University of Illinois Campus Deep Direct-Use Feasibility Study - Long-Term Meteorological Data
This submission includes meteorological data recorded by National Weather Service at University of Illinois Willard Airport, Savoy IL for period 1972 to 2018. This data is for use in parameterizing the demand and life-cycle assessments associated with the project, and provides information about energy loads for the buildings being included in the DDU applications. This includes how energy demand fluctuates with seasonal changes in climate, which is used to model expected demand for the DDU system.
*Note: All times are reported in local standard time.
NC: Wind Chill/Heat Index do not meet the required thresholds to be calculated.
cli-MATE: MRCC Application Tools Environment
Generated at: 2/7/2018 8:52:33 AM CST
m = missing data
Date = year-month-day
Time = 24 hour clock
Temp_F = temperature (deg. fahrenheit)
RH_pct = relative humidity (percent)
Dewpt_F = dew point (deg. fahrenheit)
WindSpeed_mph = wind speed (miles/hour)
WindDir_deg = wind direction (deg. from north)
PeakWindGust_mph = peak wind gust (miles/hour)
Visibility_mi = visibility (miles)
AtmPress_hPa = atmospheric pressure (hectopascals)
Precip_in = precipitation (inches)
Citation Formats
University of Illinois. (2018). University of Illinois Campus Deep Direct-Use Feasibility Study - Long-Term Meteorological Data [data set]. Retrieved from
Lin, Yu-Feng, and . University of Illinois Campus Deep Direct-Use Feasibility Study - Long-Term Meteorological Data. United States: N.p., 30 Mar, 2018. Web. doi: 10.15121/1458558.
Lin, Yu-Feng, & . University of Illinois Campus Deep Direct-Use Feasibility Study - Long-Term Meteorological Data. United States.
Lin, Yu-Feng, and . 2018. "University of Illinois Campus Deep Direct-Use Feasibility Study - Long-Term Meteorological Data". United States.
@div{oedi_7208, title = {University of Illinois Campus Deep Direct-Use Feasibility Study - Long-Term Meteorological Data}, author = {Lin, Yu-Feng, and .}, abstractNote = {This submission includes meteorological data recorded by National Weather Service at University of Illinois Willard Airport, Savoy IL for period 1972 to 2018. This data is for use in parameterizing the demand and life-cycle assessments associated with the project, and provides information about energy loads for the buildings being included in the DDU applications. This includes how energy demand fluctuates with seasonal changes in climate, which is used to model expected demand for the DDU system.
*Note: All times are reported in local standard time.
NC: Wind Chill/Heat Index do not meet the required thresholds to be calculated.
cli-MATE: MRCC Application Tools Environment
Generated at: 2/7/2018 8:52:33 AM CST
m = missing data
Date = year-month-day
Time = 24 hour clock
Temp_F = temperature (deg. fahrenheit)
RH_pct = relative humidity (percent)
Dewpt_F = dew point (deg. fahrenheit)
WindSpeed_mph = wind speed (miles/hour)
WindDir_deg = wind direction (deg. from north)
PeakWindGust_mph = peak wind gust (miles/hour)
Visibility_mi = visibility (miles)
AtmPress_hPa = atmospheric pressure (hectopascals)
Precip_in = precipitation (inches)}, doi = {10.15121/1458558}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2018}, month = {03}}
Data from Mar 30, 2018
Last updated Jul 2, 2018
Submitted Apr 19, 2018
University of Illinois
Yu-Feng Lin
Original Source Areas
geothermal, energy, DDU, Deep Direct-Use, University of Illinois, meteorological, Willard Airport, National Weather Service, weatherDOE Project Details
Project Name Geothermal Heat Recovery Complex: Large-scale, Deep Direct-Use System in a Low-Temperature Sedimentary Basin
Project Lead Arlene Anderson
Project Number EE0008106