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High-Temperature Self-Healing Geothermal Cement Composites

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A presentation with notes showing an overview of the last 6 months of the project on high-temperature self-healing inorganic cement composites. General approach, test methods and results for the self-healing cement composites are presented. Data include strength recoveries for 9 cement composites in three curing environments (water, alkali carbonate, brine) at 300 degC, bond strength measurements for cement/carbon steel samples, thermal shock tests, performance of healing aids. The presentation was shown during the joint SPE/GRC workshop on March 22 in San Diego, California

Citation Formats

Brookhaven National Laboratory. (2017). High-Temperature Self-Healing Geothermal Cement Composites [data set]. Retrieved from https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/922.
Export Citation to RIS
Pyatina, Tatiana, and Sugama, Toshifumi. High-Temperature Self-Healing Geothermal Cement Composites. United States: N.p., 21 Mar, 2017. Web. https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/922.
Pyatina, Tatiana, & Sugama, Toshifumi. High-Temperature Self-Healing Geothermal Cement Composites. United States. https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/922
Pyatina, Tatiana, and Sugama, Toshifumi. 2017. "High-Temperature Self-Healing Geothermal Cement Composites". United States. https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/922.
@div{oedi_7094, title = {High-Temperature Self-Healing Geothermal Cement Composites}, author = {Pyatina, Tatiana, and Sugama, Toshifumi.}, abstractNote = {A presentation with notes showing an overview of the last 6 months of the project on high-temperature self-healing inorganic cement composites. General approach, test methods and results for the self-healing cement composites are presented. Data include strength recoveries for 9 cement composites in three curing environments (water, alkali carbonate, brine) at 300 degC, bond strength measurements for cement/carbon steel samples, thermal shock tests, performance of healing aids. The presentation was shown during the joint SPE/GRC workshop on March 22 in San Diego, California}, doi = {}, url = {https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/922}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2017}, month = {03}}


Data from Mar 21, 2017

Last updated Jan 27, 2020

Submitted Apr 19, 2017


Brookhaven National Laboratory


Tatiana Pyatina



Tatiana Pyatina

Brookhaven National Laboratory

Toshifumi Sugama

Brookhaven National Laboratory

Research Areas

DOE Project Details

Project Name Self-healing and Re-Adhering Cements with Improved Toughness at Casing and Formation Interfaces for Geothermal Wells

Project Lead Eric Hass

Project Number FY17 AOP 3216


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