque in the drilling data should be calibrated by zeroing the WOB and torque when the drill bit tags the rock sample. }, doi = {10.15121/1842335}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2020}, month = {10}}
Data from Oct 14, 2020
Last updated Jan 27, 2022
Submitted Jan 26, 2022
Oklahoma State University
Mohammed Al Dushaishi
Original Source Areas
geothermal, energy, PDC bits, Drilling vibrations, Drilling testing, Sierra White Granite, SWG, raw data, Hard Rock Drilling Facility, HRDF, drill bits, drill bit testing, performance test, drill bit test, Torsional compliance, axial compliance, combined axial and torsional complianceDOE Project Details
Project Name Real-Time Drilling Optimization System for Improved Overall Rate of Penetration and Reduced Cost/Ft in Geothermal Drilling
Project Lead Alexandra Prisjatschew
Project Number EE0008603