CO2 Push-Pull Single Fault Injection Simulations
ASCII text files containing grid-block name, X-Y-Z location, and multiple parameters from TOUGH2 simulation output of CO2 injection into an idealized single fault representing a dipping normal fault at the Desert Peak geothermal field (readable by GMS). The fault is composed of a damage zone, a fault gouge and a slip plane. The runs are described in detail in the following:
Borgia A., Oldenburg C.M., Zhang R., Jung Y., Lee K.J., Doughty C., Daley T.M., Chugunov N., Altundas B, Ramakrishnan T.S., 2017. Carbon Dioxide Injection for Enhanced Characterization of Faults and Fractures in Geothermal Systems. Proceedings of the 42st Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 13-17.
Citation Formats
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. (2017). CO2 Push-Pull Single Fault Injection Simulations [data set]. Retrieved from
Borgia, Andrea, Oldenburg, Curtis, Zhang, Rui, Pan, Lehua, Daley, Thomas M., Finsterle, Stefan, Ramakrishnan, T.S., Doughty, Christine, Jung, Yoojin, Lee, Kyung Jae, Altundas, Bilgin, and Chugunov, Nikita. CO2 Push-Pull Single Fault Injection Simulations. United States: N.p., 21 Sep, 2017. Web. doi: 10.15121/1452722.
Borgia, Andrea, Oldenburg, Curtis, Zhang, Rui, Pan, Lehua, Daley, Thomas M., Finsterle, Stefan, Ramakrishnan, T.S., Doughty, Christine, Jung, Yoojin, Lee, Kyung Jae, Altundas, Bilgin, & Chugunov, Nikita. CO2 Push-Pull Single Fault Injection Simulations. United States.
Borgia, Andrea, Oldenburg, Curtis, Zhang, Rui, Pan, Lehua, Daley, Thomas M., Finsterle, Stefan, Ramakrishnan, T.S., Doughty, Christine, Jung, Yoojin, Lee, Kyung Jae, Altundas, Bilgin, and Chugunov, Nikita. 2017. "CO2 Push-Pull Single Fault Injection Simulations". United States.
@div{oedi_7142, title = {CO2 Push-Pull Single Fault Injection Simulations}, author = {Borgia, Andrea, Oldenburg, Curtis, Zhang, Rui, Pan, Lehua, Daley, Thomas M., Finsterle, Stefan, Ramakrishnan, T.S., Doughty, Christine, Jung, Yoojin, Lee, Kyung Jae, Altundas, Bilgin, and Chugunov, Nikita.}, abstractNote = {ASCII text files containing grid-block name, X-Y-Z location, and multiple parameters from TOUGH2 simulation output of CO2 injection into an idealized single fault representing a dipping normal fault at the Desert Peak geothermal field (readable by GMS). The fault is composed of a damage zone, a fault gouge and a slip plane. The runs are described in detail in the following:
Borgia A., Oldenburg C.M., Zhang R., Jung Y., Lee K.J., Doughty C., Daley T.M., Chugunov N., Altundas B, Ramakrishnan T.S., 2017. Carbon Dioxide Injection for Enhanced Characterization of Faults and Fractures in Geothermal Systems. Proceedings of the 42st Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 13-17.}, doi = {10.15121/1452722}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2017}, month = {09}}
Data from Sep 21, 2017
Last updated Jun 14, 2018
Submitted Mar 1, 2018
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Andrea Borgia
Original Source Areas
geothermal, energy, CO2 injection, Fault characterization, Fault imaging, Seismic imaging, EGS, TOUGH2, GMS, fractures, permeable flow paths, permeability characterization, identification, carbon dioxide, injection, production, fault sensitivity, fault system, fracture system, rock properties, fluid mechanics, pressure transient, stimulation, reservoirDOE Project Details
Project Name Push-pull well testing using CO2 with active source geophysical monitoring
Project Lead Sean Porse
Project Number EE0000842