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Utah FORGE: Well 16A(78)-32 Planned Trajectory

Publicly accessible License 

This submission includes an Excel spreadsheet containing the Utah FORGE deep well 16A(78)-32 planned trajectory including UTM coordinates, elevations, and depths from the well head to the toe. This proposed new injection well is expected to descend vertically to a depth of approximately 1810 m and then extend laterally at an angle to a MD of approximately 3290 m and a maximum vertical depth of approximately 2584 m. There is approximately 1500 m of basin fill at the well head, and less than that above the simulation region with the targeted reservoir region fully enclosed in granitoid basement. The last 60 m of the well will be open hole. Drilling is planned for October 2020.

Please direct questions to the Utah FORGE team: utahforge@utah.edu and check the Utah FORGE website: https://utahforge.com after October for more information.

Citation Formats

Idaho National Laboratory. (2020). Utah FORGE: Well 16A(78)-32 Planned Trajectory [data set]. Retrieved from https://dx.doi.org/10.15121/1632156.
Export Citation to RIS
Podgorney, Rob, and Nash, Greg. Utah FORGE: Well 16A(78)-32 Planned Trajectory. United States: N.p., 24 Mar, 2020. Web. doi: 10.15121/1632156.
Podgorney, Rob, & Nash, Greg. Utah FORGE: Well 16A(78)-32 Planned Trajectory. United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.15121/1632156
Podgorney, Rob, and Nash, Greg. 2020. "Utah FORGE: Well 16A(78)-32 Planned Trajectory". United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.15121/1632156. https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/1216.
@div{oedi_7348, title = {Utah FORGE: Well 16A(78)-32 Planned Trajectory}, author = {Podgorney, Rob, and Nash, Greg.}, abstractNote = {This submission includes an Excel spreadsheet containing the Utah FORGE deep well 16A(78)-32 planned trajectory including UTM coordinates, elevations, and depths from the well head to the toe. This proposed new injection well is expected to descend vertically to a depth of approximately 1810 m and then extend laterally at an angle to a MD of approximately 3290 m and a maximum vertical depth of approximately 2584 m. There is approximately 1500 m of basin fill at the well head, and less than that above the simulation region with the targeted reservoir region fully enclosed in granitoid basement. The last 60 m of the well will be open hole. Drilling is planned for October 2020.

Please direct questions to the Utah FORGE team: utahforge@utah.edu and check the Utah FORGE website: https://utahforge.com after October for more information.}, doi = {10.15121/1632156}, url = {https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/1216}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2020}, month = {03}}


Data from Mar 24, 2020

Last updated May 17, 2021

Submitted Apr 30, 2020


Idaho National Laboratory


Rob Podgorney




Rob Podgorney

Idaho National Laboratory

Greg Nash

Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah

Research Areas

DOE Project Details

Project Name Utah FORGE

Project Lead Lauren Boyd

Project Number EE0007080


Submission Downloads