Acquisition and Processing of a Detailed Aeromagnetic Survey Glass Buttes, Oregon
Using an ultra-light aircraft, a high-resolution aeromagnetic survey was carried out over Ormat Nevada's Glass Buttes project area in Oregon. Survey operations were completed on May 25, 2010.
Average terrain clearance was 223 meters from the sensor. A total of 1,352 line-miles of aeromagnetic data were acquired. Processed survey data includes a total magnetic intensity map, reduced to pole (TMI) map, horizontal gradient (RTP) map, tilt derivative (RTP) map, and a horizontal gradient map of the tilt derivative grid.
Citation Formats
Ormat Nevada Inc. (2010). Acquisition and Processing of a Detailed Aeromagnetic Survey Glass Buttes, Oregon [data set]. Retrieved from
Akerley, John, and . Acquisition and Processing of a Detailed Aeromagnetic Survey Glass Buttes, Oregon. United States: N.p., 27 May, 2010. Web. doi: 10.15121/1495420.
Akerley, John, & . Acquisition and Processing of a Detailed Aeromagnetic Survey Glass Buttes, Oregon. United States.
Akerley, John, and . 2010. "Acquisition and Processing of a Detailed Aeromagnetic Survey Glass Buttes, Oregon". United States.
@div{oedi_7048, title = {Acquisition and Processing of a Detailed Aeromagnetic Survey Glass Buttes, Oregon}, author = {Akerley, John, and .}, abstractNote = {Using an ultra-light aircraft, a high-resolution aeromagnetic survey was carried out over Ormat Nevada's Glass Buttes project area in Oregon. Survey operations were completed on May 25, 2010.
Average terrain clearance was 223 meters from the sensor. A total of 1,352 line-miles of aeromagnetic data were acquired. Processed survey data includes a total magnetic intensity map, reduced to pole (TMI) map, horizontal gradient (RTP) map, tilt derivative (RTP) map, and a horizontal gradient map of the tilt derivative grid.}, doi = {10.15121/1495420}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2010}, month = {05}}
Data from May 27, 2010
Last updated Jan 27, 2020
Submitted Oct 3, 2016
Ormat Nevada Inc
John Akerley
Original Source Areas
geothermal, oregon, aeromagnetic, magnetic survey, aeromagnetics, geophysics, horizontal gradient, RTP, tilt derivative, magnetic anomaly, TMI, OR, survey map, location map, survey lines, magnetic anomaly map, total magnetic intensity, reduction to pole, magnetics, Glass Buttes, reduced to pole, report, mapDOE Project Details
Project Name Merging High-Resoultion Geophysical and Geochemical Surveys to Reduce Risk at Glass Buttes, Oregon
Project Lead Mike Weathers
Project Number EE0002836