Utah FORGE: TEM and Gravity Data
This submission includes a gravity data in text format and as a GIS point shapefile and transient electromagnetic (TEM) raw data. Each text file additionally contains location data (UTM Zone 12, NAD83) and elevation (meters) data for that station.
The gravity data shapefile was in part downloaded from PACES, University of Texas at El Paso, http://gis.utep.edu/subpages/GMData.html, and in part collected by the Utah Geological Survey (UGS) as part of the DOE GTO supported Utah FORGE geothermal energy project near Milford, Utah. The PACES data were examined and scrubbed to eliminate any questionable data. A 2.67 g/cm^3 reduction density was used for the Bouguer correction.
The attribute table column headers for the gravity data shapefile are explained below. There is also metadata attached to the GIS shapefile.
name: the individual gravity station name.
HAE: height above ellipsoid [meter]
NGVD29: vertical datum for geoid [meter]
obs: observed gravity
ERRG: gravity measurement error [mGal]
IZTC: inner zone terrain correction [mGal]
OZTC: outer zone terrain correction [mGal]
Gfa: free air gravity
gSBGA: Bouguer horizontal slab
sCBGA: Complete Bouguer anomaly
Citation Formats
Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah. (2018). Utah FORGE: TEM and Gravity Data [data set]. Retrieved from https://dx.doi.org/10.15121/1452733.
Hardwick, Christian, and Nash, Greg. Utah FORGE: TEM and Gravity Data . United States: N.p., 05 Feb, 2018. Web. doi: 10.15121/1452733.
Hardwick, Christian, & Nash, Greg. Utah FORGE: TEM and Gravity Data . United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.15121/1452733
Hardwick, Christian, and Nash, Greg. 2018. "Utah FORGE: TEM and Gravity Data ". United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.15121/1452733. https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/1002.
@div{oedi_7163, title = {Utah FORGE: TEM and Gravity Data }, author = {Hardwick, Christian, and Nash, Greg.}, abstractNote = {This submission includes a gravity data in text format and as a GIS point shapefile and transient electromagnetic (TEM) raw data. Each text file additionally contains location data (UTM Zone 12, NAD83) and elevation (meters) data for that station.
The gravity data shapefile was in part downloaded from PACES, University of Texas at El Paso, http://gis.utep.edu/subpages/GMData.html, and in part collected by the Utah Geological Survey (UGS) as part of the DOE GTO supported Utah FORGE geothermal energy project near Milford, Utah. The PACES data were examined and scrubbed to eliminate any questionable data. A 2.67 g/cm^3 reduction density was used for the Bouguer correction.
The attribute table column headers for the gravity data shapefile are explained below. There is also metadata attached to the GIS shapefile.
name: the individual gravity station name.
HAE: height above ellipsoid [meter]
NGVD29: vertical datum for geoid [meter]
obs: observed gravity
ERRG: gravity measurement error [mGal]
IZTC: inner zone terrain correction [mGal]
OZTC: outer zone terrain correction [mGal]
Gfa: free air gravity
gSBGA: Bouguer horizontal slab
sCBGA: Complete Bouguer anomaly}, doi = {10.15121/1452733}, url = {https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/1002}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2018}, month = {02}}
Data from Feb 5, 2018
Last updated Mar 12, 2020
Submitted Feb 5, 2018
Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Greg Nash
Original Source
https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/1002Research Areas
geothermal, energy, Utah FORGE, gravity data, gravity, geophysics, Roosevelt Hot Spring, Milford, Mineral Mountains, Utah, GIS, ArcGIS, geospatial data, geophysical, survey, shapefile, shape file, data reduction, bouger anomaly, corrections, transient electromagnetic data, TEM data, geophysical data, Roosevelt Hot Springs, geospatial, electromagnetics, Frontier observartory for research in geothermal energy, FORGE, text file, time-domain em, TEM, EGS, processed data, raw dataDOE Project Details
Project Name Utah FORGE
Project Lead Lauren Boyd
Project Number EE0007080